The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 423: Secret under the grave (3)

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When I saw my expression, I became nervous, and the old man in white suddenly laughed, and he said to me after a while: "You are still too young, want to pretend to be mature in front of me, you are still poor It ’s too far, I also remind you here, do n’t be smart in front of someone who is stronger than yourself, otherwise you will die very early, not every strong person is as good-tempered as me. "

Speaking of the old man in white, he looked up into the air. At this time, Liu Xian and Tsing Yi Fox were still in a fierce battle, but Liu Xian had gradually gained an advantage, and that Tsing Yi Fox Immortal had begun to beat back.

On my side, the atmosphere doesn't dare to take a breath anymore. I'm afraid that I'm annoying the fairy.

When I saw this scene, the old man in white looked at me and said with a smile, "The willow spirit that your kid invited is not too small. It seems that you are going to win, and your task is about to be completed. "

I did n’t speak, because I was still thinking about whether to continue to ask about the things under the grave head, looking at my expression, the old man smiled again and patted the bag on the back of the white fox, saying: Do you want to know what is inside, or is it what the green fox said about the "God Body"? "

I hesitated and nodded. I really want to know.

The old man did not play tricks on me this time, but instead asked me: "Have you read the Shan Hai Jing?"

I shook my head. Although I have read a lot of Taoist books since I learned Dao, but I have never read the Shan Hai Jing.

The old man in white looked at me and said, "If you have time, you can read it. The thing I found under this tomb is an ancient artifact described in the Shanhai Jing."

I asked what it was, and the old man said: "The gods of the ancient country of Qingqiu, the nine-tailed demon fox, but I don't know why it was buried in this Taihang mountain system because the ruins of the ancient country of Qingqiu should be in the south, and The divine body of the nine-tailed demon fox I found has basically dissipated. Although it is barely alive, it has no consciousness, so it was only a few decades ago that it was foxed by the resentment of many dead foxes. Others, and then wipe out the scourge of his whole family. "

Hearing here, Han Qiguo said: "It was the thing in your bag that killed my family?"

The old man in white looked at Han Qiguo and said: "It's not that thing that killed your whole family, but yourself. All the scourges are caused by you. The story of decades will never be mentioned again. The green fox It ’s forgivable to hate you, and you hate that green fox, including this **** body I pretend to be, of course, but things have passed, why not let everything remain in dust, just like this jujube grave, treat me After taking away the "divine body", the green fox will also leave here, and the story of the fox immortal of the jujube grave will really only become a legend, and pass on those bad forgets, leaving only the good parts to pass on, is it not a very A happy ending? "

Han Qiguo did not speak, but fell into a deep silence, and the old man in white did not mean to leave immediately, but looked up and continued to watch the battle between Liu Xian and Tsing Yi Hu Xian.

I subconsciously asked the old man in white: "So, you have dealt with everything here, are you staying concerned about our life and death?"

The old man in white glanced at me and said, "Boy, to be honest, your mouth is really annoying. I just reminded you not to be smart. Have you forgotten? I stayed not to care about your life and death, but Concerned about the whereabouts of the green fox, although it is not a descendant of the nine-tailed demon fox family, it has guarded this cemetery for thousands of years, and it can use its own consciousness to use the **** body to perform some ancient little fairy methods, which makes me very curious."

Is the ancient immortal method the kind of changing things out of thin air?

Listening to what the old man in white said, I finally understand why in the legend of the fox immortals in the jujube graves, why the fox immortals in Qingyi can change things, it turned out to be because an ancient fairy animal body was buried underneath.

At the same time, I dare not speak in front of the old man again, because what he was thinking, I could not feel the slightest, and my thoughts could not reach his realm at all.

After a few more rounds, Liu Xian punched Tsing Yi Fox Immortal with a punch.


The fox fairy in Tsing Yi landed on the ground, hitting a deep pit directly on the snow, the snow was splashing, and it seemed to be mixed with some blood stains.

Liu Xian descended from the sky and saw that the old man in white didn't go up to continue attacking the fox immortal in Tsing Yi, apparently fearing that the old man would suddenly shoot.

