The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 210: Seven days of murder (3)

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When Cao Yunuo said that Master Liu, Sima Shibo and Cao Tianshi hadn't moved, I started to worry because we are facing more and more ghosts.

At this time, Fu Lu alone could not resist, so I had to copy the wicker and rushed up. The left hand waved the wicker, and the right hand squeezed the tiger seal. These yellow pages were instantly knocked down by me. For the root cause, those yellow pages ghosts that were resurrected came up again in a few minutes.

And Zuo Qingmu also rushed into the ghost group with the peach wood sword. At this time, his Taoist law was not as bad as when I first saw it. It was also easy to deal with the ghost group.

But the heroes ca n’t stand up to many people, and besides, there are no ghosts on the opposite side that can be resurrected indefinitely. If you go on like this, these ghosts will break through the line of defense between me and Zuo Qingmu.

So I couldn't help shouting, "Your father, Shibo, Cao Tianshi, hurry up, we can't hold it anymore."

Hearing what I said, Master Liu said: "Hold on for another quarter of an hour."

A quarter of an hour is fifteen minutes. Looking at the group of ghosts, I really can't hold on for fifteen minutes.

During my distraction, a yellow page ghost broke through my line next to the wall, and I happened to be entangled by several other yellow pages, so I couldn't rely on it, so I shouted, "Cao Ya, be careful. "

Although Cao Yunuo was not very small, he was not capable of it. When she saw the Yellow Page Ghost approaching, she did not panic. Instead, she calmly offered a symbol, and a Thunder Rune broke up the Yellow Page Ghost near the door.

After breaking up, she immediately picked up a few pieces of 箓, and added a few in the corner of the corner, which can be added to my defense.

And at this time, I suddenly said Uncle Sima: "Okay, all three of you retreated to the yard and guarded the door."

Hearing this, I was taken aback for a moment. What happened in the courtyard just now?

However, I did not hesitate much, but immediately retreated to the entrance of the courtyard with Zuo Qingmu and Cao Yunuo according to the instructions of Sima Shibo. At this time, the ghosts outside the courtyard also swarmed over.

So Zuo Aomu and I stretched our magical powers to temporarily block the ghosts from the door. Because of the better terrain and the convenience of guarding, I also have time to see the yard in my spare time.

At this look I scared me completely.

The water tank in the yard has been broken, and the two "living dead" in the water tank are fully exposed in front of my eyes. They are all covered with blood, and each person has a head in his hand, waiting for the blood on the head. After leaving a part and showing my face, I recognized who these two people were-Xing Mancai and his mother-in-law.

It turned out that Xing Mancai and his wife were already dead on the first day of the murder. Needless to say, the blood in the previous two tanks was also obtained from the blood of these two people in conjunction with the clear water.

Could these two people be killed by their son?

If I were Liu Yangui, I would definitely create an illusion to let their son kill them by hand. It would be better if they were conscious so that they would have the pleasure of revenge.

Suddenly I thought this way, and I felt a little scared. I couldn't help thinking of the meditation curse. I was afraid that I had been affected by this ghost state.

And Master Liu also said: "After half a day of effort, the three of us practiced and finally destroyed a part of the ghost realm."

After Master Liu said it, I soon understood that the three of us juniors had just made a mess outside the door, knocking down a lot of ghosts and knocking over many **** utensils, but those things will be automatically in minutes. Recovery is intact.

But now, in front of us, the silently broken water tank has not been restored for a long time, which means that the repair function of the ghost land has been broken here.

When I saw this, I asked Master Liu: "Father, is there a way to eliminate those ghosts?"

Master Liu nodded and said, “Theoretically speaking, it ’s not practical. You just saw that we spent half a day doing things before we destroyed the two water tanks. This is because our three Heavenly Masters joined hands. Under the premise of the protection of the law by the three of your juniors, if you really want to use it to send ghosts, there are probably many restrictions, and the spiritual power and world will be longer. "

Master Liu said this, this ghost realm was so powerful that it shocked me once again. The three Heavenly Masters had lost their strength for a long time, and the destructive power was only two tanks.

When I asked Master Liu how to do it, Master Liu said, "It's very complicated. You can't understand it until you reach the level of Master Tian, ​​so I won't waste my tongue."

Sima Shibo added a sentence: "Xiaoyong, with your clever talents, wait for you to become a teacher one day, and then think of today's things, you will surely have a mystery in it."

Well, I can only hope so.

