Chapter 362 Don’t look at it, I’m talking about you

Maybe everyone doesn’t understand.

Why does Lu Li value these old shoes so much?

Isn’t it just a style shoe?

Is it necessary to pay so much attention?


Lu Li saw a picture of another world.

In that world,

Daddy shoes became one of the most fashionable shoes in the world as soon as they came out.

No matter which brand it is, they are scrambling to design old shoes.


The price is much higher than ordinary board shoes and basketball shoes.


It’s because of the peculiar shape of the old daddy’s shoes.

Everyone has a pair of old shoes,

Wearing it out will attract a lot of people’s attention.

Oh my god,

His shoes are so handsome.

In this era of pursuing special cases alone, the old shoes are the representative of fashion.


This is the purpose of Lu Li’s eagerness to design this shoe.

Ten o’clock in the morning the next day.

Lu Li woke up from his sleep.


He dreamed of becoming the most famous painter in the world.


He woke up.


This dream is terrible.

How is this possible.

How can I become the most famous painter in the world.

I can’t even draw a pair of shoes.

If I became a painter, and it was the most famous kind in the world.

How bad is the level of painting in our world!

Oh my god,

This is really a nightmare.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, Lu Li’s cell phone rang.

It was from Xu Yuan.


“The third child, where are you tm! You won’t be still sleeping, right?”

Xu Yuan’s tone was very excited.

“Yes what’s the matter?”

“It’s ten o’clock! Teacher Du’s class is about to start in two minutes. You will be late if you don’t come.”


Lu Li jumped off the bed as soon as he finished speaking.


I overslept again!

“Second, why didn’t you call me earlier.”

“Hehe, look at the phone records yourself. I have been calling you since half past nine. You haven’t answered.”

Lu Li touched his head, a little embarrassed.

“Um…Second, you can take a seat for me, and I will come right away.”

“All right, then you will sneak in through the back door.”


It was already ten twenty when Lu Li arrived in the classroom.

Du Yiqing’s class has started for twenty minutes.

He sneaked in through the back door and found a seat to sit down.

Standing on the stage giving a lecture was a woman in a white dress.

She has a very delicate appearance, wearing black-rimmed glasses and her hair tied up high.


Is an intellectual beauty.

At least, Du Yiqing’s style is no different from the beautiful classroom that Lu Li had imagined in his mind.


Lu Li at the moment can’t take care of these.

He looked at Du Yiqing’s eyes,

Only money.

Du Yiqing frowned slightly.

She stared at Lu Li, very upset in her heart.

This student,

Not only was he late, but he had been staring at himself since he came in.

And that look,

Very aggressive.

Du Yiqing coughed, she said solemnly,

“Please listen carefully to the classmates sitting at the door, and don’t keep staring at the teacher. The teacher is a woman you can’t get.”

Lu Li snickered.

Who is such a rascal, staring at her all the time.

Lu Li looked around to find the man in Du Yiqing’s mouth.

Du Yiqing frowned,

“Stop looking, I’m talking about you.”

Lu Li pointed to his nose.



next moment,

Loud laughter erupted from the audience.

“Hahaha, I’m so funny. Why is this boy so funny.”

“It’s you, don’t look for it, hahahaha.”

“This boy is so stupid, how can he keep staring at our beautiful teacher Du.”

“That is, just like us, watching and studying at the same time. So that Teacher Du won’t find out.”

“Hey, this classmate is still too young.”

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