The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 169: Willow behind the grave

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Lingmu Ghost!

From Wang Jinguo's village to Li Touer's village, it took less than ten minutes to drive. In the car, Li Touer and I simply said a few words. Most of the time we are thinking about things separately.

When he reached Litou's village, he parked the car and said to me: "Master, we have to walk the rest of the way. The grave head is on Shanjiaozi, and the car can't be reached."

The little girl ’s grave was relatively remote, and it was also far from Li Touer ’s village. After walking for about half an hour on the mountain road, we found a small grave in a field, which was already covered with miscellaneous Grass, there is no stone frame for burning paper. Obviously no one has ever seen it. If it weren't for the tomb to be buried north to south, I wouldn't be able to tell there was a head and a tail.

Li Touer pointed at the grave head and said, "Master, it's there. It's been buried for more than half a year. No one has seen it. Now it's all gone."

I nodded my head and walked away. Li Touer might feel more sullen, and he didn't come over when he stood a dozen meters away.

I turned around the tomb and found no suspicious places. The tomb was not manipulated. That is to say, this time we did not find any clues. This trip is a white run.

But just when I turned around and was about to leave, Li Touer reminded me that it said: "This girl has a tall willow tree on the side of the grave, and it jumped very quickly. I remember when she was buried. Not coming. "


I immediately twisted my body back to look at the willow tree. From this, I could see the clues. Just now I only paid attention to the grave head. I didn't pay attention to the willow tree five or six meters away. The willow tree has the breath of that willow , That is to say, this willow tree is probably the catkins of that Liuxian flew here, and then sprouted new seedlings.

Seeing that I was studying the willow tree, Li Touer continued to say in the distance: "This girl's family is also remembered. The tomb grows a willow tree, but this is about to make a fortune!"

The growing willow tree on the tomb is indeed a good meaning, but this kind of meaning is only derived from the homophonic folk. "Willow" is the same as "remaining", which means to retain wealth and luck.

But in Taoism, willow leaf is a common thing for psychics. Willow leaf can open spirit eyes, and willow branch can fight imp, which means exorcism and avoiding slaughter.

The willow tree growing on this grave is also to drive out some lone souls and wild ghosts to harass the lives of their "ancestors".

But the little girl with half of her face has already been "raised by ghosts". At this time, there will be a willow tree growing on the grave, which means the opposite. It is to prevent the little girl with half of her face from going home, because when she comes back, What will be caused by this little willow tree is restless.

So I took a deep breath and called Li Touer, "Do you know the little girl's parents?"

Li Touer nodded and said, I said, "Well, take me to find them now."

We spent more than half an hour walking back to Li Touer ’s village. Li Touer was also a celebrity in their village. Many people walking on the street would greet him voluntarily, and Li Touer was also very kind When someone asked me who I was, Li Tou said: "This is a master I invited to help me solve the willow tree."

After Li Touer's introduction, the people in their village were surprised, and then they apologized to me. Of course, they also came to see the lively.

Arriving at the half-faced little girl's house, Li Tou shouted, "Lao Qi, aren't you at home?"

A middle-aged man walked out of the house in a short time. This man was the old man I saw in the memory of the little girl, the old Qi in Li Touer's mouth.

Lao Qi looked at Li Touer with some surprise and said, "Li Touer, how are you here? There's something to do with me, who is behind you?"

Lao Qi ’s house looks a bit dilapidated. The ordinary red brick house, but the gate of the yard is a wooden fence. Is it true that the family built the yard but did not have the money to install the gate?

When I was thinking about it here, Li Touer had introduced me to Lao Qi, and Lao Qi greeted me and asked me what he was looking for.

At this time, we have been invited into the house by Lao Qi. The room is full of old furniture and is very messy. Obviously this family does not like to pack up.

I looked around and said, "Just at home?"

Old Qi froze for a moment, and then said: "Yes, my daughter-in-law has returned to her home, and I am at home."

