The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 147 The Price of Power

There is no way for human beings to defeat heroic spirits. This is a saying that started to circulate at some point.

Heroic spirits are the embodiment of human dreams and beliefs, and come to this world with the help of the magic of the Holy Grail. Not only do they possess incredible power that can be called a miracle, they also possess extremely powerful Noble Phantasms.

A powerful Noble Phantasm that can easily destroy a city or a country cannot be described and judged by common sense. For example, Rider's inherent barrier, this Noble Phantasm eclipses even among Servants.

Ye Yu didn't know what chance he had of winning, but he only knew that the current situation would never allow him to take a step back.

If he couldn't even protect his wife, then how could he have the dignity to face Illya, and how could he have the dignity to return to Orario to meet Hestia and Riveria?

He is not a king, and does not have the strong bond and consciousness with his subjects like Rider, but he has emotions that are more important than the bond between Rider and his subjects.

"No matter who you are or what you are, just give me the power...the power to defeat all enemies that stand in front of me."

Walking towards the outside of Einzbern's castle, Ye Yu put a hand in front of his beating heart and whispered softly.

It shouldn't be like this, this heart shouldn't be beating, something has changed, it shouldn't be like this.

My former self was so cold and ruthless, like a killing machine.

Step by step forward, the cold air spreads along Ye Yu's progress, unknowingly casting a light layer of frost on the corridors and walls.

Emotion and power are like a scale that maintains balance. If you want something, you only need to reduce the weight of the chips on the other side of the scale.

Maybe Ye Yu didn't want to use this forbidden power before, but now he deeply understands the importance of power.

If you don't have the strength to talk about protecting your important people, how can you win the Holy Grail?

Everything is no longer important. Where they can't see it, let me transform into Shura. Just give me power now.

i need strength

as you wish.

There seemed to be a snickering voice that slowly sounded deep in Ye Yu's heart. His originally dark pupils were slowly infected by ice blue, and finally turned into a blue frost-like color. .

In the atrium of Einzbern Castle, visitors have been waiting for a long time.

As usual, Rider, who was carrying his Master and riding an ox cart, looked at Ye Yu who was walking out alone, and spoke carelessly.

"Why are you out? Where's your Servant, the vampire lady? I'm not here to drink tonight, I'm here to cause trouble."

"There's no need, your opponent is me."

With his head slightly lowered, Ye Yu said this in such an emotionless tone. Rider frowned slightly, while Weber shrank back in embarrassment.

The cold breath spread slowly along the quiet night. The playful expression on Rider's face gradually faded, and soon became serious.

He felt as if the man in front of him had completely changed, becoming a Servant who felt pressure and danger.

"Interesting... It seems that even if the opponent is you, you won't be bored."

"Hey... do you want a fight?"

Listening to what Rider said, Webb looked a little surprised. In his opinion, treating Mater as a fighting opponent was not a good thing.

Although the Holy Grail War is said to be a battle of life and death, Weber obviously does not want to do such a thing that takes the lives of others.

"Ah, that's right. Don't underestimate the opponent. This guy is not much weaker than the remaining Servants. He can be said to be a completely dangerous character."

Rider said that Weber got off the bullock cart and retreated to a relatively safe place. What happened next was beyond his control.

Although he fought with his Servant, in the end he couldn't do anything and could only stand aside and watch.

Thinking of this, Weber sighed softly, and the young man looked at his Servant's back with a firm expression, and spoke loudly and fiercely.

"Rider, in the name of the Command Seal, you will never allow defeat tonight, and you must dedicate your victory to me!"

Waver didn't know why he used the Command Seal in such a way here. The ending of the battle between Servant and Master should be obvious, right?

Human beings cannot defeat heroic spirits. This is a certain theorem.

But for some reason Weber felt uneasy, and deep uneasiness welled up in the young man's heart. Looking at the command spells on the back of his hand, one of them was blurred, while the other two were still shining bright red.

He even had the urge in his heart to use all the command spells. But in the end, the young man suppressed this impulse, took a step back and looked at the two people in the confrontation quietly.

"Hahaha, this looks a bit like a Master. The Command Seal is indeed a good thing. I can feel the power emerging from my body. Don't worry, I will never lose. I am plundering the King of Heroes. How could I fall in such a place before the treasure?"

Smiling and praising his Master, Rider turned around and looked at Ye Yu standing in front of him. Completely different from the relaxed attitude when facing Weber, deep solemnity and fear appeared on the Servant's face.

"The flowers and plants are all frozen to death."

Shaking his head with some pity, Rider said this while looking at the frozen flowers and plants in the flower bed next to Ye Yu.

"Do you crave power, Rider?"

The answer was not what was asked, and Ye Yutou didn't hesitate to ask such a question.

"Naturally, there is no one who does not desire power, and only by possessing absolute power can I realize my dominance and conquer everything unscrupulously!"

Rider said proudly, raising the sword in his hand.

"Is that so...then what are you willing to pay for power?"

As Ye Yu said this, he slowly raised his head, and his ice-blue eyes without any vitality fell into Rider's eyes, making this battle-experienced Servant tremble.

Obviously, a person with such ruthless eyes can no longer be called a human being.

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