At this time, Uncle Sima said again: "Okay, let those ghosts enter the yard, save physical and spiritual strength, there is no blood tank here, and these concentrated blood can not be used for two living dead people, we are equal It has virtually destroyed the development of the story in the ghost realm. I want to see if the final outcome will be the same. "

So Zuo Aomu and I quickly blazed a path, and the ghosts came in one after another carrying the blood buckets. After entering, they watched the broken water tanks on the ground watching each other, looking at a loss.

At this time, the two living dead fantasies reacted. The blood-red hair dripped slowly while floating, and then the faces of the two ghosts finally appeared.

They didn't have blood on their faces, but they looked a bit pale, but the pale face was extremely beautiful, without expression, and their eyes were all closed. If their hair was not covered with blood, they were still floating. Feiwu, I think both of them are sleeping beauties, and I can't help being an prince to kiss and wake them up.

While we were watching, we suddenly discovered that their floating hair suddenly grew like a vine at the speed visible to the naked eye, and these hairs did not turn into a strand, and then they flew straight into the village to take In the blood barrel.

Then the blood flowed down the hair of the two sisters who were living.

When I saw this scene, I was surprised and said, "Your father, you just broke the tank for a long time and broke the water tank. Did you do it in vain? It would be better to beat them directly."

Master Liu was in a bad mood, obviously he did n’t want to answer me, and he said angrily: "You are a bear child, you know a fart. This kind of magical power can only be used by the three of us. You think we do n’t want to beat the dead. fantasy?"

Sure enough, Master Liu ’s magical powers were limited, but it was only after years of trouble that I gradually understood.

Sima Shibo said, "Sure enough, this ghost realm is not so easily changed. The living dead get blood. This is the key point we lost. It seems that the three of us on the first day did not seem to be sure. live."

After hearing Sima Shibo ’s words, I understood a little bit in my heart. Through the years of experience of the mighty men in the deserted villages, everyone must have summed up some ways to deal with the murderous opportunities in the deserted villages. These methods are to find the so-called key points. And try to make a breakthrough, change the direction of the story of the ghost realm, and then let Liu Yangtu finally get the magical power of the ghost king. If Liu Yangfu cannot reach the level of the ghost king, then even if he is powerful, a green ghost ca n’t shake the three heavenly masters. .

However, from the current point of view, the first key point is that the living dead can not get blood supply, this point we failed to deal with.

I couldn't help being annoyed at the time: "We shouldn't let these ghosts come in."

Master Liu scolded me: "You stupid, even if you don't let ghosts come in now, how long can you persevere in your way? These ghosts will be resurrected indefinitely. When your spiritual power is exhausted, they still come in, and You have no spiritual power, how to deal with the murderous opportunity after the next day? "

I was dissatisfied and said, "Aren't you still there, can't you even let these ghosts get in?"

Master Liu said: "Even if we are Heavenly Masters, it is impossible to cast a spell to stop these ghosts for a day in a row. You must know that these ghosts can't catch the magic weapon now, and you can only fight indefinitely ... Such consumption is even heaven. Master, we ca n’t spend it, even if we barely survived the first day, what about the second day? ”

I asked again: "Why don't you find some more people and let those people fight for a while."

Master Liu said impatiently: "Do you think you are clever? Those who have already tried these methods have already passed the first hurdle, but those who enter the murderous opportunity have a commonality, that is, the murderous If the opportunity does not end, the people who come in cannot leave here. Those who come in together are caught in a murderous opportunity. In the end, there are several people who can resist this ghostland. Even if they are not killed by ghosts, they will die crazy. In this ghostland. "

Master Liu sighed after Master Sima said.

I suddenly remembered that Master Liu once visited here once, my so-called brother, and that my brother still stayed here. Could it be the time that Master Liu said that many people tried?

However, I dare not ask this question for verification. I can only shut my mouth silently. The methods of Master Liu, Master Sima, and Cao Tianshi, which they have summed up after so much experience from their predecessors, are definitely not My younger generation who knows nothing should doubt it.

All I have to do is obey with peace of mind like Zuo Qingmu and Cao Yunuo.

Thinking of this, I stopped asking questions, but waited for Master Liu to give me orders.

Watching the living dead dream of constantly absorbing blood, Master Liu pondered for a while and said: "Since the key point of the first day has been missed, then we will first quit the deserted village and go to the coal mine to see, not to say that it is a murderous opportunity Has a mining accident occurred in the coal mine on the first day? This has never been carefully explored. We might as well take a look at it, maybe we can make amazing discoveries. "

When Master Liu said this, I couldn't help thinking of the things under the coal mine. I felt a little bit of resistance in my heart, because there might be a guy called a ghost king under the coal mine.

Also, maybe that Liu Yangzhu also lives below. If that is the case, our operation will be extremely dangerous.

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