The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 900: The shock of Zhao's senior management

Yang Fan looked down at him, but he had already turned on the combat effectiveness tester in his heart.


After a while, a high value appeared on Yang Fan's retina.

1.4 million!

After opening the Super Tournament II mode, Yang Fan's strength directly reached the peak of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, and he was only one step away from entering the Great Luo Realm.

Seeing this, Yang Fan was not satisfied, his body arched slightly, and the Xian Yuan Power in his body began to continuously impact each acupuncture point.

At the same time, there was a burst of severe pain, which was a side effect of opening the Eight Gate Dunjia Array. The severe pain made Yang Fan groan.


The combat power value has changed again.

1.5 million!

The combat power of 1.5 million is already comparable to that of the powerhouse on the fifth floor of the Great Luojin Wonderland. It is obvious that after some training, Yang Fan's strength has improved.

"I won't be able to return to the fairyland in a short time, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, my practice is not based on absorbing the fairy aura. The big deal is to directly detonate the best fairy crystal and release the fairy aura inside. Anyway, I have a lot of it. "

With this thought in mind, Yang Fan entered the practice again.

At this time, in the hall of discussion of the Zhao family, sitting on the main seat facing the door was an old man whose appearance was somewhat similar to that of Zhao Qiankun. He was Zhao Qiankun's father, Zhao Hongyuan, the first emperor of the Huoyuan Kingdom.

And sitting next to Zhao Hongyuan is Zhao Qiankun. Although Zhao Qiankun is the current Patriarch of the Zhao family, he still has to respect his elders.

On both sides of the main seat, there is the real power elder of the Zhao family. Everyone is very powerful, and the weakest is also in the early stage of the robbery.

"Patriarch, don't know what is going on calling us here this time?"

Located in the first position on the left, there is an old man with white hair, as tender as a baby, with a red face, like a fairy grandfather.

He is the great elder of the Zhao family, named Zhao Hongye, and his realm has reached the early stage of Mahayana, and his status is second only to Zhao Qiankun. Generally speaking, if Zhao Qiankun is not there, the Zhao family is basically up to him. At the same time, the old man is still Zhao Qiankun's third uncle.

Zhao Qiankun didn't answer, his eyes were swept over all the elders with real power one by one, and finally he looked at his father.

"Father, as well as many uncles and elders, what I want to say today concerns the future of my Zhao family and is also the key to the rise of my Zhao family."

Hearing these words, everyone, including Zhao Hongyuan, sat up straight and listened carefully.

"I met someone not long ago, a person who is very powerful and I can't see through, his name is Yang Fan."

Everyone in the room looked at each other and waited for the following.

"He said he came from fifty thousand years later."

After speaking, Zhao Qiankun looked at other people and wanted to know how these people reacted.

Zhao Hongyuan and many of the Zhao family elders showed weird looks, their expressions seemed to say, are you kidding me.

"Everyone, I know you won’t believe it when you hear this news. In fact, I didn’t believe it until he showed me some pictures of the future. The pictures show that in the future, my Zhao family will establish a country and establish a new name called Huoyuan. The country of the country, and the capital that was set there after the Lin Family, the source city of the fire extinguished, was overthrown."


The whole hall was so quiet that breathing could be heard.

"Yang Fan also said that when the demons invade, it will be the day when my Zhao family rises."

Zhao Qiankun broke the news again and fryed the pot all at once.

"Wait, Patriarch, did you just say that the demons will invade?"

The second elder of the Zhao family spoke, his voice a little hoarse.

Zhao Qiankun nodded, and then revealed Yang Fan's plan in its entirety, hoping that the senior leaders of the Zhao family could be prepared.

For a long time, everyone was silent, not because the demons were about to invade, but what benefits they needed to get after the Zhao family established the fire country.

"What do you think?"

Zhao Qiankun said.

"Patriarch, since God destined my Zhao family to establish a fire country, we should follow the will of God. When the demons invade, it is the day when my Zhao family rises."

Grand Elder Zhao Hongye stood up and said loudly.

According to his thoughts, after the founding of the Zhao family, the position of the emperor was impossible for him. There was a high probability that the Patriarch would be the head of the family. As for the elders with real power, he should be a king anyway.

The common goal for a time has firmly tied the Zhao family's senior leaders together and laid a solid foundation for the Zhao family to establish a fire country.

"In addition, Daoyou Yang just gave me something."

Zhao Qiankun took out the exercises Yang Fan had given him and a bottle of pill.

"this is!!!"

Zhao Hongyuan and a group of elders exclaimed, showing greed.

"Everyone can use these exercises to practice, and each one will have a pill."

Zhao Qiankun opened the jade bottle, and suddenly a pill fragrant came.

"Good fragrance, Patriarch, what kind of pill is this? How does it make me feel refreshed."

Zhao Hongye looked curiously, knowing that his current realm was in the early days of Mahayana, and even after he smelled it, he felt a sense of looseness in his realm, let alone others.

"Dayan good luck pill, hurry up and eat it, it can improve your physique."

When everyone heard it, they were immediately overjoyed.

One by one, they lined up to get one, and then swallowed it no matter what the occasion was.


Not long after the few people swallowed the pill, they felt their realm begin to loosen, and at the same time a layer of dirt appeared on their body, emitting an unbearable odor.

These Zhao family executives blushed immediately, without saying much, and went straight down to wash.

It didn't take long for the group to come back again, with a happy smile on everyone's face.

"Thank you Patriarch."

These senior Zhao family thanked Zhao Qiankun from the bottom of their hearts, because Zhao Qiankun could completely swallow these pills.

"Don't thank me, I'm also helping myself. You can copy a copy of these exercises and take them back to practice. Then it's time for our Zhao family to hoard our strength."

"Also, Daoyou Yang is a ninth-grade pharmacist. If you have channels, you can buy more medicinal materials. In the future, we will need a lot of pills. The more the better."

Everyone was surprised again, and there were too many things that shocked them today.


The high-level Zhao family and his entourage left, and Zhao Qiankun's order was soon passed on. Suddenly, the entire Zhao family was mobilized and entered the era of rising.

half year later.

In the Zhao Family Medicine Forest, Yang Fan's body came out of the Gravity Room, his body exuding a smell of sweat, and his clothes were in tatters. People who didn't know thought that Yang Fan had been out begging for food in the past six months.

"Ontology, it took you so long to come out, look at your embarrassed look, you really look like a beggar."

A shadow clone who cultivated the Saint Step of Mingxin couldn't help but ridicule.

"Do you know, you are talking about yourself."

Yang Fan gave a white glance, and each person's shadow clone is actually the embodiment of his own personality, which is equivalent to finding a body for these personalities.

I like the system to take me to practice. Please collect it: ( The system takes me to practice. The literature update is the fastest.

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