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Credence said in the letter that he had not seen Wilkes for a while and wanted to meet, but with an old man like Credence, this is probably something to discuss with himself, which is quite rare.

Now that the matter of Voldemort is over, there is no need to guard Hogwarts anymore. So Wilkes and Thor went to Credence’s house with a portkey.

Credence was sitting behind the table eating lunch at this time, and stood up happily when he saw Wilkes.

“Wilkes! Here you are. Credence put down the fork in his hand and came up to give Wilkes a hug.

“Hehe, you’ve lived a pretty good life.” Liu Yin made it possible to pour himself a cup of coffee on the sofa and quipped.

“It’s okay, after all, I control the black market, listen to me, I found an opportunity to make a fortune!” Credence put down his half-eaten lunch and sat down across from Wilkes.

Wilkes took a sip of coffee and looked at Credence with questioning eyes.

“I found a dragon island! Are there any interest in doing a vote, let’s two cheat a dragon out, and the materials on its body are five or five open. Credence remembers working with Wilkes, and Wilkes finally gave the longhorned dragon a fatal blow.

“Poof. No, no, I have something to do this holiday, and I can’t do it. Wilkes squirted out a sip of coffee, and he felt the mood swings of Thor next to him very much.

“It’s okay, I can wait for you.” Credence looked at Wilkes enthusiastically.

“Ahem, old friend, my position is not to do such a thing, sorry, this matter is not to be discussed.” Wilkes saw this and had to have a showdown. Thor calmed down at this time, but looked at Credence’s eyes with some hostility.

“Well, by the way, this is the Newt Motra rat that I told you last time. I’ve seen three of them in the past few months, and I’ve taken them all for you. Credence was a little disappointed, but pulled out three cages from the dragonskin bag, which contained Wilkes’ familiar Newt Motra rat.

“Thank you.” Wilkes said and threw away a dragonskin bag containing sixty thousand gold galleons, he was not short of gold galleons now, and he did not want to take advantage of Credence.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Wilkes left Credence’s house with a visibly unhappy Thor.

Looking at the unhappy Thor, Wilkes thought about it and planned to take her to a Muggle place to eat some food and treat her, after all, Thor had saved himself many times.

The two came to the streets of London.

“Thor, I’m sorry, human creatures, I can only promise that I won’t attack those dragons unless they turn their swords at me…” Wilkes walked toward a restaurant and explained.

“It’s okay, Thor knows that Dad will do that, if there is a dragon who wants to harm Dad Thor will kill them.” Thor said in dismay.

“Hehe, then thank you, let’s go eat some food to change the mood.” Wilkes smiled.

Walking into the restaurant, Wilkes ordered a large plate of chicken and braised pork, while Thor looked at the recipe.

“Except for soup and vegetables, everything else is the same.”

The waiter was visibly stunned.

“That, little girl? What did you just say? I didn’t hear clearly, which dish do you want? ”

“Except for soup and vegetables, everything else is done all over again.” Thor repeated.

The waiter looked at Wilkes, and it seemed to her that the little girl was playing a prank.

“Ahem, let’s do it all over again, I eat more.” Wilkes knew Thor was unhappy and wanted to eat more to vent his anger.

“Then can you pay the bill first, after all…” The waiter was afraid that these two people were here to eat the overlord meal, and said with some embarrassment.

Wilkes took out two £500 sheets and handed them over.

“Is that enough?”

“Enough is enough, I’ll go and get you change.” The waiter quickly closed the menu.

“No need, let’s tip the rest.” Wilkes had scanned the menu before, and it was estimated that it would cost almost that much money. It was useless for him to take the change.

“Thank you, young sir.”

The waiter bowed happily and left.

After a while, the food began to be served, and the two began to eat.

“Dad, shall we not live in the Muggle world for a while? The food here is delicious. Thor ate for a while, his anger gradually subsided, and he proposed.

“You can consider it if you want.” Wilkes shrugged, there wasn’t much to do lately other than find a time to ask Sirius’ brother if he had gotten the Slytherin locket. The Muggle world also has a lot of fun.

Just as Wilkes was thinking about where he planned to buy the house, he suddenly received a call from John.

“Sir, there is a meeting recently held by the institutions of the nature of the Ministry of Magic, this meeting is very important, but I have to stay in the Ministry of Magic, do you want to attend?” This time I got the news that someone wanted to take advantage of Voldemort’s disappearance to unify the Ministry of Magic of the countries. ”

“Tsk, is this really, as soon as the danger from the outside world ends, people will start fighting internally? Where is the conference held? Wilkes asked.

“The venue is in the Woolworth Building in New York City, and the initiator is the American Magical Congress, and the head of the Magical Congress, John, still wants to get my support for this bill, but I think I should ask you what you mean.”

PS: I recommend a good book by a friend “Armor Warrior War God Punishment Heaven”, you can read it if you like it. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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