There are still some traces of broken bowls on the ground. Although they have been cleaned, some of the bowl residues are still there, so I concluded that his wife returned to her mother ’s house because they quarreled or even fought. I said to Lao Qi: "I'm here to ask you something about your daughter ..."

Before I finished talking, this old Qi seemed a little angry: "My girl? Anything to ask, no one is gone, and what to ask?"

The daughter of the Qi family was only half a year old, and the adult did not necessarily recover from the grief. I was indeed a bit rash to ask this question, so I apologized to the old Qi, and then continued: "I am not malicious, just this The incident involved your daughter and prevented her from resting after death, so ... "

Lao Qi seemed a little surprised to hear me say this and asked me quickly: "What do you mean, did you say my daughter became a ghost? She, where is she?"

Lao Qi said that his eyes were red, and it goes without saying that he really missed his daughter.

I let Lao Qi calm down before continuing: "Your daughter has become a ghost, but you can't go back to her grave, do you know why?"

Lao Qi shook his head, and I said, "Because its grave is left unattended, it has been deserted, and there will be a willow tree behind it. This willow tree is used to fight ghosts, so your daughter can only live outside and become a lonely soul. ghost."

I didn't tell him about his daughter being "ghost-raised", because these things let him know that he would only be more sad and distressed, but helpless.

Lao Qi said: "It's not that I don't want to take care of it, but I have no face to go. If I turned around and let myself hit myself, then my girl wouldn't have anything. The **** one was me. "

I ca n’t fully understand the pain of Lao Qi ’s loss of her daughter, so I can only persuade him to say, “Since you have guilt in your heart, then find a way to clean up your daughter ’s grave and shovel that willow tree. Let your daughter have a home. "

Lao Qi nodded.

Next, we didn't bring much here. After leaving the old Qi's house, he took the shovel up the mountain.

The matter here is almost settled, we should go back to Wang Jinguo's village. I also have some general clues in my heart, and this clue is that the "raising ghost" is probably related to that Liu Xian.

If this matter is confirmed, then I have enough reasons to abolish his title, and then forcefully shift it, so that it will no longer affect the luck of this village.

On the way back to the village of Wang Jinguo, Li Touer asked me: "Master, isn't it good to grow willow trees on the tomb? Why did you make people shovel?"

I told Li Touer: "It ’s a good thing for ordinary people, but it ’s not for Qijia, because his daughter has been reduced to a lonely ghost. If there will be another willow tree on the tomb, it is to let his daughter have Home cannot be a ghost, it cannot return home, and the soul of the earth and the soul of life cannot be separated, so it cannot enter the reincarnation. "

Li Touer did not understand: "Earth Soul? Life Soul?"

I said, "Nothing, it's all professional stuff. It's normal if you don't understand. As long as you know, not all tombs and long willow trees are good signs."

Li Tou nodded.

Back in Wang Jin ’s country, the trousers and Zhao Jie had already returned. I asked them what they had heard. The trousers shook their heads and said, “No, do n’t talk about this for half a year. No one has asked you for nearly seven or eight years The Taoist priest, even whose homestead, graveyard, etc., are all shown by an old Yin and Yang in the village. "

"Old Yin and Yang !?" I turned and asked Wang Jinguo: "Is that Yin and Yang in your village very powerful, can you practice it?"

Wang Jinguo said: "I don't know much about this, but he has shown such a piece of homestead and graveyard, but I haven't really seen him make French."

I asked Wang Jinguo again, what was the situation of his family, and Wang Jinguo said, "Not bad, but his family is all daughters and no sons."

I asked Wang Jinguo again, how old is that old Yin and Yang, and Wang Jinguo said: "It's more than seventy, but it's very strong."

This old man, and still a Mr. Yin Yang, then he will definitely know a lot about Liu Xian, and if he goes to him, he might make some progress.

So I said to Wang Jinguo: "Take me to see the old Yin and Yang in your village."

I'm almost at the point where I'm in a hurry to get medical treatment. I won't let go as long as it is a clue. I hope my luck will be good this time.

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