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The horse people in the horse tribe are doing their own thing, some are looking up at the starry sky, some are processing some herbs, and some are pony people, frolicking around the tribe in groups.


When the sound of horses’ hooves came again, the horses in the tribe looked slightly sideways, curiously looking at Bane and other horses in charge of patrolling.

Because just outside the tribe, there seemed to be visitors, so they all went out.

But it’s rare to come back so quickly.

One of the horse people, who was processing herbs in the tribe, saw Bane and other horse people who were going out, came back so quickly, with a puzzled face, he immediately put down the matter at hand and greeted him.

“Bane!” It greeted a group of horsemen who had just returned from the tribe, and asked Bane at the front: “What’s going on, haven’t you found the visitor, or do you say…”


Bane glanced at him indifferently, called out its name directly, interrupted Ferencze’s doubts, and said in a tone without the slightest tone:

“I still have things to do, don’t stop in front of me.”

After speaking, Bane pushed away Ferencze, who was blocking in front of him, and walked straight to the horse tribe, a wooden shed in the center.

Ferenczer looked stunned and even more dazed, not understanding what Bane meant.

“That’s…” It looked at Bane who was walking straight, and said in the direction he was going, a little surprised: “What did Bane go to the horse prophet for?” ”

The direction that Bane was walking in at this time was the house where the prophet of the horse tribe was located.

In the end, Ferenczer hesitated in place for a moment, until he watched Bane enter the house of the Prophet, and did not make any more sounds, although he was puzzled, but went about his own business.


The house of the horse prophet is full of all kinds of plants, and in the center is a bonfire, and a horse man with pale hair and wrinkled skin like dead wood bark squats in front of him with his eyes closed, as if he is asleep.

Even though Bane walked in, he didn’t respond.

“You’re coming…”

After a long time, the old horse slowly opened his eyes, looked at Bane who came in, and said in a hoarse trill, as if every word had been exhausted.

But Bane did not answer, still standing in place with a stiff expression, looking at the horse prophet, indifferent.

The horse prophet did not seem surprised by Bane’s reaction, and moved with difficulty, leaning sideways from within reach, grabbing two handfuls of wildflowers and weeds from within reach.

Then, it casually threw the two unknown weeds and wildflowers into the bonfire in front of him.

Cracking sound!

The weeds that were already somewhat dry up immediately emitted a burning crackling sound the moment they were thrown into the bonfire, accompanied by faint black smoke and Mars.

The horse prophet’s cloudy eyes stared at the face without a god, and he still muttered something in his mouth.

For a long time, the whole room was only its murmur, and Bei did not move an inch from head to end, just froze in place.

“What do you want to gain here. Or what are you seeking…” At this time, the horse prophet with his head bowed and seemed to be the twilight remnant, broke the calm again:


As if it wasn’t talking to Bane, it spoke strangely to the air in front of it, and there was something more in its cloudy eyes.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Time passed little by little, but the horse prophet never changed his expression, did not speak out again, did not pay attention to Bane who had been manipulated, but just stared at the front with his eyes blank.


Finally, a few minutes later, in the house where there were originally only two people, the air in the empty place suddenly flooded with waves, and a figure appeared in place.

A teenager wearing a black power suit, a black cloak, clear eyebrows, bright eyes and bright teeth.

It was Wilkes who had been hiding in the shadows.

He casually withdrew the phantom curse, his brows locked, looking at the squatting in front of him, feeling that he had known his existence for a long time, and a dangerous look flashed in his eyes.

Wilkes wondered, not feeling that he had just shown his horse’s feet somewhere, how he had been discovered by others at once, let alone the horse-man prophet he had met for the first time.

Without warning, he came to the Forbidden Forest, controlled all the horsemen who found him before, followed this horseman named Bane here, and even chose a clearing where he was standing at this time.

Nothing is broken.

Wilkes lowered his head suspiciously, looked at the horse prophet, was silent, and then silently looked at the bonfire that was smoking with sparks and black smoke, and muttered:

“Sage and mallow…”

He had some guesses in his heart, and began to look around the whole room, secretly wondering that the plants in this room were familiar.

Mallow and sage, often burned by horses, predict the future by observing the smoke and flames they produce.

Hearing the sound, the cloudy eyes of the horse prophet lit up for the first time, looking at the human teenager who appeared out of thin air in front of him.

You know, these two plants, ordinary human wizards do not know, let alone a teenager.

In this regard, Wilkes disagreed, looked at the horse prophet who seemed to be surprised, and snorted coldly with disdain.

Under normal circumstances, in fact, as long as it is after the third grade, after the elective course prophecy class, it will be recorded in the prophecy textbook, but the prophecy method of the horse people will be taken away, so few people will pay attention.

Of course, he is definitely not included in it.

“It’s just that it seems that your prophetic ability is not enough to predict the purpose of my coming here.” Wilkes said indifferently.

Immediately, the elderly horse prophet shook his head, not frightened, not angry, but just like an elder, answered:

“Prophecy is not omnipotent, it can only give us a very vague future, and the rest is up to us to make our own judgment.”

Even so, the jealousy in Wilkes’ eyes has never weakened, it is a prophecy, predicting the future…

Although in the book, he also learned that there are many magical creatures in this world, or gifted wizards, who can make vague predictions of the future, but experiencing it in person is still a little creepy.

“It’s a pity…” Wilkes suddenly shook his head after thinking a lot.

What is the use of predicting the future, you do not have enough strength, and the predicted future is just your own death.

Thinking about it, he took out his wand seemingly at random, shook it in his hand, and said: “Since you discovered it in advance, I won’t hide it, I originally wanted to take your soul from you, and then extract your memory…”

Wilkes’ expression was indifferent, as if he didn’t care at all about the act of casting the Imperius Curse and even forcibly extracting other people’s memories, and then said:

“But now, I want to give you a chance, as long as you tell me about the location of the spring of good luck and help me get it, I can consider…”

“Let go of you centaurs.”

He chose to bluntly finish his purpose this time, and his eyes became deeper, looking at the horse prophet in front of him, waiting for its answer.

“How, do you need to use your prophetic powers…” Wilkes sneered indifferently, “Go and verify whether what I said is true.” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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