The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 68: Lu Tianjian is dead

Although Su Yang left, Hou Xiangdeshi's birthday feast continued.

What happened in the main hall of the Hou family was tightly sealed by the Hou family, and people outside had no idea what had happened.

Lin Qingru was absent-minded all night, because she was still thinking about what happened just now.

How could it be easy for Su Yang to let Hou Xiangde come out to greet him in person?

Although Lin Qingru didn't know what was going on, she knew very well that Su Yang is definitely no longer the child of the poor family.

She couldn't help thinking about herself and Su Yang, or Su Yang was not bad. At least, Liao Yuxuan does not have the qualifications to become a shareholder of Qingyun Clubhouse, and he is not even qualified to be welcomed into the main building by Hou Xiangde to attend the birthday banquet!

Liao Yuxuan sat next to him and looked at Lin Qingru like that, he knew what Lin Qingru was thinking, and he couldn't help being extremely annoyed.

However, Liao Yuxuan did not reveal anything on his face. After the banquet was over, he drove Lin Qingru away as usual.

When passing through a secluded area, he suddenly took out a bottle from his body and sprayed a cloud of water mist at Lin Qingru.

Lin Qingru didn't have any defense at all, was sprayed, and went into a coma.

Liao Yuxuan had a hideous face and gritted his teeth and said: "Lin Qingru, you stinky bitch, now you want to be thrown into Su Yang's arms? Damn, I tell you, this is impossible. I will **** you tonight, and you will do it all your life. It's Lao Tzu's!"


Su Yang didn't know what happened after he left. In fact, even if he knew, he wouldn't care. Because Lin Qingru is nothing at all to him, he is still worried about how to get rid of this marriage!

Early the next morning, Su Yang received a call from Hou Shilin and got a shocking news: Fatty's father, Lu Tianjian, died in prison at five in the morning!

Su Yang immediately got up, and while arranging for Hou Shilin to investigate what was going on, he contacted Fatty and told Fatty the news.

Upon receiving this news, the fat man almost fainted.

"How could this happen? How could this happen? My dad is in good health. How could he just die like this when he is so young?" The fat man almost shouted wildly.

"Don't get excited!" Su Yang said solemnly, "Someone must be making a ghost in this matter. Moreover, my uncle has been dead for less than twelve hours, so I can save him!"

"Huh?" The fat man was taken aback for a moment, and said anxiously: "Su Yang, you really have a way to save my dad? Is this true?"

"As long as it does not exceed twelve hours, there is no problem!" Su Yang paused, and said in a deep voice: "However, I need to prepare something. I will ask Hou Shilin to pick you up. You should go and see what is going on first. Coming soon!"

Putting down the phone, Su Yang immediately took out the Destiny Book.

Among the medicines recorded on the first page of the Tianming Baodian, there is a medicine called Jiupin Huihun Pill, which can live and die.

The Ninth-Rank Soul Recovery Pill is a profound-level pill. Under normal circumstances, it can only be refined by practicing to the profound-level realm.

However, the Destiny Book also records a simplified version of the soul-returning pill, which can be refined at the yellow level, but requires some special medicinal materials.

Su Yang called Master Fang, and after a while, Master Fang rushed to Su Yang's house.

Master Fang's expression is much better than before. It is the result of practicing the secret method Su Yang taught him.

"Master Fang is so anxious to let me come over, I don't know what to order!" Master Fang respectfully said.

Su Yang said, "Have you heard of Jiuhan Grass?"

"Nine Cold Grass?" Master Fang thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it, what is this?"

"Forget it!" Su Yang waved his hand. This Nine Cold Grass was recorded in the Destiny Book, but it was an extremely rare thing, and it seemed that not many people knew it.

Su Yang asked: "Then do you know any drugs that are particularly cold?"

Master Fang immediately said: "This is more, cold water stones, big green leaves, prunella vulgaris..."

"I'm not talking about this. These medicines are not cold enough." Su Yang interrupted Master Fang: "I want medicines that are very cold."

"Uh..." Master Fang scratched his head and said, "This, how heavy is heavy?"

Su Yang: "Compared to the drugs you just mentioned, the coldness is a thousand times heavier!"

"Huh?" Master Fang's eyes widened: "Where is there such a medicine?"

Su Yang frowned. This is indeed the case. Ordinary drugs do not have such a severe coldness.

"Master, I have never heard of such a cold medicine..." Master Fang paused and said in a low voice, "However, I have a magic weapon, which is very cold. Master, are you going to use it? What are you here for?"

"Magic artifact?" Su Yang was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and said: "Bring me your magical artifact!"

Master Fang took out a tightly wrapped box and handed it to Su Yang: "This is it."

Su Yang opened it and saw that it was filled with a jade short sword, about three inches long, green all over, and exuding a cold atmosphere.

"This is Jiuhan Jade?" Su Yang exclaimed.

Jiuhan Jade is a thing recorded in the Book of Destiny, and it is rarer than Jiuhan Grass. According to the records of the Destiny Book, Jiuhan Jade is a material that can be used to forge mysterious-level magic weapons, and it hardly exists on earth.

Unexpectedly, the jade short sword that Master Fang took out was actually made of Jiuhan jade.

"What is Jiuhan Jade?" Master Fang asked in surprise.

Su Yang glanced at Master Fang and said, "Is this your magic weapon?"

With embarrassment on his face, Master Fang said in a low voice, "Master Qi, this is not my magic weapon, but I got it by accident."

Su Yang said, "You can't use this magic weapon at all."

"It's true." Master Fang said helplessly: "This magical item is very cold. I originally thought it should be a good magical item. However, no matter how I infuse my mana, I can't use this magical item. On the contrary. , The cold inside gradually started to bite me back, and I didn’t dare to touch it anymore."

"This is normal!" Su Yang waved his hand and said, "A magical item made of Jiuhan Jade, unless you can reach the spiritual silence period, you can't use it at all."

"Spiritual silence period?" Master Fang's eyes widened: "How is that possible? Spiritual silence period, that is a realm that only exists in legends. When you reach this realm, you are called a land god, flying heaven and earth to be omnipotent, yes A real fairy!"

"The Spiritual Silent Period is only able to use this magic weapon, not able to fully control this magic weapon." Su Yang stretched his hand over the jade sword, and a black air came out of his hand and enveloped the jade sword.

In the envelope of this black energy, light began to circulate in the jade sword, as if being awakened by Su Yang.

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