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“What’s that?” Wilkes asked curiously, having studied potions with Snape for a few years and had not seen that potion yet.

“Ancient… Potions, the truth revealed…. Snape replied in his characteristic way of speaking.

“Oh! Is it finally successfully configured? Congratulations. ”

Wilkes congratulated happily that this was also the recipe for the ancient potion he obtained from the Ravenclaw crown, which can break all disguises and let the other party reveal the truth, but the materials used for the configuration are also very rare, so most people now use a weakened version of the true potion.

On the ground, Luke’s figure twisted, and after some changes, Luke’s face twisted into a person that both of them knew very well… Barty Crouch Jr.

“It’s actually… He. Snape looked at Barty Crouch Jr. lying on the ground with complicated eyes.

Wilkes was also surprised, he didn’t expect that Barty Crouch Jr. had finished impersonating Moody before, and this time he actually broke into the Ministry of Magic, no wonder he was not seen by John News, after all, Barty Jr.’s acting skills are very powerful.

Barty Crouch Jr. opened his eyes, his pupils locked on Wilkes and Snape.

“Crouch… Long time no see. Snape said coldly.

“You traitor who must not die!! The host is back! When he comes, he will torture you well! Barty Jr. stuck out his tongue and looked at Snape with resentment.

“Where’s Voldemort?” Snape asked condescendingly as he poked Barty Crouch Jr. in the face with his wand.

“The host is in… Hmm… Hmm… Click???? ”

Little Barty was about to answer, but suddenly froze, and made a sound of unknown meaning.

“Hey, Snape, have you failed in your Potions configuration?” Wilkes looked at Snape a little speechlessly, feelings are a half-finished product? He was thrilled to finally find Voldemort’s hiding place.

Snape ignored Wilkes and began to inquire to himself.


“Barty Crouch II.”

“Who did you become with the compound decoction?”

“Luke Deere.”

“Where is Luke Dill now?”

“I killed him hahahahaha, he ate the alligator!”

Barty Crouch Jr. answered the other questions Snape asked, and Wilkes could tell that he wasn’t lying.

“Where’s your master?”

“The host is in… Hmm… Hmm… Click???? ”

Little Barty spat out the previous voice with a puzzled look.

“The truth is revealed… No configuration… Failure, Voldemort… spoiled about yourself … of memory. He didn’t…… Lie, because of his … In the mind, there is simply no … News about Voldemort’s whereabouts. Snape snorted coldly.

“Have you been done to something?” Wilkes also frowned, he didn’t expect Voldemort to be so ruthless, even his most loyal servant did not let go.

But thinking about it, a big devil who almost ruled the wizarding world more than ten years ago, coupled with more than ten years of humiliation, if he was killed by himself so easily, it was obviously a little unrealistic, thinking of this, Wilkes was also relieved, ready to ask something more on Barty Jr.

“I drank a strange glass of water?” Barty Jr. murmured.

“What water, what does it do?” Wilkes’ eyes lit up and asked curiously.

“I don’t know.” The next second, Barty Jr.’s answer disappointed Wilkes.

“Water of despair, the Black Devil… In France, legends… It is the product of death, taking away … Fine…… Experience despair. Unexpectedly, Snape next to him replied.

Hearing Snape’s words, Barty Jr.’s body continued to tremble, as if in fear, but no matter how much Wilkes asked, he could only answer with a glass of water.

“No need to ask, I know… Voldemort, he must have been… Foolproof, you said before… The kind of magic, I think it should… It’s the magic he created with the Water of Despair, you might just be… Snape said halfway.

Little Barty on the ground suddenly twitched sharply, and then stiffened.

Wilkes and Snape were taken aback, and quickly crouched down to check on Barty Jr.

“…… Scared to death. Snape said calmly after checking Barty Jr.’s condition.

Wilkes recalled carefully, and then remembered that in the movie, Dumbledore seemed to have drunk something before he died, could it be the water of despair that Snape said?

“I have four more Death Eaters here, you take them and study them, you must not use the dementoring mind, otherwise you may be attacked too.” Wilkes said as he threw the four remaining Death Eaters who attacked the Millennium Bridge to the ground.

Snape nodded and waved his wand to take several people away with a floating charm.

Wilkes took Barty Crouch Jr.’s body to the Forbidden Forest, and then waved his wand.

A seductive blood flower bloomed in the Forbidden Forest. It’s not that Wilkes likes to whip corpses, he just wants to make sure that Barty Crouch Jr. is indeed dead, after all, there may be magic used to pretend to be dead. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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