The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 957: End of the battle

moment! !

This is the ability that Yang Fan obtained when the writing wheel eye evolved to the eternal kaleidoscope, and it was able to suspend the time within a certain area of ​​the target. It's just that the time of the pause will vary according to the strength of the target, and the consumption of pupil power will also be different.

And because Lord Donkey's body is an ancient magic dragon, Yang Fan worried that the moment he just activated it with his eyes would not be able to confine Lord Donkey's own time.

The pupils of the three eyes shrank at the same time, a large amount of pupil power was consumed, and an invisible force acted on the lord. The lord maintained a shocked expression, Yang Fan quickly approached, and the huge Xu Zuoneng appeared and slammed on the lord's body.

In a short while, everyone clearly heard the sound of bones being smashed, and black blood was flowing out, but the effect of the moment has not disappeared, and the lord is in a state of time static during this period of time.

"It's actually the power of time!"

This time, Laojun Taishang was really shocked. A mere Taiyi Golden Immortal was able to master this terrifying power, even if it was the strength of his current He Dao Realm sage, the time power he could use was very limited.

Time is a wonderful power. Throughout the ages, no one in the entire Celestial Immortal Territory has been able to master the Avenue of Time. The main reason is the scarcity of Time Dao stones, and if you want to successfully master Time Dao, it is simply impossible without talent.

For example, Yang Fan’s yin-yang avenue. Before that, Yang Fan only mastered the yin-yang power. By coincidence, he ate the yin-yang divine fruit and absorbed the yin-yang divine power inside, which is the yin-yang road. The son learned how he used the yin-yang avenue.

This principle can also be applied to the time avenue. In Yang Fan's eyes, whether it's writing round eyes or reincarnation eyes, the power of awakening is all about time, more or less understanding of the power of time. Coupled with the help of the system, we can master the time avenue in the shortest time. However, what Yang Fan has now is only a superficial way of time. The real horror of Time Avenue has not yet been brought into play.

It was also at this moment that the moment of time disappeared, the time of the lord himself recovered, and the screams of moments came.

It lasted for five seconds in total, and the five seconds had clearly made Yang Fan's eyes tired, as well as a feeling of soreness.

Yang Fan knew the five-second moment he had used the Lvye, and he was a bit burdened.

It didn't take long for the ancient dragon to disappear, revealing his human form. It's just that there are obviously different degrees of fractures on his body, and Yang Fan is really cruel this time.

"Huh, it's much cooler this time."

Yang Fan lifted his transformation, and the formation against the battlefield gradually dissipated. This time he had done enough to abuse the lord.

"Oh, oh, what's the matter, it's just a blink of an eye, why is it so painful, the arm seems to be broken."

The lord lay on the battle platform and wailed, because he had broken bones in some places and couldn't stand up.


At this time, Yang Fan came to the lord, with a cigarette in his mouth, lit it with a lighter, took a violent sip, and then spit it out at the lord.


"Brother Yang, I was wrong, and I would never dare anymore."

"I know it's wrong now, it's too late. But honestly, I'm really refreshed by beating you."

An elixir appeared in Yang Fan's hand and stuffed it into the mouth of Lord Lü.

After a while, the lord appeared again intact.

"Huh, Brother Yang, I was careless just now. Let's have another 300 rounds!!"

His injury was just right, and the lord's figure hurriedly backed away. I don't know when there was a machete in his hand. At first glance, it seemed like a black-society big brother.

"The donkey looks like you are floating again, and you know that you won't admit your mistakes at ease. You can take a closer look at yourself."

Yang Fandao.

Lord Lu had a bad premonition in his heart, and when he looked down, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

I saw that Lord Lu was still lying on the battle stage, his injuries had not been repaired, everything just now was just a fantasy.

"Am I... Brother Yang, I was really wrong this time."

The lord smiled ugly than crying, resisting the pain, said.

"Well, I believe you once, and hope you won't make the same mistake again."

Yang Fan repeated his old tricks and stuffed an elixir into the mouth of Lord Lü. After a while, his injuries disappeared.

"It's really weird, it became like this in an instant, how did you do it?"

Lord Lure was a little puzzled.

"Go ask others."

Yang Fan stepped off the battle stage and held Sun Yunzhu in his arms, regardless of whether anyone around was watching.

"Little friend, I really didn't expect you to have such a powerful force. But I advise you, before you have the power to protect yourself, it is best not to perform this trick in front of other saints, it is very likely to cause trouble."

Taishang Laojun came over and looked up and down, but he didn't see anything.

"Tianzun, can it be said that the sage of the immortal realm is not so powerful in the control of time?"

Taishang Laojun shook his head.

"You underestimated the power of time. If I expected it well, you have mastered the avenue of time. Try not to expose your information, otherwise you will really be targeted by other saints."

Yang Fan was silent, feeling that strengthening his strength was the most important thing at present.

"Okay, I'm leaving now, remember. When you set foot on the Immortal Emperor Realm, I will come to find the Origin Stone of Dadao. Perhaps you can really restore the Kunlun Star to its original glory."

As he spoke, the body of Taishang Laojun gradually disappeared, leaving no breath.

"Senior respectfully!"

Tang Shixian and Xu Shixiong hurriedly saluted.

"Husband, what are you going to do next?"

Sun Yunzhu lying quietly in Yang Fan's arms, said.

"Of course I and you are cultivating together. I want to reach the Immortal Emperor Realm sooner, and then take you to the earth to meet your father and them. Also, completely cut off the grievances and let Kunlun Star return to its original state."

Yang Fan spoke in a very gentle tone, gently touching the messy hair beside Sun Yunzhu's cheek with one hand, and once again sprinkled a wave of dog food on the disciples and elders of Xianwu Sect.

"Hey, you deserve to be Brother Yang, the love of this couple. Little white legs, when will we get married?"

The preacher put his arms around the little white leg.


The little white leg hammered the preacher's chest.

"Two suzerains, I hope I haven't brought any crisis to Xianwuzong."

Yang Fan handed over to Tang Shixian, and everything was due to him.

"Needless to say, the Dragon Clan is not that powerful. If you want to destroy my Immortal Wuzong, unless the entire Dragon Clan uses its heritage, but the Dragon Clan will not do so. In this case, the position of the Dragon Clan in the middle reaches of the continent will also decline, for the sake of these weak Dragon clan, I believe the clan leader of the dragon clan will not be so stupid."

Tang Shixian waved his hand.

I like the system to take me to practice, please collect it: ( The system takes me to practice. The literature update is the fastest.

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