The Superstar Happned To Find Me

Chapter 429: Forget stupid, still bad!

This babysitter is stupid and stupid. Mr. Zhang has long seen her unpleasant, but because his wife's family invited him, Mr. Zhang could not offend his wife's family, so he has to bear it until now.

At this time, he yelled "idiot", hung up the phone and walked to the elevator.

Mo Qishan hugged Tangtang and sent her "little brothers" away. When they arrived in the lobby, they saw Mr. Zhang shouting at a middle-aged woman holding her child.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, they crowded around curiously: "Mr. Zhang, what's the matter? Hurry up and lower the fire and calm down."

Mr. Zhang pointed to the middle-aged woman: "This is our babysitter. It's so stupid. The child is not taken to the hospital when he is sick. Bring me here! Can I see a doctor?"

The middle-aged woman hugged the child tightly, lowered her head, and Ren Zhang scolded **** heads, and did not say a word.

Mo Qishan looked at the woman quite pitifully, and stood up and reminded: "Since the child is sick, don't delay and go to the hospital! Did Mr. Zhang come over and drive today? I didn't drive, so I can take my car and go over— "

Mr. Zhang snorted and said to Mo Qishan: "Then I will bother the chairman."

The babysitter looked up at Mr. Zhang in surprise.

My wife went to travel with the little sisters yesterday. Mr. Zhang ate with the children at home and drove out alone.

Came to the company this morning, but didn't drive?

Where did he go last night?

Seeing the babysitter raised his eyes to look at him, Mr. Zhang suddenly gave the babysitter a threatening look and warned her not to think randomly.

He went to his lover while his wife was not at home last night, and the lover drove him over this morning.

Had it not been for the nanny now blocking the door, he should now be on the top floor of the tourist restaurant and have a romantic lunch with his lover!

Today, everything is really going wrong.

Mr. Zhang counted all the grievances on the nanny, and he really wanted to swallow the nanny.

The poor babysitter has been holding the baby for a while, her arms are sour and swollen, afraid that one accidentally will drop the baby to the ground, so he cautiously stepped forward, "Sir, do you want to hug the young master?" "

The three-year-old boy, unlike Tangtang, who is round and fleshy, he is particularly cute. He is a premature baby with a weak body and an unhealthy pale skin. At the moment, his face is stained with an abnormal blush, and he is curled up in the nanny. In his arms, his eyelids drooped listlessly.

Hearing that the nanny was going to hand him to Mr. Zhang, the boy reluctantly twisted, put his face into the nanny's arms, and hummed, "No, no..."

It's fine if the child is not close to him. Now in front of so many people, I would rather let a stupid nanny hug than him!

Is this still his kind?

Mr. Zhang forcefully took the child from the nanny's arms, and the little boy opened his eyes suddenly, struggling to get back into the nanny's arms.

The nanny felt sorry for the child, and quickly loosened his arm, wanting to get the child back as soon as possible.

Mr. Zhang deliberately hugged the little boy aside for a certain distance, letting him be as far as possible from the nanny.

When the little boy saw it, he burst into tears.

The child's physical foundation is weak, even crying, it is not as loud as Huo Zekai, the whole building has to be heard, there is a feeling of being out of breath, making people feel tight when listening.

Mo Qi Shanxin said that this one is really not something!

Forget stupid, still bad!

To my own son, he is so bad! Let alone to other people!

I like the top-liu brother picked me up, please collect it: ( The top-liu brother picked me up, and the literature update is the fastest.

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