The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1006: Yang Fan being targeted


There was a sound of metal crashing. Although the axe in Yang Fan's hand was small, it was very hard. Ren Xiangyang's long axe slashed on it, leaving no traces.

what? !

The people in the Demon Sect and Tiangongyuan who looked at them were shocked, but they didn't expect Yang Fan to be able to resist the full blow of the next Immortal Realm powerhouse.

Yang Fan was equally surprised. Ren Xiangyang's power just now fell on the small axe given by the lord, and very little power was transmitted to Yang Fan.

"Donkey, your scales in the shape of the ancient dragon are really hard enough, and you have the ability to dissolve power."

Yang Fan's gaze towards Lord Lv was extremely fiery, making Lord Lv cold all over.


Lu Ye did not answer, nor did he want to answer.

"Boy, fight with me, dare to be distracted?"

Ren Xiangyang was furious and waved the long axe again with a strong wind. Yang Fan didn't rush, his legs were lightly in the air, and his body fell freely like a dandelion.

With one foot on the long axe, a huge force headed towards Ren Xiangyang. Ren Xiangyang's face changed slightly. He rotated his body and used his huge inertia to not only dissolve Yang Fan’s dark energy, but also condense on the long axe. There was a sharp wind blade,

In this way, you don't need a long axe to smash Yang Fan, creating a wind-type sharp blade to hit Yang Fan, you can die or be disabled.

"You're too late!"

Just when Yang Fan was about to evade, Ren Xiangyang in front of him suddenly appeared behind him, the long axe wind blade in his hand was only less than two meters away from Yang Fan.

"Be careful!"

Chen Shuyue exclaimed, her strength is very weak, when she reacted, when she saw it, Ren Xiangyang's attack was about to hit.

"Haha, it's over!"

Ren Xiangyang laughed, as if he had seen Yang Fan split in half by his own long axe.

Flash time work!

Yang Fan thought silently in his heart, a force of time enveloping his body. At this moment, the time of everyone around was frozen, and only Yang Fan could act.

But strictly speaking, the time of these people is not frozen, but Yang Fan jumped out of this time period and used the ability of flashing time to go to the 0.2 second time in the future.

Almost at the moment when Yang Fan used the flashing power, Yang Fan appeared behind Ren Xiangyang out of thin air, condensing a magic trick with his hands and slapped it fiercely.


A large mouthful of golden blood spouted from Ren Xiangyang's mouth, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

He didn't understand what happened.


Qin Hengtian frowned, he could not see when Yang Fan appeared behind Ren Xiangyang.


The middle-aged person in the Immortal Emperor Realm of Tiangongyuan was also puzzled.

In his gaze, there was no trace of movement. It is impossible for Yang Fan to speed far beyond his reaction time. If that were the case, it would be terrible.

In fact, for these people, Yang Fan appeared out of thin air, just like something suddenly appeared in a stop-motion cartoon, without the slightest sign.

Round screen·side prison!

Without giving Ren Xiangyang a chance to react, he stared at Samsara in his eyes, and the four wheel shadows that only Yang Fan could see quickly rushed towards Ren Xiangyang.

The hapless Ren Xiangyang was kicked around like a ball by the shadows of the four rounds. It is hard to imagine that a strong man in the fairyland was actually hanged and beaten by a kid from the big Luojin fairyland.


Ren Xiangyang was about to speak, but was hit in the mouth by a round screen shadow, his speech was interrupted, and then the whole person went to the opposite side.

"Let me down..."

He came to the other side again, before the last word was spoken, the whole person was kicked into the air again, and a severe pain came from his abdomen, and he was forced to stop.

"Let me down or die!"

Don't know how long it has passed, Ren Xiangyang finally found an opportunity to speak out the flower he wanted to talk about, but Yang Fan didn't mean to stop at all.

No matter how powerful the Xianzun realm's body is, it can't stand such a kick. It didn't take long for Ren Xiangyang's whole body to be broken. The most guilty thing was his handsome cheeks and cheeks, which became like pigs' heads.

"Dianzhu Xu, I remember, he seems to be the Yang Fan the dean said he wanted to catch."

Next to the middle-aged immortal emperor in Tiangongyuan, a young immortal monk whispered.

"It does resemble it."

A portrait appeared in the hands of a middle-aged man named Xu Dianzhu, and the figure in front had five similarities with Yang Fan.

"Dianzhu Xu, was this portrait painted by the ruthless saint when he explored the Avenue of Causality?"

As a strong man in the fairy state, he had some contact with the avenue, and he vaguely felt a hint of causality on the portrait.

"Yes, it is indeed painted by a ruthless saint."

Dianzhu Xu nodded, without any intention to conceal it.

"Why does the ruthless saint look for such a person? Is he so talented and worthy of the Tiangongyuan?"

The young Immortal Realm powerhouse in front of him is an elder of Tiangongyuan, named Fang Ren. Because of his high talent, he reached the Immortal Realm at over one million years old. Therefore, Wang Chi, the dean of Tiangongyuan, made an exception to allow him to serve as an elder while also serving as the hall master for recruiting disciples. His status was not low.

"No. Don't you think it's unusual for the Yin Yang Temple and the Ice Temple to have five people sanctified one after another?"

Dianzhu Xu shook his head and said, Fang Ren, as the elder of Tiangongyuan, is qualified to be exposed to such secrets, so he does not intend to hide it.

"It's really unusual. There used to be one or two people who were sanctified in a short period of time, but today the sanctification time between these two forces is too short. There is absolutely something we don't know about."

"So the ruthless saint who is proficient in the avenue of cause and effect took action. Through the avenue of cause and effect, the ruthless saint has found something vaguely, but there is a mysterious power blocking the saint's exploration. And this person is the result of the ruthless saint's detection. The saint said that these two The sanctification of the temple master of this power has something to do with him."

"Then we will catch him back first. If it is the person you are looking for, then Palace Master Xu, you are a great achievement. It will not be a problem to become a great elder in the future."

Before he knew it, Fang Ren had begun to tout Dianzhu Xu.

"Hahaha! Fang Ren, you are right. When I become the elder, you will be the first in charge of the law enforcement hall from now on."

Fang Ren's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly saluted.

"Thank you, the lord, then I will go now."

"Hey? Don't be in a hurry now, let's see what this kid is capable of. If it's not the person you're looking for, it's not bad to let him join the sect."


At this moment, the round screen shadow had returned to Yang Fan's body, Ren Xiangyang collapsed to the ground, twitching slightly, and his body was dripping with blood, and the increase brought by the previously burned blood also disappeared at this moment. The system takes me to practice the latest chapter address: system takes me to practice the full text reading address: system took me to practice txt download address: system took me to practice mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1006 is the target of Yang Fan). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The system takes me to practice", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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