The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 947: Dragon Meat BBQ


A dragon clan powerhouse with pale blue skin all over shouted, looking at Yang Fan with so cold eyes.

"Go to hell."

The blue-skinned dragon monk was furious and directly attacked Yang Fan.

"Longdi, don't go over. You are not his opponent."

One of the other three dragons yelled, but this simply couldn't make a person who had been extremely angry enough to wake up.

And this strong dragon clan called Longdi clenched his fists with both hands and blasted towards Yang Fan.

"Dragon Fist!!!"

A black dragon-shaped energy quickly approached Yang Fan, because it was too close, Yang Fan had no chance to escape.


A violent explosion fell on Yang Fan, and the aftermath of horror swept hundreds of kilometers around him, and everything he passed was turned into dust.


The dragon clan powerhouse who reminded Longdi earlier did not dare to talk.

"Hmph, that kid himself only has the strength of the first level of the Taiyi Golden Fairyland. Now that the realm is soaring so fast, he can't grasp this huge power at all. The strength that can be displayed is naturally impossible..."

Another Dragon Clan powerhouse with a huge dragon horn on his head, he is the strongest among the four now, reaching the second floor of the Great Army's Golden Wonderland, and his name is Long Ba.

Because it is the eighth in the family, so I call it this name.

Just before Long Ba finished speaking, the soaring smoke of the explosion disappeared, and Yang Fan appeared intact.

"Dust Escape·The Technique of Stripping the Original Realm!"

I saw Yang Fan's palms of both hands aligning with the Dragon Land, his thumb and index finger forming a triangle, and the immortal power and yin and yang divine power in his body were mobilizing to form a small gray ball.

Almost as soon as Yang Fan made his gesture, the small gray ball instantly turned into a rectangular parallelepiped, enveloping the dragon ground in it, and then emitted a weird black light.

The black light disappeared, there was no longer the shadow of the Dragon Land in the place, and even the soul was destroyed by the dust.

"Oh, the yin and yang divine power has actually been used to this point. With the three attributes of the immortal power as the medium, the special attributes of the yin and yang divine power are used to destroy the soul. He is indeed a young man with extraordinary talent.

The Supreme Saint showed curiosity, and Yang Fan's attack principle was directly seen through.

"Ding, kill the tenth-tier powerhouse in Taiyi Golden Wonderland, get 140,000 points, 1.4 million essences of exercises, and 1,000 Qi Yun."

"Next, it's your turn."

Yang Fan's lavender reincarnation writing wheel looked at the remaining three people, and the three of them felt a feeling of being stared at by the gods of death.

"No, let's go together, don't give him a chance to use spells."

Long Ba said in a deep voice, and his mind directly revealed his body.

A humanoid creature with a height of more than 100 meters and a bit like a dinosaur appeared. Except for the shape of a human, the others were more like pieces of dinosaur organs on a human body.

Roar! !

The other two dragon clan powerhouses also showed their own bodies, and only after a breath of time, the three of them finished their transformations.

"Dragons are so powerful!"

The disciples of Xianwuzong standing together in the guardian formation of Xianwuzong sighed with emotion.

These three are the mainstays among the many disciples of Xianwu Zong.

Zhan Tiancheng, Xiao Chenquan and Zeng Zhuojun, who have the title of "Tutor".

Zeng Zhuojun is the tenth core disciple of the Immortal Wuzong and a newly promoted core disciple. He has a high cultivation talent and his strength is not lower than some elders. Such a talent is also at the top among the geniuses of the same grade, so Xu Shixiong, the master of Xianwu Sect, gave him the title of "Tutor". Another meaning of this title is that Zeng Zhuojun can become a teaching elder.

"Zeng Zhuojun, when Yang Fan started this strange form just now, could you beat him?"

Fighting the sky.

The mentor Zeng Zhuojun has a 30-year-old appearance, just promoted to Daluo Jinxian, with slightly fat cheeks, a stubborn head, and his eyes fixed on Yang Fan.

"I don't know, I need to fight to know. If it's Yang Fan now, I won't be his opponent in many ways."

Zeng Zhuojun shook his head helplessly. From the beginning of his cultivation to the present, Yang Fan was the first person to put a lot of pressure on him in his cultivation path.

"I'm definitely not his opponent, what grade of genius is he?"

Xiao Chenquan watched Yang Fan deal with two big Luo Jinxians alone, and one Taiyi Jinxian was still at ease, and he couldn't bring up the slightest intent to fight.

Bang bang bang!

Three huge dragon-shaped creatures used their huge bodies as weapons and smashed at Yang Fan.

A joke flashed in Yang Fan's eyes, making a fist with his right hand, punching in the air, and flying the dragon. Then he used Space Avenue again, and came behind a blue-skinned dragon in a flash, with a golden light spot condensed in his hand.

"Shattered finger!"

The extremely powerful light beam penetrated directly through the blue-skinned dragon head, the brain plasma inside flowed out from the tiny hole, and the breath became slightly narrow. Although this kind of attack is strong, it is not very lethal. The main reason is that the skill level of the Shattered Finger is not high.


A scream came from the mouth of the blue-skinned dragon clan, Yang Fan did not wait for him to move, put one hand on his huge head, and the reincarnation eye human world ability was activated.

The soul of this dragon clan powerhouse was pulled out, and the huge body that had lost his soul instantly collapsed to the ground, and the vitality in his body quickly dissipated.


A group of illusory souls was held in Yang Fan's palm. Without a physical body, this blue-skinned dragon clan powerhouse would not even be Yang Fan's opponent.

"Yuhun, absorbed him."


Yuhun's blade touched the dragon soul, horrible suction came, and the soul body's dragon screamed, and he could only watch his soul being absorbed little by little.

"Stop it, do you want to live with my dragon clan forever?"

Long Ba said solemnly, rushing towards Yuhun, trying to prevent Yuhun from absorbing the souls of the same race.

"I never die? So what!"

Yang Fan said coldly.

With a wave of a big hand, a force of space put away the body of the dragon clan powerhouse who has lost the soul. The rare dragon clan body is a very good food material.

"Lord Lord, this dragon flesh body will trouble you. Let's cook a dragon meat barbecue for many disciples and elders."

The blue space gem appeared in Yang Fan's hands, directly teleporting the dragon body to the lord who was secretly observing in the corner.

Yang Fan's move really shocked the senior officials of Xian Wuzong, who actually sent things in through the Huzong Great Formation. What kind of method was this?

For a while, many disciples and elders of Xianwu Zong looked at Lord Lv, who sweated on his forehead and cursed Yang Fan for dragging himself into the water.

"Brother Yang, let me forget it. Dragon meat is not delicious. After all, I and them are of the same kind to a certain extent. How can I eat the same kind of food."

I like the system to take me to practice, please collect it: ( The system takes me to practice. The literature update is the fastest.

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