The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 143 Memory, the best choice for human evolution

This is Fengdu TV Station. Today we have invited the most famous police superintendent in Fengdu, Mr. Hiroshi Sagami.

Mr. Hiroshi Sagami recently cracked the largest memory criminal gang museum in Fudu and captured a group of criminals led by Sonosaki Ryubei who used memory to commit crimes.

Mr. Hiroshi Sagami, thank you for your contribution to Fudu.

When the host said this, the trophies seized by Sagami Hiroshi and photos of the arrests of many criminals led by Sonosaki Ryuhei were displayed on the stage, and the audience also burst into warm applause.

Living in Fengdu, everyone has been suffering for a long time!

The host was ridiculous. Hiroshi Sagami cleared his throat and said, Actually, in the process of capturing the museum, our biggest helper was the Gaia Corporation, which developed Gaia memory.

Without Gaia Corporation and their G3-MAX team, there is no way we could have defeated the evil organization that is the Museum.

At this time, the host immediately asked doubtfully: Gaia memory, isn't that a prop used by criminals?

Of course not! Sagami Hiroshi said righteously, Gaia memory is actually a new technology developed by Gaia Corporation for the evolution of mankind, but it was stolen by the evil organization called the Museum.

Now they are also helping the police to trace the origins, and Gaia Memory is officially authorized by the Neon Government.

It's just a tool. If you use it righteously, it will be righteous; if you use it evil, it will be evil! Sagami Hiroshi said, If nothing else, doesn't Kamen Rider W, who protects the citizens of Fudu, also use Gaia memory?

Also, I am also a user of Gaia's memory.

After saying this, Sagami Hiroshi transformed into the commander's hybrid form.

Because the image of Hiroshi Sagami is that of a righteous police officer who saves Fudu, and is not an ugly dopant, and his appearance is much better than other weird dopes.

So when this one-eyed armored warrior holding a long sword appeared, the audience and the citizens of Fudu not only did not panic, but looked at Sagami Hiroshi with interest.

Here, I want to correct what I just said. Memory is not just a simple tool, it is also the best choice for human evolution!

This sentence is exactly the slogan of Gaia Company: Memory, the best choice for human evolution.

When Shotaro saw this, he turned off the TV angrily.

This bastard Higashino Takeshi! How dare you distort the facts!

With this move, Higashino Takeshi completely wiped out himself and his team.

This operation is the same as the Qiangsheng Group reporting that the Construction Group is an evil force.

It can be said that Higashino Takeshi is the Wind Capital Gao Qiqiang.

It’s just that the role of Higashino’s hero was left to Sagami Hiroshi.

The reason is very simple. Compared with the group of crooked melons and dates under his command, Sagami Hiroshi himself is a policeman and has a good appearance, making him a good prospect for publicity.

Higashino Takeshi is already considering forming a Gaia Company version of Seven like the Black Robe Pickets.

On the other side, Terui Ryuya murmured to himself: I didn't expect that Mr. Sagami would also cooperate with Higashino Takeshi.

Ryu Terui and Hiroshi Sagami, who are both police officers at the Fudu Police Department, have a good relationship with each other.

Terui Ryu admires Sagami Hiroshi for being able to persist in himself for more than ten years in the rotten police station of Fudu Department. Sagami Hiroshi also appreciates Terui Ryu's radical case-handling style.

Let's put aside the Gaia Company matter for a moment. I have received news here. Although Takeshi Higashino and his Gaia Company do not know of any conspiracy, they will not cause trouble in the near future. Philip and Daidome Miki appeared. , their faces were filled with happiness. Ms. Maria is a criminal police officer from an international organization. According to Ms. Maria's intelligence, what we really have to face is another opponent, NEVER.

Wait a minute. Shotaro, a blind student, discovered Hua Dian, Where did you get the news from?

Although Shotaro and Philip's job is to maintain the safety of Kamen Rider W in Fudu, their real main job is still detectives.

The two people in W are actually a control group.

For example, Shotaro is extroverted and Philip is introverted.

Shotaro is emotional, Philip is rational.

This contrast also occurs at work.

As a detective, Shotaro believes in the outside investigation faction.

This type of detective mainly relies on running his own intelligence network and personally involved in risks to investigate various issues.

The more representative one is Philip Marlowe, the tough-guy detective whom Narumi Shokichi likes. Narumi Shokichi also gave this name to the trapped Sonosaki Raito back then. I hope he can stand firm and find the meaning of his existence.

However, this type of external search party often takes a lot of time, and the probability of conflict with the target person is also greatly increased.

Therefore, this type of detective is generally not very smart, but has good physical fitness.

Corresponding to the out-of-field investigators are the so-called easy-chair detectives.

As the name suggests, you can solve the case just by lying on the chair and listening to the information leisurely.

The most representative of this type of detective are the country detective Mrs. Jane Marple and the great detective Mr. Poirot.

And Philip... should be the character that best fits the easy-chair detective.

Because he can really look up the corresponding information in the Earth Library without leaving home.

Therefore, whether Philip and Shotaro are investigating ordinary cases or adulterant cases, Shotaro plays the role of collecting intelligence, and then gives the information to Philip, and then Philip makes deductions and finally draws conclusions.

That's why Shotaro, who is used to this pattern, is puzzled: You, an otaku, don't have any news from me? Do you have someone else outside?

Hearing his partner's question, Philip hesitated, but said with a bit of pride: Princess Wakana... is my sister.

That's a good thing!

After saying this, Phillip became hesitant, as if the following sentence was embarrassing.

Takeshi my brother-in-law.

Higashino Takeshi: What do you mean, do you think your brother-in-law has embarrassed you?

After explaining the source of the news, Daido Miki also introduced the information about the NEVER team leader Katsumi Daido and his four companions to everyone in the detective agency.

They came to Fengdu this time just to destroy Fengdu and turn Fengdu into hell.

We must first collect other memories from Dao Keji and the others!

Fengdu, I'm leaving it to you!

As soon as Daido Miki finished these words, Philip looked at Shotaro coquettishly and said, Let's take this case and help Ms. Maria.

Sometimes it feels so wonderful. Philip can feel the warmth of his mother from Miki Daido, but he can only feel pressure from Sherard, his own mother.

Even if Philip didn't beg him, Shotaro, a detective who loves Fengdu, would choose to take the case!

As a result, all members of the Narumi Detective Agency were dispatched.

Under Shotaro's initiative, Ms. Izumi from the Izumi Confectionery Shop, former Fudu MP Masaru Kusuhara, high school girls Queen and Elizabeth, Isamu Oto from the Fengdou Snack Street...all of the people who had been helped by W began to take the initiative to help Shotaro looks for the memory.

A strong interpersonal network is one of the most valuable assets of Narumi Detective Agency, and the more people we help, the bigger this network will become.

And relying on it, the memories collected by Narumi Detective Agency actually collected most of the T2 memories.

At this time, they received a call from Ms. Maria.

Phillip answered the phone first with a happy face.

Philip-kun, I have joined the reinforcements from international organizations.

Please bring the memories you collected to the Fengdu Development Site, and we will properly recycle them.

What Philip didn't know was that what was waiting for them ahead was not only Maria, but also a white god of death named Katsuki Daido.

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