“Then let’s run away quickly! While no one is paying attention, they can’t find us for medical and laundry expenses when we leave.” Guo Tian quickly picked up and walked to the door of the ward. Staggered outside.

“How can you do this? This is too immoral, isn’t it?” Qian Zhou, who was beside the door, rebuked Guo Tian loudly.

“Big sister, don’t leave when you have a bright day. After leaving here alone, the five of us will leave first.” Guo Tian said and walked out the door. Liu Gan, Anna and the others changed their clothes and followed. After slipping out of the ward together, Qian Zhou hesitated for a moment and had to swallow what he said just now and follow them to leave the ward.

When Liu Gan and the others stepped out of the ward, they found that the decision to escape was actually meaningless, because simply there were no medical staff outside and it was empty everywhere. This ‘hospital’ looks new, just like the one just renovated but not yet in use.

Not put into use, but received 6 serious car accident wounded?

What kind of hospital is this?

Liu Gan looked at the layout outside and felt that it was not like a hospital at all, but more like a laboratory. The white coat worn by the female ghost last night may not be the white coat of the hospital. It is the white coat of the laboratory staff. Coat, right?

He was even more confused.

As the six people looked around and looked around curiously, a voice came from their wrists at the same time.

“It’s 6 o’clock in the morning now, and you can leave. But you have to get back here before 9 o’clock every night. If you don’t come back before 9 o’clock, you will have all kinds of accidents and then die.”

Liu Gan heard this voice and found out that there was an extra watch on his wrist! The alloy ring and the dark silver streamline are very thin and light, with almost no weight attached to the wrist, and it looks like a smart watch of the future technology.

“What the hell? Who wore us?” Anna frowned as she looked at her wrist.

Liu Gan seemed to think of something when he saw this watch, but after thinking about it for a while, his head was dizzy, and he was a little stunned. He quickly stopped thinking about it.

Everyone and Liu Gan looked towards their watch together, and Liu Gan tried to release it from their wrist. But I found that the strap of this watch does not have any interface, and the whole is alloy. Just right on their wrists.

Although it is tightly fitted, I don’t feel any discomfort on the wrist not at all, and I don’t even notice it even if I don’t pay attention. Except for the words just mentioned on the screen, no matter how hard Liu Gan was on the screen, he could not pull out any other interface. It felt totally inoperable.

“This is what the hell thing? Who wore it for us?” The other five talked together there.

“No matter! Let’s go back to school first. After we get back to school, we will go outside and find someone to untie it.” Qian Zhou urged everyone. She is most concerned about the problem of not being late for morning exercises and not deducting credits.

“Aren’t we caught by the aliens? What human experiments do we take?” Guo Tian guessed with his brain wide open.

“Brother, you really think too much.” Qian Zhou gave Guo Tian a glance.

Although 6 people are full of doubts, it is now more than 6 o’clock, and you must rush back to Academy as soon as possible, otherwise you will be late for morning exercises. Yang Dao of their class is very strict in morning exercises. If they are late, their credits will be deducted, and they will graduate immediately. Being detained to learn the branch is a very troublesome thing.

After going downstairs, six people went straight to the gate of the first floor lobby. When they left the building and looked back, they found that the ‘hospital’ had a total of six floors. The entire building is very new outside. The floor area is also large, and it looks like it should be a new building.

The sign above the ‘hospital’ main entrance has not been fully prepared, with only the word ‘center’ embedded on it. There should be a few words before, but it has not been installed yet.

The snow last night has stopped. There was snow everywhere on the ground. When leaving the ‘hospital’ and coming to the streets outside, all around very quiet. Street 2 is full of newly-renovated garden quarters or garden villas. It looks very high-end, but there are no pedestrians on the roadside. There are only occasional vehicles with anti-skid tires passing quickly in the middle of the road.

Maybe this is a newly built residential building, haven’t sold it yet? Then it’s too early, so it’s not surprising that there are no pedestrians on the side of the road.

Not long after an empty taxi appeared at the intersection, everyone quickly waved to stop it. Qian Zhou led Jiang Jinyuan, Guo Tian, ​​and Zhang Mengdi to sit up first, and Liu Gan was standing on the side of the road in a daze. Anna wanted to grab it, but hesitated to see Liu Gan staying.

“Sister 2 Brother 2 Sit down! Just talk about affectionate!” Guo Tian poked his head out of the window and made a face at Anna.

“Go to death!”

Anna flew up and kicked the snow on the ground, but unexpectedly her body was out of balance and she fell on her back.

Liu Gan’s eyes and hands reached out and wrapped Anna’s buttocks. She lifted her up, and felt that it was not in the right place. After straightening Anna’s body, she quickly retracted her hands.

“Thank you.” Anna’s blush reached the root of her neck, but looking towards Liu Gan’s eyes was filled with some other kind of charm.

“It’s okay.” Liu Gan quickly turned his head, pretending to look at the car in the middle of the road.


“Brother 2 just touched sister 2’s butt.” Guo Tian reported to others in the car.

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Qian Zhou hit Guo Tian’s head.

“I didn’t talk nonsense! It’s true! If I want to talk nonsense, it will hurt me for a lifetime!” Guo Tian swears immediately.

“You have an eggache …” everyone said to Guo Tian together.


Qian Zhou After their taxi left, Liu Gan and Anna continued to wait at the intersection. After a while, the two of them waited for an unloaded taxi. After stopping, they sat up and asked the driver to take them back to the Academy.

“2 brother, what are you thinking?” Anna asked blushingly next to Liu Gan.

“Did you remember what happened last night?” Liu Gan said back to Anna.

“whats the matter?”

“Forget it.” Liu Gan shook the head, her head cracked like that, it’s strange to remember.

Anna pursed her lips and looked at Liu Gan outside the car window, pretending to be asleep and leaning on the back of the chair, then secretly moved towards Liu Gan, and moved again … finally leaning on Liu Gan’s On his shoulders, a happy smile fell asleep. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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