The old man in white looked at Tsing Yi Fox Immortal and said, "You lose, and what you said should be fulfilled. Let go of the hatred and go with me. You have also seen my skills, and stay with me, to you. Cultivating a positive result is of great help. "

Tsing Yi Fox looked at the old man, then suddenly shook his head and said, "Shang Xian, I'm sorry, I can't go with you. I lost to you in three ways. You took away the **** body, it was my negligence, I have already It should be the most dead; if I can't even hold the enmity of my descendants, what do I mean? Cheng Xian is not what I want, I am practicing only to protect this **** body and my descendants, these two are now I'm gone. What's the point of living in this world? Thank you Shangxian for your kindness. This battle is not over yet! "

Tsing Yi Fox Fairy touched his chest, gave himself a sigh of relief, and then suddenly waved his fist at Liu Xian and hit it again.

Liu Xian's frown is also a fist to stop, but the Tsing Yi Fox Immortal has been injured, strength and speed can not keep up with Liu Xian, not only three rounds, Tsing Yi Fox Immortal was punched out by Liu Xian for more than ten meters .

The fox fairy in Tsing Yi collapsed in the snowdrift and spit blood again in his mouth.

At this moment, Liu Xian couldn't see it, so he said, "Why are you doing this?"

Tsing Yi Fox Immediately smiled. She smiled beautifully. Every snowflake around her became beautiful with her smile, as if the whole world was more beautiful because of her smile!

Seeing this, I could not help swallowing, and at the same time began to meditate on the meditation mantra. The charm of the fox fairy is kung fu, but it is powerful.

Tsing Yi Fox Fairy said to Liu Xian after laughing: "This is my way, not for myself, but for my mission and love!"

Speaking of Tsing Yi Fox Fairy, she pounced on Liu Xian again, but this time, before she threw it over, the old man in white pinched a strange way, and then pointed at Tsing Yi Fox Fairy: "Fan Xianshu Zong, first-class immortal, Qingqiu supreme, treat me as holy, green fox-foxification! "

Suddenly, the flying fox fairy in Tsing Yi turned into a blue fox in mid-air, and then fell heavily into the snowdrift. At the same time, the green fox also made a scream of "Woo", but not for mercy, but Very unwilling.

I looked dumbfounded and asked, "Are you going to kill her?"

The old man in white laughed and said: "I just temporarily blocked its way. I killed you, and I won't kill her. In my opinion, she is much more useful than you. By the way, although you have a spirit The eyes are also very strange, but your current physique, I am afraid that if you ca n’t reach the final form of the spiritual purpose, you will die, so I will not take away your body. "

He's meowing, who said he would give him his body?

I now finally believe that the white fox was brought up by this old guy. He is robbing all kinds of strange physiques everywhere, and the white fox is robbing magical treasures everywhere. These two masters and servants are a perfect match.

Without waiting for me to speak again, the old man in white flicked the dust, and the green fox was wrapped around him, and then he would leave without leaving, and at this time, the white fox suddenly said: "By Shangxian, I forgot to tell you, that little Nizi will be attached to the soul."

Speaking of the white fox looking at Ye Huanyu, I couldn't help but froze for a moment. I thought Ye Huanyu would not be unlucky because of this technique?

The fairy looked at Ye Huanyu for a while and said, "Oh, no fuss, I already felt the snake gas from him. Most of the snake was given to her, and I gave the skill to the big snake. , That ’s its skill, and I ca n’t control it anymore. ”

After talking, he turned his head and left again. But I was shocked in my heart, is this old man in white is the master who gave the snake spirit to the snake?

And just when I thought about these questions, the white fox suddenly said, "There is one more thing, go to immortal!"

The old man in white was tired of being tossed by the white fox and said, "Can you be a stupid fox, can you say anything in one breath?"

Baihu looked at me and said quickly: "Shangxian, he will be Taicang!"

After the white fox finished, the old man suddenly stopped and turned to ask me, "Taicang hands? Who taught you?"

It's over, it's my turn so soon.

I looked at the old man in white and said, "Senior, I know that you have a lot of magical powers, but the person who taught me Taicang will not necessarily cause you. If you meet him, I can guarantee that you will have no chance."

When the old man in white heard me say this, he suddenly laughed and said, "Is that the one who said, just listen, there are not many supernaturalists who can walk freely in this world, as far as I know No one is my opponent! I ’m really curious who the person you said is. "

I swallowed and said, "It is a senior ghost king, and his title is Xuanjing!"

"Xuanjing Ghost King!" Hearing my name, the old man in white suddenly changed his face suddenly, but he was not afraid, but excited. A joy that could not be concealed quickly filled his face.

He turned and walked over to me and asked, "Boy, what's your name, but is there a master? Forget it, those are not important anymore. The important thing is, finally let me find the heirs of the Xuanjing school again, ha ha Don't disappoint me! "

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