
It is a few kilometers away from Hongshang Art Museum.

Eiji Honno was strolling a little helplessly.

“What a headache.”

Look around, the crowd walking by.

Eiji Nano sighed.

The devil knows why, obviously just an ordinary part-time part-time job, when I woke up, the building building where I worked actually collapsed!

And myself, I don’t even feel anything!

Fortunately, I am blessed with a great life.

He did not suffer any injuries.

Just thinking about it, if in your sleep, you are smashed to death by the debris of a building that collapsed and fallen, it would be too sad!

It’s just a pity that the two good people who gave themselves juice.

Not as lucky as yourself.

The injuries were taken away by ambulance.

Thinking of this, Eiji Naruno was depressed for a moment, but then he patted his face, cheered up and walked quickly forward.

Gotta quickly find an alternative part-time job.

Otherwise, there would be no place to live today!

And most importantly.

My pants and pants were burned out of a few holes, and I couldn’t wear them at all, so I had to do odd jobs and buy a pair of pants to spare!

And Eiji Naruno, what he didn’t notice was.

The position on his side.

Among the grass on both sides of the street.

An arm is moving with his steps, as if there are a pair of invisible eyes, staring at himself!

Is that the guy who took my core coins?

An Ku snorted coldly in his heart.

Then, thinking of the collapsed Hongshang Art Museum, I was also a little glad in my heart, after unsealing the seal of the sarcophagus.

It suddenly, with the Oz drive.

As well as a few, the core coins of Kazali and Ufan slipped away.

With the self you are today.

This incomplete form of resurrection.

Caught by those guys.

Absolutely dead!

Now, you have to find a way to get your missing core coins back!

And if possible.

Find a human who is easy to control.

Let him transform into Oz and collect coins for himself!

The most important thing now, though.

Will be the one in front of you.

Own core coins.

Give it back!

Thinking of this, Anku returned to his senses, searched for the human holding his core coin, and found that the other party had come to the front position.

One, very strange ‘rectangular object’ in front.

Immediately afterwards, Anku was pleasantly surprised.

Own core coins.

Left the human body.

Fell to the ground.

Then, it immediately flew towards the position of the ‘rectangular object’, trying to get its core coin back.

Then, leave as soon as possible.

Just because, from the vicinity, it felt a little Wufan’s breath!

But he took two of the other party’s core coins.

If you get caught by it!

But that’s not good!

Quickly flying under the rectangular object, Anku grabbed the core coin that he had accidentally dropped.

Just about to fly away immediately.

But the next moment, the shadow above suddenly expanded.

Immediately after, the mechanical vending machine that was lifted.

Because Eiji Nano has no strength.

Smash it down again.

In an instant, it pressed on Anku’s body, causing him to let out a cry of pain!


This scream instantly attracted the attention of everyone around.

Especially Izumi Bina, who was passing by.

Looking at Eiji Nano in front of the mechanical vending machine, he thought that the cry of pain was made by him, and he should have been pressed heavily to his feet.

Then, he immediately ran forward.

“Are you all right?”

“I’ll help you right away!”

As he spoke, Izumi easily moved the mechanical vending machine.

Lifted up!

This scene made Eiji Hono, who deeply realized how much the mechanical vending machine was, and the rest of the surrounding people opened their mouths in shock!

Below, feel the pressure on your body plummet.

Anku immediately drilled out!

appeared in.

In front of everyone!

On the other side, the location of the shopping street.

With a motorcycle stopping, Tan Lidou rolled over and got out of the car, casually scanning the crowd around, talking and laughing.

Tan Lidou said to himself: “It seems that it came early. ”

Follow the knowledge of the plot.

At that time, Eiji Naruno and Anku will come to this shopping street in a chase.

Then, because the praying mantis struck the monster.

And transform into Oz.

However, it seems that he came early.

Forget it, buy a cold drink and wait.

In his gaze, Tan Lidou found a cold drink shop, and then pressed a button on the dashboard of the special motorcycle.

In a burst, mechanical change sound.

From special motorcycles.

Changed back, mechanical vending machine.

This scene made several passers-by around widen their eyes in shock, and a motorcycle pulling the wind turned into a vending machine?!

This is… What high-tech!!

In the shocked gazes of several people.

Tan Lidou walked to the cold drink shop with a calm expression and bought a cold drink.

Afterwards, sit at the table outside the store.

Took a leisurely bite with a face full of leisure.

The cold taste, coupled with the sweet and sour jam on the smoothie, made Tan Lidou, who had not eaten a cold drink for a long time.

I couldn’t help but light up my eyes.

While eating, I waited silently.

The appearance of several protagonists!

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