The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 154 Rider

There are only a few Servants who can fight Berserker head-on and not fall behind. Berserker's cursed, violent power can destroy everything with ease.

If he was simply completely suppressed by Flandre's power, Rider might feel a little better, but the girl beat him to pieces with a power that he couldn't understand, which made Rider a little depressed. .

" this vampire magic? It's really unpredictable."

Although his heart was almost fatally damaged, Rider still stood up unsteadily. He looked at Flandre standing in front of him and showed a helpless smile.

"Just take it as such, I don't seem to have any obligation to explain to the enemy."

Flandre said this and raised her hands again.

"Let me think about it, such a powerful Noble Phantasm must have certain limitations, otherwise it would be too invincible. Originally, I thought it would be enough to leave your sight, but it doesn't seem to be the case. in this way."

Rider said this, and this big man with no scheming expression actually showed a thoughtful and confused expression on his face.

Rider has always given people the impression that he fights carelessly and informally. It is really hard to imagine that he would think and look for breakthroughs during the battle.

"It seems that you still have some brains, which is worthy of praise, but what did you see, and even if you saw something, what can you do?"

Listening to Rider's words, Flandre smiled disdainfully. The girl slowly raised her palm, her eyes full of contempt.

"You can't say that. After all, I am also a king. Don't treat me like a fool."

As Rider said this, his face turned ugly again, because Flandre launched another attack without giving him any time to react.


Different from every time in the past, this time Rider let out an angry roar like a beast, and immediately huge magic waves were released from his body.

Flandre was also slightly stunned, and the movements of her hands were stagnant for a moment, and then nothing happened.

"I see... I finally figured out your little trick."

Seeing Flandreau's surprised look, Rider smiled proudly. He covered his chest and raised his head, staring at Flandreau's palm.

"I've been wondering how this powerful Noble Phantasm works. No matter how you look at it, this Noble Phantasm that seems to cause huge damage to the opponent with just a thought is really too powerful."

Rider said this, looking at Flandre who looked not very pretty, and showed a somewhat proud smile.

"Then I saw the movement of your palms. You didn't do it to scare people or increase your momentum. It was simply because you couldn't hurt me if you didn't do it. This is your trick Berserker. I have already Seeing through it all, there is nothing magical about it, it’s just a way to grasp other people’s weaknesses and attack them at will.”

"So what? Do you still have the strength to resist me like this?"

Flandre said so disdainfully, slightly surprised that Rider could see through her attack method, but she didn't care at all.

Even if you see through it, so what? Seeing through it doesn't mean that Rider has a way to deal with it. He is still like a living target and is at the mercy of others.

Although it has been severely weakened, Flandre's Eye of Destruction is still an extremely powerful Noble Phantasm in this world.

"Ha... Now that you know this is just a normal attack, just bear it! How is it possible to not get hurt or bleed during the battle?!"

As Rider said this, he raised the weapon in his hand and once again launched a tragic charge like Flandre's death. Waver, who was standing behind him and watching all this, couldn't help but raise his hands and spoke again to use the last command. curse.

"Using the Command Seal to issue a command, Rider, you must defeat the enemy in front of you, you must win, you must win the Holy Grail, and you must conquer the world!"

The last command spell on the back of his hand released his magic power, and then disappeared in a whirlwind. As a magician, Weber may never have the opportunity to use such huge magic power in this life. However, even so, he still felt from the bottom of his heart that this was the happiest act in his life. No regrets whatsoever. As compensation for losing everything, that was enough.

Weber looked down at his hands, and the contract certificate engraved on his hands had disappeared without a trace.

"Idiot, it's hard to come true if you make so many random wishes."

Although he blamed his Master, the Conqueror King was trembling with joy, roaring, and galloping forward.

The torn wounds were torn one after another, and the sad bloody flowers bloomed one after another from the body of the conquering king. Continuously and mercilessly ravaging every inch of his skin. But this pain is nothing compared to the pleasure of running.

I don’t want to fall here, I don’t want to fall tonight. Ahead is the other side of the journey, and the ‘end’ he dreams of is standing in front of him. After crossing so many hills and crossing so many rivers, the end point is now in sight.

Then just step over it.

Step over that enemy.

One step, another. As long as he keeps repeating this process, the tip of his sword will be able to touch the unreachable figure in front of him.

In the end, the stinging pain came from the heart, but instead of being torn or squeezed, it was penetrated by a sword.

A scorching sword that evaporated all the blood in an instant, a flaming magic sword that exuded an unparalleled aura of violence and destruction.

"It's such a pity... If I could still expand the king's army, I might not have ended up like this."

Rider said this with a self-deprecating smile.

"'s true, that powerful Noble Phantasm is really difficult to deal with."

Flandre nodded slightly.

"But it was also an extremely enjoyable battle, fighting two kings in a row, hahaha..."

In the end, Rider's arrogance remained unabated, and he slowly disappeared while laughing like this.

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