Chapter 150 Another group of superpowers!

Hearing McLaren say this, Akafir couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "What big case?"

“Didn’t you do what happened in the underground vault of the National Reserve Bank of China?” Seeing the doubt in the other party’s tone, McLaren said in a daze.

“The underground vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of China?”

 Hearing this, Akafiel immediately searched for relevant information.

As a result, we saw the theft of the underground vault of the National Reserve Bank of China.

"Although I have a very good understanding of the security level of the underground vault of the Bird Fed Bank, even if the security of the underground vault of the Bird Fed Bank is watertight, it is normal for some ghosts to steal some gold nuggets. How could it make you think of me? Yes." Akafiel said unexpectedly.

"The report you read is only a small part. The underground vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of China was not simply stolen, but was directly emptied!"

McLaren's shocking words made Akafir stunned, "Empty? Do you mean that all the gold in the underground vault of the Federal Reserve Bank has been emptied?"

“Well, it wasn’t an ordinary theft, but within a few minutes.

I have already seen the investigation data they compiled. All the surveillance footage has been checked and no manipulation has been done.

A few minutes before the incident, all the gold nuggets were still inside the vault, but after the incident, all the gold nuggets disappeared completely, and the doors of the warehouses where the vaults were hidden were all in good condition. It was as if he simply disappeared out of thin air. "

After McLaren said this, Akafiel finally understood why McLaren made this call to him.

"Interesting, what you said is that there is really no other way to do this except superpowers. No wonder you think of me." Akafiel immediately said with a smile.

“So if it wasn’t you, then someone under you did it?” McLaren said immediately.

“We have a total of three research institutes here, and currently have no more than a hundred superpowers. Among them, there are indeed superpowers who have the ability to directly and silently sneak into the underground vault of the Bird Federal Reserve Bank to steal gold nuggets.

However, it is really impossible to completely empty the gold nuggets in the underground bank vault of the National Reserve Bank of China in just a few minutes without being discovered. "Akafir denied.

“Then you mean that what happened this time must not have been done by you?”

 “With the abilities of the superpowers we currently create, this is not possible.”

“Have your medicines ever been leaked?”

“No, to create a person with superpowers, the drug you need to use is a Group B drug. We strictly control this drug.

Even when it is used for experiments, it is checked at all levels to prevent the possibility of leakage.

 The most important thing is that anyone who knows this medicine will know that the success rate of this medicine is only one percent.

Of the 10,000 children who took the drug, except for the 100 who survived and turned on their superpowers, the other 9,900 children all died when their heads exploded.

 With this level of success rate of medication, it is impossible for anyone to steal it.

If we really want to steal it, we will definitely have to wait for our Group B to further develop new drugs. At present, we have just achieved some success and are expected to reduce part of the failure rate. However, even if this part of the research is successful, the current results are still far from being able to be used normally. "

"If you say that, then the matter this time may be even bigger. After all, if it wasn't your people who took action, the underground vault was indeed stolen. Doesn't it mean that there is another group of super-powered people?" I thought. McLaren had a premonition of something bad here.

 Akafir also fell into silence at this time.    Indeed, if this matter was not done by them.

 And this thing is so weird that there is no other way to do it except super powers.

That can only mean that there are other people with super powers in the world.

I don’t know why, but a name suddenly flashed in Akafir’s mind.

 He immediately clicked on the relevant information and read it again.

"According to what you said, there is only one person I can think of at the moment. This is a Chinese, and he came into my sight not long ago."

 “Chinese? Are you a person with super powers?”

"I don't know, but this person is a bit weird. Our people are also investigating. Previously, Kevis asked me to send superpowers to track and investigate this person. This person also has medicine that can cure all diseases, and his body The quality is even more amazing.

 He alone killed five of our thugs who had taken temporary A medicine.

 The fighting power is astonishing. This would be impossible without taking some similar drugs.

After all, given his age, even if he had practiced some fighting skills and exercised his body since his mother's womb, he would not have been able to increase his physical strength to the point where he could take on five of our masters alone.

And it’s an instant kill level.

 So Kevis suspected that he was also researching drugs similar to ours. "

“If there is such a thing, then why shouldn’t this person focus on investigating it?”

"There is no way we haven't found a suitable superpower person here who can be dispatched to track and investigate him, but there is some pretty good news at the moment. Our GPP company has received this person's invitation to cooperate. I guess we can take advantage of this opportunity. This cooperation will deepen our contact with this person and further understand the intelligence behind him."

“Is there really another organization in the world that can develop similar drugs? Doesn’t your drug have to be made by adding some kind of substance from the alien meteorite?

 There seems to be no news of this kind of meteorite falling in China. "

“Indeed, there hasn’t been one, but only in recent years. But what if we push it forward a few decades? How about hundreds of years? Who knows if there are similar meteorites that have fallen into China and were not discovered until recently?”

“But even so, before the drug is fully researched, would they release an experimental subject with such fanfare and attract such great attention?

This is different from the conventional research mentality. Isn’t it true that only when this thing is complete will we find a suitable opportunity to release it? "McLaren thinks this is a bit of a problem.

"Actually, I have the same idea as you in this regard, so I also feel that there are many weird things about this matter that I haven't figured out yet, but at least there is a clear goal in front of me. I will invest in the new B drug as soon as possible. More experiments will be conducted to try to create a superpower who can track and investigate this person as soon as possible.

 At that time all the information will be clear. "

“Then I’ll wait for your news. If you can get the information that the Chinese State has such superpowers, then we can directly accuse the Chinese State of sending people to steal the gold nuggets and force them to release further relevant information.”

 (End of this chapter)

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