Princess Yanyang was shocked first, and then silent again.

After a long time, she spoke again.

"who are you?"

"I helped the Zhao family build the country 150,000 years ago."

When Yang Fan said this, Princess Yan Yang was shocked again.

"I understand, but you only saved me because I have the Zhao family blood?"

Princess Yanyang asked in doubt.

"Not all, there is one thing I don't know if I should say it."

Yang Fan was a little entangled, whether he wanted to tell the truth he knew.

"Please say."

"Do you believe in reincarnation?"

"You mean hell?"

Yang Fan nodded.

"I didn't believe it, but now you say that, I suddenly believe it a little bit."

"That's it, then I'll tell you. In your previous life, you were the eighth sister of the first Fire Emperor, and the first eldest princess of Huoyuan Country."

The so-called eldest princess is the emperor's sister.

Princess Yanyang opened her mouth wide and couldn't believe it.

"Don't be so surprised, I didn't believe it at first, but later I used my magical powers to check it out, and in the end I was sure that you were Zhao Xin's reincarnation."


The words of Princess Yanyang have two meanings.

One is Yang Fan's intention to tell this matter to himself. The second is the fundamental reason why Yang Fan saved himself.

Yang Fan frowned, knowing the meaning of Princess Yanyang's words.

"What are you going to do next, not curious about the past life?"

Princess Yanyang shook her head, her eyes still carrying death.

"My only relative in the entire Huoyuan Kingdom is dead, and it's meaningless to live, so there is no point in saving me."

"Save you only to determine cause and effect. Back then, I and Zhao Yin, the sixth fire emperor, were good brothers, so his descendants are in danger, and I still can't save you. But if you insist on seeking death, I will not stop him.

Yang Fan's tone was very flat and expressionless, he had already done what he had to do, and the rest was up to Princess Yanyang to choose.

Princess Yanyang is still unmoved, her eyes still have death will.

The two looked at each other for a long time, but in the end Yang Fan couldn't sit still and speak first.

"Look at what this is."

Yang Fan raised his hand, and an illusory soul body was suspended in the palm of his hand.

Princess Yanyang looked at her, her face suddenly changed, but on the palm of Yang Fan's hand was the soul of Fire Emperor Ji Mingwu.


Princess Yanyang's voice became choked, tears from the corners of her eyes kept falling.

"Don't worry, your father is not dead in the true sense right now, and his soul is still intact. I can resurrect him at any time as long as I want."

Princess Yanyang was shocked first, and then she was happy.

"Can you really resurrect the father?!"

Yang Fan nodded, but then shook his head again.

"I can resurrect him completely, but why should I do this."

When Yang Fan said so, Princess Yanyang's face turned pale.

Not long after, Princess Yanyang raised her head, with a resolute look on her face, said.

"Go ahead, what do you want me to do."

Yang Fan smiled slightly.

"Very simple, help me take care of the Divine Sword Gate."

Princess Yanyang frowned, "Take care of the Divine Sword Gate? Just rely on my current strength?"

"No, your strength needs to be improved by yourself, and your father needs to be resurrected by yourself. Only in this way can you make up your mind to practice. By the way, your father's soul can only save ten thousand. Years, when the time comes, the soul will be wiped out. At that time, I am afraid that only the saints can resurrect him.

This is Yang Fan's motivation for Princess Yanyang and the purpose of saving her.

Yang Fan could see that Princess Yanyang's cultivation aptitude was not low, and if she could stimulate her talent, she believed that she would soon become an immortal and lead the Divine Sword Sect to glory again.

However, this was the last time Yang Fan did it for the Divine Sword Sect. From then on, he would not care about the Divine Sword Sect and let it develop. Whether you set foot on the peak of the Five Sources Continent, it doesn't matter whether it is destroyed, it has nothing to do with Yang Fan.

"How about, do you agree?"

Princess Yanyang nodded.

"Then take an oath of Heaven, take care of the Divine Sword Gate for me, and try not to let it go down, and you won't be restricted by your freedom."


It didn't take long for Heaven to drop two golden lights, which fell into the center of the two men's eyebrows respectively.

"In that case, let's go."

The voice fell, and a spatial fluctuation swallowed the two.

In the next second, on the top of the hill where the Divine Sword Gate was, Yang Fan and Princess Yanyang appeared out of thin air. Just after appearing, I saw the high-level collectives of the Divine Sword Gate appear. There were nervous expressions on their faces, and their eyes focused on the front. In front of them, there was a man wearing a black dragon robe, who was the Demon Emperor.

Emperor Mo Tian stood quietly in front of the city wall of the Divine Sword Gate, closed his eyes, and let everyone watch. He did not move, as if waiting for something.

With the appearance of Yang Fan, Mo Tiandi suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Yang Fan, and hurriedly arched his hands.


"It's said that we are peers, there is no need to be so polite."

Princess Yanyang looked around curiously, and noticed that the Demon Emperor wearing a black dragon robe was puzzled. It was just that when she saw the mark representing the identity of the Demon Race on the Demon Emperor, she was immediately shocked and dumbfounded.

After thinking about it carefully, he immediately guessed the identity of the person in front of him.


Soon, many senior officials from the Excalibur Gate came over and saluted Yang Fan.

"Why are you all here?"

Yang Fan wondered.

"Master Hui, a month ago, this person suddenly appeared in front of the Divine Sword Gate Mountain. We thought he was an enemy, so we have been confronting him here."

Twenty-three swords.

"Didn't you tell him what happened between us?"

Mo Tiandi shook his head.

"Fine, let's leave now."


"You take this, don't worry that someone from the Underworld will come over and take away your father's soul. There are people in my place."

Everyone was horrified.

Yang Fan handed the beads that had wrapped the fire emperor's soul to Princess Yanyang.

"This bead is so hard that it cannot be broken by non-fairies, and there is no need to worry about losing it."

After all, Yang Fan pointed a finger on the bead, and there was no special effect.

"Ladies, goodbye, maybe I won't be back in the future, you guys... just do it yourself."

While speaking, a jade talisman appeared in Yang Fan's hand. It was the return jade talisman given by the elder of the Demon Gate, and it was also effective to use in future time and space.

"Gongsend Patriarch!!!!"

At this moment, everyone at the Divine Sword Gate bowed down one after another.

Yang Fan was a little touched, before the tears came out, he hurriedly moved the jade charms and disappeared into the mortal world with the Demon Emperor.

In the void passage, Yang Fan and Mo Tiandi squeezed into the small protective barrier of jade charms, and the surrounding colorful streamers flowed back quickly.

"where is this place?"

Mo Tiandi was surprised by the scenery in front of him.

"The passage to the fairyland mainly relies on this jade talisman, but there is a token, but it is not on me."

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