Fortunately, there were not many dark magical creatures attacking, and coupled with the Aurors of squads 21 to 40 behind them, they accelerated the battle in time, and Wilkes and they won without suspense. Some uninjured Aurors began to treat some injured Aurors with healing magic.

Just when all the Aurors were proud of the victory, Wilkes felt some sense of discord, the other party obviously would not know which direction they were attacking from, naturally they could not send troops to snipe, after all, the positioning of the teleportation magic array they set, and along the way he and Thor were the big head, no one had the opportunity to leak the information on this side, so these dark magical creatures could only be arranged around every day?

Wilkes immediately used a loud spell to say his analysis, and the surrounding Aurors were poured with cold water on their heads, although they wanted to refute, Wilkes’ analysis was too reasonable for them to refute.

Dumbledore also rushed over.


“Not counted yet, the battle has just ended.” Then Wilkes asked one of the Aurors next to him to count the casualties while telling Dumbledore about his guess.

“Can’t quickly resist the territory of Russian Luo, then first carve out a base here to ensure that you will not suffer from the enemy.” Dumbledore thought a little and suggested.

“I agree, let’s figure out what’s going on here first.” Wilkes nodded.

Dumbledore immediately conveyed it to the leaders of the various Auror squads.

Then eight hundred Aurors fanned outward, and sure enough, just as Wilkes had thought, they encountered many dark magical creatures. A large amount of magical light suddenly erupted from the surroundings. Wilkes was about to go to help when Dumbledore stopped him.

“You have a good rest, before you meet the main master, it is best that we all don’t make a move, can enslave so many dark magical creatures have souls, I have not seen it in more than a hundred years of life, is a powerful enemy, these Aurors are no threat to him, it should only be you and me who can stop each other.”

“I’ll investigate a little information, and I’ll try to preserve my strength.” Although what Dumbledore said made sense, after the battle just now, he found that there were some strange things he wanted to test.

“You go, I’m sure you won’t mess around.” Dumbledore thought a little and nodded.

Wilkes and Thor walked towards a slightly less crowded area. The figures who attacked just now seemed to have no mind of their own, which made him very concerned.

“Is it the Imperius Curse…” Wilkes muttered.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to test it with a spell stop later.” Thor said with a smile on the sidelines. With a wave of the wand in his hand, a flame dragon devoured a poisonous horned beast that pounced from behind. The poisonous horned beast was burned into a pile of ashes before it could even scream.

Wilkes continued to walk forward.

A white figure quickly crashed into Wilkes.

“Fainting.” Seeing that the other party was a person, Wilkes planned to arrest him for information, so he used the Coma Charm.

However, to Wilkes’ surprise, the fainting light did hit the other party, but the other party did not receive the slightest impact, and rushed to Wilkes.

Thor flashed in front of Wilkes in an instant, and the dragon’s claws passed through the opponent’s chest.

Just when Wilkes and Thor were both relieved, the other party actually bit Thor with his mouth open.

“How can it be! The undead? As soon as the words fell, Thor’s dragon claws flew by, cutting off the other party’s head.

Only then did the pale body stop moving. But where the head was cut off by Thor, not even blood spurted out.

“…… He was a dead man. Thor was silent for a moment and gave a conclusion.

Wilkes stepped forward and began rummaging through the bodies.

“No dragonskin bags…, no wands, nothing related to magic… It’s a Muggle! Wilkes was taken aback.

“Was it controlled by the Imperius Curse to attack us?” Thor asked curiously from the sidelines.

“Tsk, it shouldn’t be, as you can see, he is already a dead man, the Imperius Curse cannot control the God of Death, this is probably a kind of necromancer magic, and things have become troublesome.”

“It’s just a Muggle, Dad, aren’t you a little too nervous? I can kill as much as this Muggle. Thor said nonchalantly.

“It’s fine for the two of us, but for other wizards, these fierce Muggle corpses will cause them a lot of trouble, and since they are directly controlled by magic, they will not die even if they are fatally injured, unless the entire body is blown into pieces of flesh by the Shattering Curse, or the head that controls the body’s balance is destroyed. Let’s go back and report this quickly. ”

Wilkes sighed, and Thor spread his wings and flew back to camp with Wilkes in his arms.

As soon as he landed, Wilkes immediately told Dumbledore about his discovery. Dumbledore quickly formulated a response plan and conveyed it.

“Trelawney’s prophecy came true.” Dumbledore said as he sat down in his chair with a heavy heart.

“Did she prophesy how this matter would be resolved?” Wilkes asked.

Dumbledore shook his head: “The prophesied things are very illusory, she can only see some clues to be inspired, we can’t know what will happen in the future.” ”

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