The preacher smiled, wondering what the opportunity he was talking about.

"No matter what, let's start our barbecue dinner."

Bang bang bang...

Yang Fan made a seal with one hand, and a dozen shadow clones walked out of the smoke generated out of thin air, each holding a different tool in his hand.

Everyone was speechless, Yang Fan really wanted to cook a dragon meat barbecue for everyone.

"Tianzun, I don't know if you have ever eaten dragon meat."

"No, in the great famine period, I was already bigu at that time."

Taishang Laojun held the floating dust in his left hand and looked around Xianwuzong. On the side, Tang Shixian and Xu Shixiong stood upright. Now the people here, except Yang Fan, are the only two of them who know the identity of Taishang Laojun's saints.

The saint was angry, and a million corpses were buried. The mere Xianzun realm was nothing at all in front of the saint.

It didn't take long for the strong dragon over 100 meters high to be corpses of a dozen Yang Fan clones, making hundreds of thousands of dragon meat. After the weak cultivator eats the body of the strong, his strength will be increased somewhat, let alone made by Yang Fan himself.

To make a fire and brush the oil, the fire uses the avenue of fire, otherwise, with the strength of the dragon's flesh, ordinary fire will not be cooked at all.


Soon, the dragon meat, which was divided into palms, was roasted to the point of greasy, sprinkled with some seasonings, and suddenly a scent came. Many elders and disciples of Immortal Wuzong couldn't help but delay their saliva. These people didn't know how long it took to live. Mortal food has long forgotten what it tastes like.

"All right."

Yang Fan added a piece of dragon meat to Sun Yunzhu's side, and then sprinkled a wave of dog food in the eyes of many disciples and elders.

"how is the taste?"

Yang Fan asked.

"It's delicious and fragrant. It tastes a bit like chicken."

Being watched by so many people, Sun Yunzhu's cheeks flushed.

"I want to eat too."

I don't know when Yuhun has turned into a human form, and grabbed the dragon meat that was braving hot oil.

As more dragon meat was roasted, most of the disciples and elders of the Immortal Wuzong were divided into some dragon meat.

"Tianzun, this is the best part."

Yang Fan personally brought a piece of dragon meat in front of the Taishang Laojun. This piece is the core part of the dragon heart and contains the most energy.


With suspicious thoughts, Taishang Laojun gently took a bite.

The dragon meat melts in the mouth, becoming a stream of energy to be absorbed.


Taishang Lao Jun was puzzled, because no vision happened.

A little unbelieving, the old gentleman swallowed the whole dragon heart into his belly, and a warm feeling emerged at the position of his dantian.

After entering in one minute, Taishang Laojun only felt that the dragon meat tasted more delicious, and there was no other feeling except for the warmer abdomen.

Three minutes passed again, and nothing happened.

When he moved for five minutes, Lao Jun Taishang suddenly felt that his soul was nurtured by an inexplicable force, and then quickly strengthened.


A soul pressure that surpassed the heavenly realm saint was released instantly.

In an instant, everyone including Yang Fan felt a huge weight on their shoulders. The sound of kneeling to the ground came one after another, and everyone was pressed down to their knees by the power of this society.

At this time, the sacred light radiated from the back of Taishang Laojun, and the injuries that existed on some of the disciples and elders of the Immortal Wuzong actually recovered under the sacred light.

It's just that before these people were shocked, the coercion erupting from Taishang Laojun disappeared. Taishang Laojun opened his eyes, and Yang Fan saw a lotus flower in his eyes, the rich rules of the great road emerged, and large petals appeared in the sky.

"Is this... you have been promoted to the Hedao Realm?"

Yang Fan was horrified.

Taishang Laojun looked down at himself, feeling that his strength had improved, and he immediately became happy.

"Little friend, I owe you a favor. If there is anything in the future, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Laojun Taishang is an inspector facing Yang Fan.


Tang Shixian and Xu Shixiong showed extremely shocked expressions. A saint actually saluted a kid in the Taiyi Golden Fairyland, which has never happened since the birth of the Celestial Celestial Realm.

"Okay, I will find the place where Tianzun will be used in the future."

Yang Fan smiled and said, in this way, there will be four saints on his side behind him, and he will also increase his chances of winning the battle against Tiangongyuan.


At this moment, the cultivation bases of the disciples and elders of Immortal Wuzong successively broke through, and Yang Fan knew that this was a phenomenon that only appeared after eating the food he made.

"How is this going?"

At this time, both Zhan Tiancheng and Xiao Chenquan were shocked to see the fact that they had broken through to the Great Luojin Wonderland, and couldn't believe it.


There was thunder in the sky, and some disciples and elders saw this, knowing what had happened, and hurried to cross the tribulation pond in the sect.

"Donkey, this dragon meat tastes like that, really like chicken."

In one corner, the preacher grabbed a huge keel and gnawed at it.

"Taoist, you are still too young. In fact, this dragon meat does not taste like chicken, but like human flesh."

Those dragon claws in Lord Lu's hand were like eating chicken claws, and he bit down a dragon claw finger in one bite.

"Have you eaten people?"

The preacher couldn't believe it.

"What's so strange about this. I'm not a human. Now I am a donkey demon. Isn't it normal to eat people? Just like your human race, cattle, pigs, chickens and other domestic animals and poultry are eaten. What do we demons say? ?"

The Lord Lu didn't take it seriously, and said again.

"But this taste is much better than those of the human monks, there is no sour taste."

The lord ate a dragon's claw clean in a few bites, burped full, and a can of cold beer appeared in his hand.

"Brother Yang, what are you going to do next?"

The preacher saw Yang Fan walking over with Sun Yunzhu and said.

The lord looked around, only to see that Yang Fan saw that his gaze had some unkindness. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that in the space channel, when Yang Fan was about to be drawn into the turbulence of space, he once said that he should show himself a good look when he came back. .

"Well, Brother Yang, I suddenly remembered that I have something to do. You guys talk first, I'll take a step.

After that, Lord Lvy directly used the magic technique, wanting to escape into the void and leave here.

However, after the spell was cast, there was no change in the surrounding space.

"Is it strange that I can't leave and the surrounding space cannot be opened?"

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Yang Fan's mouth, and he came to Lord Lu and put it on his shoulder.

"Why, I just want to go there earlier, it may be that my spells are out of order."

Lu Ye smiled awkwardly, and was stunned by Yang Fan, his hands were already showing magical powers.

"Now I have also been promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal, and I want to learn from you."

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