The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 224 Gurefia

"Ye Yu, don't you want me?"

" you feel that we are progressing a little too fast?"

Ye Yu replied with some dumbfounding. He tried his best not to touch Rias's skin, but this didn't seem to mean much.

"I don't care. As long as it's raw and cooked, they won't have any objections. The only person around me who can do this with me is you."

Ye Yu said some words that she couldn't quite understand. Rias's hands moved randomly and began to take off Ye Yu's clothes.

"Cool...calm down Rias, Sona will notice the movement at any time."

"If she comes, come here. It's a special situation now. Even if she comes, I will stay with you even in front of her."

"What are you going to do in front of me?"

With a trace of anger, Sona had just been mentioned, and the latter had already arrived in the room at some point. At this moment, he was standing by the bed and staring at Rias with an angry look on his face.

In fact, Sona had already felt the other party's presence when Rias used the teleportation array, but she didn't really care. After all, she was used to Rias visiting from time to time, but this time it was slightly a bit... It was different, and this attracted Cang Na's attention.

Then Sona, who walked to the room, heard the conversation between the two.

"What exactly do you want to do Rias? Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Sona frowned slightly. In her opinion, Rias shouldn't be such an ignorant person. In normal times, openness, skin-to-skin cuddling, and so on can be said to be nothing but fun, but in this situation, if Rias really plans to sacrifice her virginity, it will be a big deal.

The sister of Lucifer, the leader of the Four Demon Kings of Hell, lost her virginity inexplicably in the human world. This was already a major event that could start a war.

"It's very complicated to explain. Sona, you just need to know that I have a reason to do this."

It was obvious that Rias had no intention of paying attention to Sona's intention, and really planned to do that kind of thing with Ye Yu directly in front of the girl.

"Even if you say that, how could I watch you two do such a thing in front of me!"

Just when Cang Na was about to step forward to stop him, a scarlet light suddenly flashed on the floor of the room. It was the badge of the Gremory family that Ye Yu was familiar with.

And who...who is using the Gremory family's magic square to teleport?

"It's still a step too late... Sure enough, it was a wrong choice to let Ye Yu live with you in the first place. If he lived with me, the trap would have been over."

Rias muttered, looking at the magic square on the floor displeased.

The light gradually dissipated, and what appeared from the magic square was a strange young woman with silver hair. She was dressed like a maid, or in other words, she was a maid.

The beautiful silver-haired maid looked at the situation in the room and was slightly surprised by Sona's presence. Then her eyes fell on Rias.

"Are you willing to do this in order to prevent the matter from being negotiated?"

The maid spoke calmly in an unbearable tone. Upon hearing her words, the president raised an eyebrow in response.

"If I don't do this, how can my father and brother listen to my advice?"

"If Master and Lord Sirzechs knew, they would be very sad."

Although Ye Yu didn't know who the name of the silver-haired maid was, she still understood it.

However, because Rias and Sona were both there, the woman in front of him seemed to be an acquaintance of them, so Ye Yu endured it and did not have an attack.

And after hearing what the maid said, Rias's expression became very ugly.

"My chastity belongs to me. What's wrong with dedicating it to someone I agree with? Gurefia, Ye Yu is different from everyone else. He is an extremely great existence that has never been seen before or after!"

Rias was very angry. Ye Yu, who was reincarnated using eleven demon chess pieces, was looked down upon by Gulefia. On the other side, the woman whom Rias called Gurefia didn't think much about it. She just thought that Rias simply wanted to protect Ye Yu.

She sighed as she picked up the top that Rias had thrown on the ground.

"No matter what, you are the next head of the Gremory family. Please don't bare your chest in front of men. What has happened so far, please don't cause any more disputes."

Having said this, she put her shirt on Rias.

Then she moved her gaze to Cang Na and spoke with some confusion.

"Why is the young lady from the Sidi family here too? What's the relationship between the two of you?"

Gulefia's face looked very strange as she said this. Sona and Rias must be competitors, right? When did the relationship get so good?

"Ahem, cough...this is my home."

" this like this? I'm rude...but if this is Miss Sidi's residence, then who is this man..."

At first, she thought the other person was a dependent of Rias, but now it seemed that he was not. If he was a dependent of Rias, why would he live in Sona's house?

"This is a bit complicated to should I put it?"

Sona looked a little embarrassed and looked at Rias on the side, who nodded slightly.

"As for Gurefia, it's okay to tell her. After all, it's impossible to hide this kind of thing for a lifetime."

Rias said this, Sona nodded slightly, but Gurefia was a little curious, what kind of tricks are these two girls really playing?

"Just as you thought, Gurefia, Ye Yu is my dependent."

"Then if he is your relative, why does he live in Miss Sidi's home?"

"This is what I need to explain, because Ye Yu is also a dependent of Cang Na."

Rias said this, Sona on the side nodded slightly, and Gurefia showed an expression of incomprehension.

"How could a reincarnated demon have two masters? This is impossible."

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