The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 14: Milestone completed!

Fang Senyan was very gracious with a smile and listened to the introduction of the contents of the store one by one, but his left ear went into his right ear and straight out, taking the old bitch's words as farting, and then suddenly shouted into the street:

"David! Come here, lend me two pounds!"

等等 "Wait!" Mughal called out suddenly, with a somber expression on his face: "Well, I want to buy this gold coin for you, and you make an offer."

Wu Fangsenyan said decisively:

"Twelve pounds, because I want to buy your holy twig 桠, so you give me ten pounds."

Fang Senyan already knew that he had been put together by Kerry. This guy only told him the process of the task, but ignored the steps to purchase Mughal things and improve his favorability. Of course, it is not ruled out. People with high charisma can perform tasks directly --- --- Kerry's purpose of angering himself should be very simple, of course, to get himself stuck in the middle of the task and go back to him after the incident, incidentally Fishing for some benefits too. In this nightmare space, of course, the interests are supreme. In most cases, everyone is driven by interests to act.

The reason why Fang Senyan bargained with this Mughal instead of giving away gold pounds directly was because he knew that he was not attractive, and giving gifts directly was actually a way of doing more with less. Moreover, the old man showed that he was an insatiable adulterer, an adulterer. The essence is not to do business at a loss. Once you have given away the gold pounds, you still cannot meet the task conditions. Isn't it completely stuck here? In the end I was afraid to go back and endure Kerry's exploitation.

Hearing the words "ten pounds", the old man jumped up like a mad dog, exclaiming, "No! At most six pounds!"

It was probably found that the previous display had no effect. Mughal simply launched a rogue offensive, holding the gold coins and not letting go. Fang Senyan had no choice whatsoever, because the continuous task was still to land on the bitch, so only The painful deal. At this time when referring to that lady Tataxia, the old guy finally opened his mouth:

"Tataxia ... this woman still remembers me."

Almost all Fang Senyan's ears have been erected, but ... but there are no more underneath! The old **** started talking to himself:

哎 "Hey, it's been a long time since I've said so much to others. I'm so thirsty. I don't know if the gold rum in the iron hoop bar next door is available."

Fang Senyan held back his stomach and could only go to the bar next door to inquire. He was told that there was, but one pound for one keg (probably the amount of a pint of beer now). In desperation, I could only spend money to pay respect to this old man. Mughal, who had tasted the fine wine, was probably satisfied, and finally said the original members 151.

It turned out that this old man was a rundown aristocrat in India. When he was young, he caused people who should not be provoked, so he went out to be a sailor and followed the ships of the East India Company to Europe at that time. When he was impoverished, he encountered a team of Gypsies. Mughal was forced by the poor and went to steal. As a result, he was discovered by another Gypsy and killed by accident.

Gypsies are homeless people, like nomads on the grasslands, but nomads chase water and pastures. They move from one town to another in a caravan, As a result, their status is low, and the law protects them insignificantly. In this case, the murdered Mughal fled, but since then he has nightmares every day, and the content of the nightmare is the process of his murder.

After this continued for a month, the almost collapsed Mughal took the initiative to return to the Gypsies' tribe, only to realize that the person who cursed was his fiancee who killed that person-Tataxia. Because Tataxia's marriage was not actually her own choice, she did not have a deep hatred of Mughal. Just to make Mughal a servant for three years, she was set free.

After taking a sip of gold rum, Mughal sighed:

说 "Say, what is her message?"

Fang Senyan stared at Mughal's eyes and said the most critical words in this hidden mission:

"The living raises the dead, lonely kills enthusiastically, and nine wild ducks fly over a tiger."

After listening to this completely bizarre remark, Mughal's wrinkles on his face became deeper. It took him a long time to shake his head, walked back to the room and took out a piece of crystal clear, handed it to Fang Senyan, Fang Senyan was prompt :

"You got the quest prop: Gypsy's Prophecy Crystal Ball Fragment. Use: It will illuminate the path of your life and bring you to the right fork in life."

