The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 907: The predecessor of the Apothecary Union

"Listen to what you mean, the strength of the Medicine Refining Pavilion is not very strong."

It takes tens of thousands of years for a force to develop, especially in a world where it may die at any time, it is even more difficult to develop.

As early as after Yang Fan joined the Divine Sword Gate, Yang Fan understood that the establishment of the Divine Sword Gate was not easy. There had been several dangers of being destroyed. In the end, they relied on Sword Invincible to resist. The Excalibur Gate.

"It is also said that it is not very weak, but the pavilion master is a strong man who crosses the Tribulation Period, and is also a seventh-rank alchemist."

When saying this, the female shopkeeper showed admiration,

"Is the Seventh-Rank Alchemist very strong?"

For Yang Fan, when Yang Fan first came to Wuyuan Continent, he was directly drawn to the Emperor Pin Alchemist qualification certificate, so from the beginning, Yang Fan looked down on such low-level pharmacists and didn’t know much about them. What abilities can a pharmacist have.

The female shop's face was speechless, when did the seventh-rank alchemist's status be very low.

"Where is the headquarters of your medicine refining pavilion?"

Yang Fandao planned to go and see what the top power in the future looks like now.

"what are you going to do?"

The female shopkeeper showed a vigilant look, thinking that Yang Fan was the enemy of Alchemy Pavilion.

"Don't be nervous, I am also a pharmacist."

Yang Fan took out a badge, but it was the fifth-grade pharmacist badge issued by the pharmacist union in the future, which was still assessed in the pharmacist branch of Fengyuan City.

"this is?!!"

Yang Fan has observed that the current medicine refining pavilion has exactly the same logo as the future medicine refining union, so he guessed that the badges issued should be similar.

"Unexpectedly, you are already a Tier 5 pharmacist at a young age, very good, and the future is unlimited. But I am very curious, why I have never heard of someone like you who is talented in alchemy?"

The female shopkeeper looked Yang Fan up and down, as if looking at her prey.

"Listen to you, you have a very high position in the Medicine Refining Pavilion?"

"Fortunately, I am an elder in the headquarters and a fifth-grade alchemist."

With that said, the female store showed her her badge to Yang Fan, as well as a medicine refining pavilion token with a mark engraved on it.

"Interesting, now you can tell me where the headquarters is."

After the female store hesitated, she finally agreed.

"It just so happens that I'm going to the headquarters too, come with me."

While talking, the female shopkeeper closed the shop, smiled at Yang Fan, and then took Yang Fan to the inner city of Huoyuan City.

"The headquarters is here?"

Yang Fan said in surprise.

"This is natural. I heard from the pavilion lord that I won't move out in the future."

The female shopkeeper smiled charmingly and secretly looked at Yang Fan, only to see that Yang Fan was curious about everything around her, she knew that Yang Fan had never been to Huoyuan City.

"where are you from?"

When the two were walking on the street, the female shopkeeper asked suddenly.

"Are you copying my information?"

Yang Fan knows exactly what the female shopkeeper is thinking, so he doesn't mean to be intrigued.

"No, I'm just curious about what it is like to be able to give birth to a talented monk like you."

"I, I come from a small place called Earth, as small as a dozen or so of the Fire Source City. There is a country called Huaxia there, and I was born there."

A lot of memories were awakened, and Yang Fan increasingly wanted to go back to the earth to take a look. After going back by himself, the earth had changed drastically.

"It's so small, there is no need to establish a country, and the name of this country is so strange."

The female store frowned slightly.

The current Five Sources Continent is not without countries, but it is impossible that countries occupying the entire continent like the five major countries in the future can exist. Because the forces here are entangled in the wrong roots, the Zhao family will have to spend a lot of money to occupy other places after they occupy the fire source city in the future. But all of this doesn't make Yang Fan worry about it anymore. If you can't even do this well, then you still don't want to build a nation. After this, Yang Fan is probably about to return to real time and space.

As for what method to use, Yang Fan had already thought about it. When urging the jade talisman, he would use spatial means, then be sucked into the long river of time, and finally use the time gem. As for whether it can succeed, it depends on the fate.

"Yes, it's almost five thousand years old."

The female shopkeeper pouted. Five thousand years is a long enemy for mortals, but there are really many monks who are more than five thousand years old, and there are even tens of thousands of years old, such as the Xuanwu clan.

"It's only five thousand years. Do you know how long my refining pavilion has been established?"

"how long?"

"It's almost 30,000 years."

The female store showed pride.

Yang Fan's mouth twitched, only 30,000 years ago, who gave you the confidence and made you so proud.


The female store said.

In front of the two of them, there was a wooden building with only three floors, and there was a plaque at the door that read the words "Refining Medicine Pavilion".

The Medicine Refining Pavilion is located next to the city street. If you are not familiar with this place, I am afraid that there is a high-level power here.

"Don't you think the headquarters of your medicine refining pavilion should be built larger? It's not grandiose at all."

"The headquarters of Alchemy Pavilion does not specialize in selling pills. The main responsibility is to issue badges for senior alchemists."

The female shopkeeper looked at Yang Fan as if she were looking at a fool. In her opinion, there are still people who don't know what the headquarters is for a high-level power like the Medicine Pavilion.

In fact, this is not to blame Yang Fan, because the headquarters of the future pharmacist union will also be in the business of selling pills.

"Come with me."

The female shopkeeper shook her head, regardless of what Yang Fan thought, and walked towards the pavilion.

"I was actually despised by a mortal."

Yang Fan touched his nose and followed.

Entering the medicine refining pavilion, if you are not thinking about the crowded scenes, there are only a few people in the deserted hall.

The floor of the hall is made of hard basalt stone. As soon as you enter the building, you can smell a strong pill fragrance.

"It's actually a seventh-grade golden marrow pill."

The golden marrow pill is a kind of pill that can repair congenital or acquired damaged physique. The medicinal materials are relatively rare, and the refinement is a bit high. It is generally used for examination questions for the eighth-grade refining pharmacist.

The female shopkeeper was surprised, "You can actually smell the golden marrow pill, it's not easy."

"What's so rare about this. To be honest, as long as I want to, I can still refine the elixir."

The female shopkeeper snorted and laughed out loud. In her opinion, Yang Fan was simply bragging not to draft.

"I'm very curious, the palace master of your medicine refining pavilion is only a sixth-rank pharmacist. How can anyone come to evaluate an eighth-rank pharmacist?"

"You are still not issued by my medicine refining pavilion for the five-rank alchemist? Here, the pavilion master is not the highest grade, the highest is the senior medicine saint."

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