"I actually started to think about this too-"


These silly and cute words made Su Gu Bai laugh out loud, and also reached out to rub her head, making fun of her.

"Mr. Bansai, the little prince, and Mr. Onozawa, will the gods take care of them, and will they know when they cross the Hongqiao? Why are the answers right in front of you, but you are burning your brains before the answers? ?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent.

Like, really?

So, they are, accidentally, collectively committed a stupid thing?

In an instant, everyone's expressions twitched, and then they gave Li Goudan'er a vicious look, and Yu Jin cursed them even more.

"Incompetent bungler!"

! I--

Li Goudan, who was scolded inexplicably, was angry.

"No, I, I—"

"Okay! Shut up!"

Shu Qianluo was almost taken to the side and gave him an angry look.

"In short, will you be 'trialed'? You will know after crossing the Hongqiao, right?"


Li Goudan, who thought this was indeed a solution, shut up angrily.


Qing Hongyun, who pinched his brows, sighed with some heartbreak.

"Now, do you want to cross the bridge?"

I don't know if it was his delusion, but he always felt that he was with these outsiders—

so tired!

Super tired kind of tired!

Especially when they are like children all the time, when there are 100,000 whys, they are even more tired!

Just like now, he doesn't know why the topic can be turned into that kind of thing, it sounds like there is no connection at all, there are ghosts, there are indeed some inseparable and even more inexplicable connections——

Can it be tiring?

"Let's go-"

There were some school flower adults who sympathized with Qing Hongyun, and handed him a lollipop to comfort him at this moment.

Elder You, who took the candy and stuffed it into his mouth, lifted his foot and took the big guy to Hongqiao.

However, when Shu Qianluo stepped on the Hongqiao, she stopped abruptly, her eyes suddenly tightened for a moment, her sudden anomaly made Li Goudan'er who was following behind her suspicious. ask.

"What's up?"

However, Shu Qianluo didn't speak, just turned his head to look at Su Gu Bai, and frowned.

"Did you feel—"

She paused, as if she was organizing words to describe the feeling at this time, which made the people walking in front of them also stepped forward in doubt, and their hearts were subtle.

isn't it?

How much blood did this aunt have, and how many lives did she die before she was boycotted as soon as she set foot on the Hongqiao?

This idea, whether it is the person in front or the person in the back, has this kind of thought at this moment, only the boy she looked at pondered and nodded his chin.

"The familiar feeling of deja vu, but it is so strange that it seems like an illusion, and even, I can't tell for a moment, is it because I am overhearted, or do I really have a feeling that I can't remember but experienced?"


The school flower's eyes lit up and nodded quickly.

"It's just this feeling, I can't describe whether it's good or bad, but, inexplicably—"

"Don't like it?"


Again, she nodded heavily.

"I can't like it, I always feel, a little, uh—"

"Don't want to accept it?"

"That's right!"

His own feeling was that Shu Qianluo, who was aware of his own dog things, nodded again and again, and then was full of suspicion.

"Why do you feel this way? Obviously, I can guarantee that this is the first time I have crossed the Hongqiao, but why-"

"Yes, why?"

The young man chuckled and pulled her away, walking forward like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard.

However, as the two walked, that feeling gradually detached from Shu Qianluo, making her somewhat suppressed mood also relaxed a lot, as if the previous one was really an illusion.

Of course, she knew that it must not be an illusion, which made her ask Chao Su Gu Bai, who was not very good in her heart:

"Xiao Bai, do you know what's going on?"


The boy who was questioned by her tilted his head, thought for a moment, and then shook it.

"I don't know~, I can also feel the feeling of Xiao Luoluo, but, in fact, we did cross the Hongqiao for the first time, so-"

He shrugged and said he didn't know either.

But, in fact, his smiling eyes were a bit deep.

At that time, the vision appeared because of him, and Grandma Hua asked for a life card for him. He took Xiao Luoluo to the gate of the ancestral hall in the back mountain of the old house of the Su family in time. When he stopped Grandma Hua, the feeling leaked from the door. It's the same feeling as it is on the Hongqiao now.

It's just that Xiao Luoluo was an ordinary person before, so there was no deep feeling, only a vague sense of haze, but now, because her physique has been changed, that hazy feeling is awakened by the sense of confrontation that Hongqiao gave her, so , she had this feeling.

Of course, it does not rule out-

The feeling of dying tragically in the ancestral hall in the previous life, there are signs of remnants.

Therefore, it seems that they are familiar, but they cannot be recognized, and they do not like it and are even more conflicted.

After all, it was nightmarish fear.

However, Xiao Luoluo doesn't need to know about this kind of thing, he will handle it, and he will never let it go the wrong way.

With the depths of the Hongqiao, the fog behind them has become, and they can't see the bridge head, let alone the ground they were standing on before. They can only see the bridge deck under their feet, and the endless black water around them. .

Depressed and suffocating, people can't feel happy at all, even if they are forced to smile, they can't do it, let everyone gradually silent, and then become more silent.

"This black water—"

Seemingly unable to stand the atmosphere, Li Goudan cleared his throat and asked—

"What kind of water? Is this a sea? Is it a lake? Is it too big?"

"Pure sea."

Seemingly feeling their depression and intolerance, Qing Hongyun explained with a smile.

"Don't think that this is black water, but it is called Jinghai. As for why it is called Jinghai, everyone doesn't know, only that it has been called Jinghai since the day someone knew it existed. so--"

Qing Hongyun shrugged.

"There's no way to trace the origin of its name—"

"Uh, so?"

Li Goudan scratched his head.

"So, how big is it?"

This question made Qing Hongyun look at a few people from Chaoyuan Realm.

"do you know?"

"do not know."

The two messengers shook their heads.

"Nobody measures, no, there's no way to measure how big the clean sea is, because—"

One of the messengers took out an unknown bead from his bosom, held the rope on the bead, dipped it on the surface like a dragonfly, and picked it up again, and he heard gasping unsurprisingly. Voice.

"What the hell?! This is the clean sea? It's clearly sulfuric acid!"

Is it sulfuric acid?

Just a touch, the bottom of the bead has been corroded clean, and the speed is so frightening!

Li Goudan'er's low curse caused the messenger to bend down with a smile, and at the moment when his and the other people's scalps were about to explode, he lifted the water, then stood up, and raised his intact hands at them.

"Hey, this is the pure sea—"

... so, is it evil?

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