The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 977: Someone is sanctified

"What do you mean?"

Bing Hanzi looked puzzled, but didn't notice the abnormality of the two old palace masters next to him.

Yang Fan did not answer, but pointed to the two of Bing Yuanzhou.

Bing Hanzi turned his head to look, and was dumbfounded.

I saw the light of the avenue emerging from Bing Lan and Bing Yuanzhou, and the colorful rays of light continued to emerge, gradually enveloping the whole body, and an unexplainable aura seemed to be absent.

Bing Hanzi looked over and asked Yang Fan in his eyes.

"Don't be surprised, didn't I say it before, I want to give you the method of sanctification."

Bing Hanzi frowned, said.

"But you didn't give it to us."

Yang Fan pointed to the dishes on the table, Bing Hanzi seemed to think of something, her pupils shrank, and she couldn't believe it.

"Could it be because of these dishes?"

Yang Fan nodded.

"But why am I not sanctified?"

Bing Hanzi had some doubts, since it was the method of sanctification, he should also be sanctified.

"This method also has drawbacks, that is, it is possible to break through when you have to eat at the bottleneck, otherwise it will be like you, just a small level of increase."

During the conversation between the two, Bing Yuanzhou and Bing Lan changed again.

The colorful rays of light became more dazzling and gradually enveloped the whole body, a bit like the state of a cocoon when the silkworm was transformed into a moth.

As time went on, Bing Hanzi found that the aura of the two hall masters was getting weaker and weaker. If it weren't for seeing that they were not in danger, he was really worried that they might be about to die.

"What's going on here, there is no danger, right?"

Bing Hanzi was a little worried.

"Danger? No, the real danger should be us, or the talents of the entire Ice Temple."

"What do you mean?"

Bing Hanzi had a bad premonition in her heart.

"When I was in the Yinyang Temple, when the Lord Zhong was sanctified, the eruption of the saint's pressure almost stunned me, but the disciples and the elders of the Yinyang Temple almost fainted to death by the shock. A little bit is also affected to varying degrees. Now two people are assaulting the holy realm. How strong will the pressure of the soul burst out?"

Bing Hanzi had a chill behind her back. If that was the case, it would be terrible. Bing Hanzi was about to wake the two of them, but was stopped by Yang Fan.

"It's useless. Now they have reached a critical time, and they are wrapped in the colorful rays of light, and it is impossible to hear them. So the best way now is to arrange an array around them, no more than half of the time. Within an hour, you will be able to successfully enter the Holy Land."

Bing Hanzi did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly urged the jade talisman, contacted the great elder Bing Hao, without much explanation, asked him to send someone who is proficient in the formation to come, and quickly evacuated the disciples of the Ice Temple at the fastest speed.

It didn't take long for the three people to arrive here quickly, and they immediately noticed the two Bing Lan surrounded by colorful rays of light.

"Hall Master, what is going on?"

Bing Hao swallowed his saliva, he felt two sacred breaths emanating from the two old palace masters.

"The two old temples are mainly sanctified. It will not take long before the pressure of the saints will erupt, and there are still two. So your task is to arrange a strong formation within half an hour and try to block this. Stock coercion."

Among the three who came, besides the great elder Binghao, there were two other elders, both of whom were formation mages, and the badge of the formation mages was still hanging on their chests. Looking at the color of the badge, both of them have reached level nine, which is one of the foundations of the Ice Temple.

The foreheads of the two formation mages were sweating, which was such a difficult task. Although they are ninth-level array mages, it is not that difficult to set up an array that resists the pressure of the saint's soul. The most important thing is that it is very difficult to set up in such a short time.

However, because of the fear of Bing Hanzi's majesty, although these two formation mages were at level 9, they did not dare to make any mistakes.


The speed of the two was not slow, they took out various formation materials, centered on the pavilion, and arranged a formation with a small coverage area, which was the only way to meet the requirements after the two thoughts.

One hour passed quickly, and the two ninth-level array wizards were sweating profusely. They used the fastest speed of the flat-body array formation, and finally completed before the time came.

At this time, Bing Hao never rushed back outside.

"Hall Master, all the disciples have already assembled, so there won't be many shocks."

"it is good."

Bing Hanzi answered without looking back, his eyes always staying at the two figures bathed in colorful rays of light.

By this time, he could not feel the breath of the two at all.

"is coming."

Yang Fan felt in his heart and hurriedly pulled away and backed away. When the other four people saw this, they also backed away a certain distance.


The barrier formed by the colorful rays of light suddenly broke at this moment, making a sound of glass breaking, and then two terrifying pressures were released. This is a unique performance of breaking through the saints. Once the saint's coercion comes out, all creatures must surrender.


Two invisible waves rushed out, colliding with the surrounding formations, and suddenly issued a strong vibration.

The formation just persisted for a few breaths before it broke, and for a while, that coercion swept everyone in an instant.

Puff puff puff!

Four successive vomiting sounds came, and the two weaker array mages suddenly passed out.

"Ding! The passive effect of Lingxi Heart is triggered and enters the cooling time."

The cold voice of the system sounded, and it had to be said that the heart of Lingxi was powerful, able to ignore the difference in realm, and resist a soul attack that exceeded Yang Fan's endurance.

"very scary!"

Bing Hanzi's face was pale, and Bing Hao's face was also unsightly.

"Why are you all right?"

Bing Hanzi noticed that Yang Fan didn't look uncomfortable, with a look of confusion.

"I have the shelter of the Master Zhong."

This powerful soul pressure came and went quickly. Bing Hanzi looked over and saw the great light behind the two old palace masters. His eyes opened, bursting with a kind of light, as if the entire universe was in there. among them.

"Is this the Holy Land?"

Bing Yuanzhou took the lead in becoming a holy, he slowly got up and looked at himself, then looked at Bing Lan.

Bing Lan opened her eyes, smiled, and stared at Bing Yuanzhou, and then bowed to Yang Fan.

The saint's ceremony is not something ordinary people can bear. Yang Fan suddenly felt tens of thousands of mountains on his shoulders pressing down, his bones creaking, and it was very uncomfortable.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for perfecting me."

As soon as the voice fell, a vision appeared in the sky.

Two figures appeared in the sky, an old man and a young man. It is impossible for a person with insufficient strength to see their faces clearly.

Immediately afterwards, the colorful rays and petals of the sky fell, spreading across the entire sky fairyland.

At this time, the temple of Yin and Yang.

In the main hall, the three hall masters are sitting with each other, exchanging experiences.

At this moment, the three of them felt inwardly at the same time and looked towards the sky, with a slight stunned expression, but they quickly guessed something. The system takes me to practice the latest chapter address: system takes me to practice the full text reading address: system takes me to practice txt download address: system takes me to practice mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 977 is sanctified again), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The system takes me to practice", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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