The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 713: little devil

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It was supposed to bring so many good things, and clean up the worms and pests in the entire seven-country regime. The return journey of Liu Ruian and his party should be in a hurry. Tasting

Actually, the opposite is true. The long horses and convoys are traveling very slowly.

This is not the case, only to leave Lindong City only half of the day's trip actually stopped again.

Cyberjaya, the home of the Cy family, is only a half-day ride from Lindong City.

Why obviously only half a day's ride, Liu Rui'an, they have gone for most of the day.

The reason is very simple. Go out early to lunch and have to eat, so Robert Baratheon, the king, waved his hands, hunted and picnicked, and delayed a lot of time.

When he arrived at Cyberjaya and attended the Sai Family Dinner, Robert Baratheon accidentally drank too much, and then slept with a few Sai Family Women.

No way, her queen actually had a leg with her compatriot brother, and finally died.

In this case, just drunk yourself and sleep a few women, really not a matter.

But this was drunk and slept, and Robert Baratheon spent another five days in Cyberjaya before returning.

On the bright side, Robert Baratheon, the king of the Seven Kingdoms, borrowed wine and women to dispel his grudge and anger.

But secretly, with the advice of Liu Ruian, Robert Baratheon tied the Sai family to their chariots with a big stick and a carrot policy.

Great, naturally Liu Rui'an, a court magician, showed her strength.

At the same time, he also made a narration with one sentence: Disobedient family died!

As for carrots, it's impossible to get a car of carrots.

It is just that Liu Rui'an just supported a group of excellent treasures worth several cities. Naturally, it's suitable to be used as a carrot.

Of course, these superb treasures are not all for nothing.

In addition to the few rewards, the rest of the family must spend money to buy land.

For the Sai family, the chariot that was completely tied to Robert Baratheon was no choice.

Although you can choose to pay for things, there is absolutely no need to refuse.

Just kidding, not to mention the sharp weapon, or the precious jewel.

Or tea bricks, porcelain, silk. For the Sai family in the wild north, these things are really not rich enough to buy the land.

Adding on to the food appearance of Robert Baratheon is not ugly. The asking price of things is not only not high, but also quite favorable.

But this is the case. When the horse team and the team are on the road again, the Golden Dragon of the racing family has also been wiped out.

At the same time, the two women, three men and five men of the game family also joined the team of Liu Rui'an and his team.

After the news in this area reached the ears of all parties, it did not cause much reaction.

It is quite confidential to completely conquer the Sai family. Except Liu Rui'an, Robert Baratheon and Ed Stark, even the five people sent by the Sai family are unclear.

Are these two coming? As a king, Robert Baratheon was wearing a green hat, and most of the time is not short.

The most important thing is that things are known to everyone. In this case, only the intention of slowing down the speed of the return trip to revenge the two brothers who have died, it is not a matter at all.

For those spectators who are either gloating or conspiring, Robert Baratheon returns not only does harm but benefits.

The queen and prince of the Lannister family died, and the contemporary patriarch also hung up, which was very profitable for many people.

But for some two people, this kind of heaven knows when it will return to the speed of King's Landing. Obviously not so good ...

After leaving the city, the huge team and horse team only walked for a small period of time and stopped again.

As a king, Robert Baratheon felt the weather was good today, and it was almost lunchtime, so he waved his hand.

Another hunting and picnic ...

"Let me go in!" Tyrion Lannister shouted with a sullen face, the little demon blocked by the guard outside the huge tent.

"No one is allowed to enter without the permission of the king!" Said the guard, who had just changed to new equipment for a few days, said with a cold face holding the sword handle of his waist.

"I'm the queen's brother. Do you dare to stop me ?!" Tyrion Lannister scolded in a very bad mood and his face was ugly.

Unfortunately, the identity that worked in the past is now worthless because of the two bodies of the carriage parked outside the convoy.

As a guard of the Robert Baratheon of the Five Kingdoms, he was too lazy to respond to such rants, and directly pulled out his saber as an answer.

When the sword had just drawn a third. Listen to a voice that sounds from behind the little devil:

"Okay, put away your sword."

Lyon Lannister looked down subconsciously, and saw Liu Ruian, who was dressed in a gorgeous dress, did not know when she had appeared before.

When Tyrion Lannister was shocked that the other party was not moving, the guard who had just been cold and directly took back a third of his sword and received it back, and at the same time respectfully saluted:

"Observe, Master Magician."

Faced with this very different attitude, Tyrion Lannister was not too annoyed to talk about ~ ~ but it was a bit self-deprecating.

Who allowed himself to enjoy many privileges in the past as the brother of the queen and the son of the patriarch of the Lannister family.

But now ...

"Have you seen the Lord Magician." Tyrion Lannister politely politely pressed his mind as he rolled his mind.

There is no way to be disrespectful. Although the identity of the court magician sounds like there is no actual power except for the new appearance, the other party has won the trust and appreciation of Robert Baratheon.

This is not counted, the most important thing is that the origin and strength of this court magician is quite mysterious.

Except for some rumors over Lindong City, the others are ignorant.

It can be regarded as such. The power that Liu Rui'an "unintentionally" showed on weekdays was enough to make Tyrion Lannister treat it with caution.

"You're welcome, Tyrion." Liu Ruian asked kindly, with a smile that made people feel like spring breeze.

"You are so critical to see your majesty, is there something wrong?"

"Yes, Lord Magician, great event!" Tyrion Lannister replied solemnly.

"Well, please give me a few minutes." Liu Ruian, who pondered for a few seconds, said apologetically:

"You know, your majesty has been in a bad mood recently, often using alcohol and women to anesthetize herself."

"It is estimated that there is no longer any way to talk about the business at this moment. I need some time to wake him up, don't you mind?" (To be continued.)

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