The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 777: Can't help but applaud

Under the golden eyes of fire.

Zhang Xiaofan can clearly see the purple gas rising from the jade belt in his hand!

There is no doubt that this jade belt in Zhang Xiaofan's hand must be the real thing!

"Also, a collection like Jade Belt itself is extremely difficult to collect a complete one."

"So, like these twenty jade strip boards."

"Being able to collect it completely is already something you can't meet."

"It's very rare in the current antique market."

Said, Zhang Xiaofan handed the Ming Dynasty jade belt to Li Tianxiang.


"That little friend, since you can see that this jade belt is from the Ming Dynasty."

"Can you tell that this jade belt originated from the Ming Dynasty?"

Li Tianxiang did not take over the Jin Box, but turned around and asked again.


"What age?"

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes narrowed.

Although for Li Tianxiang, in the moment he killed himself again.

He was quite surprised, but he could not be beaten by this little problem.

"If you look at Huaxia as a whole, the use of jade belts is historical."

"Compared to the Central Plains Han people."

"Nomadic peoples in the north have a special love for this jade belt."

"So, this kind of jade belt is shabby."

"It must have been during the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, after the great fusion of the Chinese people."

"It was only gradually popularized in the Central Plains and became popular."

"After that, Kublai Khan invaded the Central Plains."

"With the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, this type of jade belt with a shackle system has gained deeper popularity."

"It was also at that time that the Jade Belt really entered the thousands of households in the Central Plains."

Having said that, Zhang Xiaofan held his chin for a moment and thought for a moment before he said it again.

"So it's not hard to see from this."

"The jade belt in my hand must have been born in the Yuan Dynasty or later."

"However, the Yuan dynasty did not clearly stipulate the type of jade belt with this kind of belt."

"Usually the number of jade belts of this type of jade belt varies from 16 to 25."

"The period of chaos of this kind of jade belt is more chaotic, which lasted from the Yuan Dynasty to the middle of the Ming Dynasty."

"That is, the imperial rule of the Zhu family began to take root."

"When the Emperor Zhu's power became popular."

"The number of jade belts and tadpoles can be regarded as clearly defined in the true sense."

"All jade belts must be twenty yuan!"

"The regulations on the quantity of such belts also continued after the Wanli Emperor of the Ming Dynasty."

"At this time, the dynasty of the Zhu family began to suffer from the turmoil of imperial power and the unstable national Games."

"The number of jade belts has changed from twenty to sixteen to twenty-five."

"However, it is not difficult to see the shape of the Yunlong pattern carved on this belt."

"The sculpting technique is very customary. There is no rule in the Yuan Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty."

"Not even the decadence and decay of Wanli Emperor."

"So it's not hard to see from this."

"The year of this jade belt is the work from the second year of Xuande to the sixth year of Longqing."

"Slap, slap, slap ..."

After listening to Zhang Xiaofan's analysis, Li Tianxiang could not help clapping.

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