Someone found a large bag of charcoal for barbecue in a household, and also found a cauldron. After cleaning the cauldron with a little water, I put a large bag of rice in it and added mineral water to the rice surface. In centimeters, books and papers were found, which ignited charcoal and burned rice.

There is also a large pot in this family’s kitchen. Soon, another simple stove was set up. After boiling water, the found noodles were also put in. After the simple stove was set up, the scent of rice and noodles soon came out of the kitchen, making the hungry and tired Players and Survivors in the hall unable to stop swallowing.

“This is for you.” Liu Gan took out a can of meat and handed it to Zhang Hua, and then asked the other players to take out some of the food and drinking water from the backpack and distribute it to everyone present.

Before that pot of rice and that pot of noodles were not cooked, everyone first ate the existing food that can be eaten directly, some snacks and even milk powder. Of course, the milk powder was not soaked in water, but grabbed one by one. Drink a little water in your mouth and swallow it. As long as you can fill your stomach, you can eat it no matter how you eat it.

Finally, the noodles and rice came out of the pot. Although there were 2 large pots, there were more than a dozen people present, so each person was only assigned a small bowl for the time being. Of course, another round of rice and noodles are still cooking in the cauldron.

Some of the picked mustards, sauces, etc. were taken as meals and placed in the middle of the coffee table. Players sat or stood with their rice bowls around them.

“Thank Elder Liu! It’s not Elder Liu. We are dead. We can still have a bite of hot food and a drink of beer, and we are so happy!” Before dinner, Zhang Shengli picked up a beer can and said something, Others also expressed their gratitude to Liu Gan and said various gratitude words to Liu Gan.

“In the future, our dozen or so brother sisters will be a Great Family. Everyone lives and death together, and Elder Liu is our patriarch. Let’s respect Elder Liu together!” Wang Decheng also said a few words aloud.

“Don’t do this, while you’re still calm. Eat quickly! I don’t engage in any personal worship.” Liu Gan waved to everyone, he was not a person who would be happy or content when he heard compliments, instead he I don’t like people like this, especially those who follow me.

As long as they perform well, the nonsense that they say is more, will not make Liu Gan add a bit of favor to whom, he will only look at their performance in the face of various situations and actions. And whether the unique abilities they have can help at a critical moment.

Although Liu Gan said so, everyone on the scene really thanked him from the heart. Without his bravery, calm judgment, leadership and dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety, it was really difficult for them to live. Support until now in this brief moment.

Just when everyone was eating and drinking, when they were tired or sitting or lying on the ground, on a chair, or on the sofa, and wanted to rest for a while, a Player vigiled by the window yelled and fainted a little. The drowsy crowd woke up.

Liu Gan rushed to the window and saw his face gloomy immediately after seeing a scene not far from the window.

Zhang Shengli and the others also came to the window. Seeing everything happening outside the window, his face was full of fear.

If this is a game, is it too difficult? Can’t it give people a moment of peace? Give at least a little bit of breathing time, right?

The city was in the dozens of minutes when Liu Gan and the others ate. Some tornadoes have disappeared, but some new tornadoes have been created. Just when the vigilant Player was looking outwards, a few blocks away from here suddenly burst into a new tornado, and then swept towards the community, the momentum was growing The fiercer the wind, the stronger the wind.

It’s impossible to escape now, and the outside world is far more horrible than the room. Staying in the house can barely take advantage of the solidity of reinforced concrete for a while, but if you go outside and try to avoid on the extremely complicated streets Tornado, which is sweeping at high speed, is purely a courting death act.

“Elder Liu, what shall we do now?” Look at that tornado getting closer. Everyone’s pupils were getting bigger and bigger, and they asked Liu Gan involuntarily.

“Away from the doors and windows. Then, let it be.” Liu Gan said to everyone.

In the face of such an overwhelming natural force, human wisdom, courage, conviction, will … everything is fragile and fundamentally impossible to withstand a single blow, even if it is a dual powerhouse Liu Gan, physically and mentally, At this time, you have to listen to fate.

The crowd was silent, and at this time they could only pray silently in their hearts. I really don’t know when this fear, this despair, these shivering deep into the bone marrow will come to an end.

Soon the tornado came to the neighborhood and swept the zombie that had not been killed by Liu Gan and the others in the entrance square of the neighborhood. Some messy things were also thrown up by the wind and smashed on the building to make a terrible sound, but fortunately, they haven’t hit the vicinity of the room where everyone is.

The sky was even darker, because the flying zombie and the obscuration made the room look like night. When the wind really reached the building where everyone was, the entire building shook violently. Under the pressure of huge wind pressure, the closed windows of the room made people feel that they might burst at any time.

The shaking of the building made everyone’s faces pale, and the repeated impacts of some unknown objects on the building made people frightened. 10000 As soon as this building can’t resist the tornado’s formidable power, or accidentally collapsed by a giant, then these people will be buried alive in the collapsed ruins of this building.

Surviving in the last days is already a very difficult task, and it is also facing the torture of nature and the test of such harsh natural conditions.

According to Survivor, the weather in the city was not so bad before The Trembling World game began. At that time, unlike now, it was always cloudy, it was often sunny and the four seasons were clear. All of this started to be so bad after the disaster.

Compared to other players’ lose one’s head out of fear, Liu Gan’s expression has always seemed calm and indifferent. In the past few minutes, he recalled his more than 20 years of experience, especially the mental journey of more than a year after his amputation. He has survived even the hardest days, he doesn’t believe he will die here, he doesn’t believe he will die here meaninglessly. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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