When the mission reached this step, it had nothing to do with the old man Mughal. Fang Senyan also took a sigh of relief, walked to the seaside, held the crystal ball fragment with his hands and put it into the sea water. This piece of crystal ball immediately glowed a faint light, and then it just melted away. Then the light slowly condensed. If phosphorescence formed a line on the sea, it would take a while before it disappeared:

"When the bell of midnight rings, the whimper of the undead will be restored to reality, the dust of history will be wiped out, and the truth will soon be revealed."

Fang Senyan stood up and sighed with satisfaction. If the mission is done here, then there is only one last step left: come here at midnight. Although this guy Kerry is treacherous, he is just playing tricks carefully, because he also knows that if they do too much to tear their faces, they will still suffer a disadvantage.

At this time, Fang Senyan stood up and was about to go to the port to inquire about the news and so on. Incidentally, there was some money left on him. I wanted to drink a few glasses of rum and sipped a milestone of the "drunk", but was surprised I found that my current "Drunk Ghost" milestone has actually been raised to 72/100! The milestone point has inexplicably risen by 50 points! He thought about it, and immediately thought that he had bought a few sips of gold rum that he had bought for Mughal ----- could this gold rum top ten glasses of ordinary rum in one mouthful? ?

As soon as I thought about it, Fang Senyan immediately went to start the hoop bar and asked for two more barrels of gold rum! He was relentlessly told that he was short-selling, and no amount of money was useless. In desperation, I had to go back to Mughal. Who knew that the old man was obviously drunk after a long distance, lying on the counter and dozing off, and two small oak wine barrels next to him were scattered side by side. Obviously, the gold rum left in it can only be described by the "drop" unit. In desperation, it can only come by happiness and fail.

Looking at the remaining 28 cups on the milestone, Fang Senyan figured it out, probably about the amount of six or seven bottles of beer. It was not an unacceptable task for him, so he simply sat down and drank, but the people next to the bar were immediately stunned. Most of the people who came to the bar were for entertainment. Come to drink in a leisurely mood, instead of a guy like Fang Senyan who pours a glass of wine into his mouth, it looks like he is drinking rum as water!

But Fang Senyan, if no one was there, drank the remaining 28 cups in one breath, and suddenly felt the light flash before him, and got a series of hints from the Nightmare Mark:

"You have completed your first milestone as a contractor."

"Your meritorious value +1." (The next increase in meritorious value is the completion of ten milestones)

"You got the title: Drunk."

"Drunken Ghost: When you drink alcoholic beverages, your hit rate decreases by 3% and your critical strike rate increases by 4% for 60 minutes."

"Only one title can be effective at a time. Do you want to equip the title / drunk?"

"Advanced Milestone: Drunk Man Begins."

"The drunkard meets the conditions: drink all kinds of rum ~ ~ the types are as follows."

"Mulantan: Produced by Via Clara Santa Philip."

"Lonrico: Rum produced by Ploturiku."

"Lambs potato rum: exclusive to the British Navy."

"Cockspum: Produced by the Kyi Company in the West Indies."

"Lemonhart rum: provided by Hatto, a trader in sugar and rum."

For the title of "Drunken Ghost", Fang Senyan is still quite satisfied, because for him who is good at close combat, he does not require the accuracy as long-range shooting, and once a small point of error occurs, the error is almost a thousand miles away and the hit rate decreases The 3% impact is not serious, but the extra 4% critical strike is very tempting. In other words, even letting him trade 3% for 2% crit Fang Senyan has no hesitation.

More importantly, don't forget Fang Senyan's dilemma in the real world. At this time, he is likely to face the dual pursuit of the state machine and the gangster! No matter how powerful equipment and weapons can be obtained in space, it cannot be brought into the real world, and it will not help to improve his situation. However, the title is the same as its own basic attributes. It is an abstract thing and will not be bound by this! This will undoubtedly ease his situation in the real world.

At this time, Fang Senyan's mind even came up with a boundless thought ... Those drunken boxers in the Chinese history before, should not be the contractor who has achieved the milestones related to alcohol like himself! So as long as they do n’t have the wine, they ca n’t activate the title, so their strength will naturally drop significantly.

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