The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 974: Goodbye ice god

"Repair the way of heaven, do you mean that the way of heaven in your hometown is broken?"

"Yes, it seems that because of the invasion of a god, those saints took action to fight, which resulted in the collapse of the heavens and the era of the end of the law. In the era when I was born, there was no way to become immortal, the highest I could only practice until the Mahayana period."

"But even if you go back, what can you do? Stay there and not come back? You should understand that if the rules of heaven are not perfect, staying for too long will cause your cultivation level to drop."

"Ice God, don't worry, I have a way to repair the way of heaven."

"You mean the origin stone of the avenue?"

The Bing Shen was slightly surprised. He wanted to repair the collapsed Heavenly Dao, but the Heavenly Dao Origin Stone was no longer useful. If you can succeed with the Dao Origin Stone, this world will advance. I dare not say that it reaches the level of the Celestial Realm, but it is at least stronger than the Primordial World.

"This is indeed a very good way. I believe that when you successfully repair the Dao of Heaven, because of this merit, I am afraid that you will be able to become a saint."

"Material sanctification? No, that's not what I want, what I want is strength to be sanctified."

The corners of the four Bing Hanzi's mouths twitched fiercely. There was such a good opportunity to become holy. In the end, you didn't want it, and you still want to see how hard it is to become holy. Don't you know how difficult it is to become holy?

"Is it holy with strength? With your physique of the chaos **** king body, you will reach this point sooner or later, just like the chaos **** at the beginning, becoming the second saint of strength in the sky fairy realm. But this road is very difficult. Although stronger than the average saint, it’s more difficult to go further. I don’t know why your strength soars so fast in such a short period of time, but I still hope to be able to walk my own path."

"I've already decided, and becoming holy with strength is the way I want to go. Let's not hide from you, I am now preparing to become holy with strength."

"What to prepare?"

Bing Shen's expression was slightly wrong, she did not expect Yang Fan to be so ambitious.

"The Chaos God King Body I have reached the level of the Overlord Body, and now I can be promoted to the Chaos Eucharist without the Great Dao of Earth and the Dao of Wood."

The three hall masters of the Ice Temple were astonished, all physiques with holy characters are not simple.

"In addition, I practiced a practice that can be physically sanctified, called the Eighty-Nine Profound Art. After my Mahayana, I will be able to be sanctified in the physical body, and then be sanctified with strength. I believe that I can become the strongest saint in the heavenly realm. ."

"A Three Sages, I am afraid you will be the most amazing person ever."

Bing Shen smiled bitterly, thinking of how Yang Fan looked when he became a holy.

"Ice God, do you know what to do secretly in Tiangongyuan?"

"Naturally knows."

While speaking, the Ice God took Yang Fan into the temple, leaving the four people staring at each other.

"Bing Lan, do you say that Yang Fan really has a technique that can become a holy body?"

The old hall master looked at the place where Yang Fan had disappeared, and said to the young hall master on the side.

The young palace owner's name is Bing Lan, and his strength is second only to the old palace owner.

The old temple owner was named Bing Yuanzhou, and he had lived for millions of years. Since the Ice God ascended, he was ordered by the Ice God to establish the Ice God Valley with the blood of the same race of the Ice God. It didn't take long for those of the Ice Gods to have conflicts because of their coveting the Ice God Curse, which caused the descendants of the Ice God to split from the Ice God Valley and create the Ice God Temple.

"I don't know, let's wait here, you can ask him."

At this time, inside the temple.

The temple has a large area, and there is a cave inside.

In the center is a huge lake with a thick layer of ice. Because of the coldness of the scene, the cold air in the temple was surrounded, like an immortal family blessed land.

"What are you taking me here for? You are not after me?"

Yang Fan joked.


The Ice God was not angry, and he played a trick, Yang Fan was extremely cold, as if he had come to the South Pole naked.

"I brought you here just to be safe. Do you remember Ling Yingyun, the sage of Yaochi?"

"Remember, when she left, she said she wanted my body."

"Then you have to be careful. She has now recovered the memory of her previous life, and her strength will definitely skyrocket at a very fast speed. As far as I know, one of my chess pieces heard about her not long ago. She is now a fairy. The king is now."

"So fast?!!"

Yang Fan was surprised. If I remember correctly, the first time she saw the saint of Yaochi, her strength was only a golden fairy.

"It's not surprising that the body of her soul was originally the God King Meiji of God Realm, but she was beaten to death, leaving only the remnant soul hiding in the Celestial Immortal Realm and stealing a living. I have investigated and found that the Fairy Realm has been beaten to death. Breaking into three pieces was caused by her enemy's attack. For hundreds of millions of years, she has been using Divide to continuously reincarnate, and when the realm reaches a certain level, she will merge with Divide, and then restore the soul of the body."

"How do you know this?"

Yang Fan was a little puzzled, the Ice God knew too well.

"Because my body has some grudges with this Meiji God King in God's Domain."

"That's not right, didn't this God King Meiji come hundreds of millions of years ago? How can your body know that God King Meiji?"

"God's Domain is different from Xian's Domain. The era I went to was the time when Meiji God King rose up, so when I ascended to God's Domain, I went to the time and space in the past of God's Domain. But it doesn't matter. When you get to me, I will naturally Understand that it is not so easy to cross the long river of time."

Bing Shen talked freely, his eyes staying on Yang Fan.

"There is one thing you should pay attention to. When you meet him again, you must be careful. She has the ability to swallow the blood of other people, and can perfectly use the blood."

Yang Fan's mind was shocked, with a creepy feeling. No wonder Ling Yingyun looked at her eyes as if she was looking at delicious food.

According to the Ice God, if Ling Yingyun swallowed herself, she might not only possess the Chaos God King Body, but also the blood of the ancient Super Saiyan. That would be terrifying.

As if seeing the worry in Yang Fan's heart, Bing Shen showed a sweet smile, Qianqian's delicate hand gently touched the void, and earth-shaking changes occurred around him.

Regardless of time or space, upside down, the ice **** is close at hand, but Yang Fan felt very far away with his spiritual sense.

The surrounding light is flickering and dimming, as if the end is coming.

I don't know how much time has passed before the surrounding scenery returns to normal. When Yang Fan returned to his senses, he found some unintelligible runes appeared on his body.

"This is the frozen rune I created. If you encounter Ling Yingyun unfortunately, this frozen spell can help you withstand a crisis."

As he spoke, the color of the rune attached to Yang Fan gradually faded until it disappeared.

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