The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 412 Chong Gong Mana

Licking his lips, he tasted sweat.

It spreads out in random areas around the body and can control everything imaginable, including gravity, temperature, and humidity.

Therefore, if you want to know whether Weihe is sweating slightly, you have to consider reasons other than external conditions. Typical examples are excessive exercise, severe illness...or unusual stress.

Tobiichi Origami swallowed as if trying to catch his breath, and straightened the hilt of the high-power lightsaber 'Nopain' in his hand.

What now covers Origami's slender limbs is not the school uniform that he is used to wearing, but a suit with a wearable connector and a tactical display device. It is not surprising that there is no way for modern technology to produce strange clothing, or it is said to be magically made.

An ordinary human being who puts on this and expands into any realm of his own would be called a superman.

but now. Origami, who was already a superman, was completely cornered.



Origami sighed slightly at the screams coming from the communication unit installed on the receiver.

A familiar voice. Those were the voices of the members of the Anti-Elf Force, commonly known as AST, to which Origami belonged.

That makes... nine people. All the companions except Origami have been knocked down.

"Huh..." Sighing, Origami released all the tension, and while covering his figure with obstacles, Origami issued instructions in his mind.

In an instant, the light inside the random field spread out around Origami was refracted, and a scene that could not be seen through Origami's field of vision was reflected in the retina.

A special training ground close to the Ground Self-Defense Force Tengu garrison.

A special venue that was treated with magic and used by Origami and the others to practice using the display device of the AST.

And in the center of the ruin-like space lined with obstacles, a girl with her hair tied into a bunch stood leisurely.

...Takamiya Mana.

Origami carefully recalled the girl's name in her mind and observed her figure again.

He must be around fourteen or five years old. There is still a bit of innocence in his bright appearance with a tear mole under his left eye.

But what wrapped that small body was the unlovable mechanical armor ‘CR-unit’ that was completely incompatible with the girl.

Their models are slightly different from Origami's, and they have shield-like weapons mounted on their shoulders. It is said to be a prototype machine that is a generation newer than Origami's equipment.

"Hey, the last person. No matter where you are hiding, please come out quickly."

Mana said this without even looking at the AST member who fell at his feet.

Although they can't be seen from here, the eight AST members who have been incapacitated must be lying in the shadows of the surrounding obstacles.

It's really an overwhelming force. It's like fighting an opponent with an elf.

She was assigned to this Heavenly Palace station at the end of last month, not long after the Fourth Series Incident ended.

It is said that she is the ace of the Army Self-Defense Force.

It is said that her ability to operate display devices is among the best in the world.

It is said that... he killed an elf alone.

What makes Origami feel even more incredible is that Takamiya Mana and Itsuka Shiori are actually sisters!

This is truly a marvelous event. Origami couldn't help but sigh at the wonder of this world.

But now is obviously not the time to lament this...

Origami thought, looking at the girl with cold eyes, no matter what, 'Is there anyone here who can beat me? Even if it’s just one person, I must break this kind of arrogance!

Nine teammates have been incapacitated, and Origami has lost all of her equipment except for her melee lightsaber.

On the contrary, Mana was almost unscathed.

"...Hey, if this keeps up, time will run out, right?"

Mana sighed and spoke in an honorific that could not be called an honorific.

It's not an option to continue hiding like this. Origami made the body float into the air and appeared in front of Mana.

"Oh. Have you finally made up your mind?" Mana said with a smile as he looked at Origami who walked out on his own initiative.

Origami said nothing, just issued instructions in his head to drive the propeller behind him.

The only weapon left in Origami's hand is a melee laser sword 'Nopain'. There is no other option than close combat.

Lean your body forward and fly through the air at a fierce speed.

"It's really simple. I don't hate this kind of thing."

As the corner of Mana's mouth raised, the equipment on her shoulders changed and was placed on both arms.

"'Clouds' - 'Double-edged Form'"

The next moment, the huge blade of light in Mana's hand appeared from the tip of the shield.

However, Origami did not stop.

Raise 'Nopain' high above your head to accelerate further. He charged with an aura of complete disregard for death.

However, Origami knew that if she charged forward like this, she would definitely be defeated. Although the momentum is enough, sometimes the momentum will not bring you any effect.

"It's now!"

Therefore, the moment he came into contact with Mana's random field, Origami quickly shrank the free field.

The area that usually expanded with a radius of three meters shrank to one-tenth in one breath.

In an instant, the rear part of the thruster, which was exposed outside the random field, regained its original weight.

While Origami disconnected it from the suit, she hugged the hilt of the 'Nopain' sword that eliminated the light blade tightly, shrank her body, and passed under Mana's side.


Because of this unexpected action, Mana's eyes widened.

The propeller that lost its owner followed the inertia and approached Mana like a huge cannonball.

But Mana quickly regained his composure, and with a gorgeous spin, he cut the thruster in two with the blade of light.

Sparks scattered in all directions, and the remains of the propeller, which was broken into two parts, smoked and smashed to both sides in front of Mana's sight, and fell to the ground.

But... Origami was waiting for this opportunity. Mana's sight was blocked by the thruster and this was a fleeting opportunity.

The blade of 'Nopain' appeared again, this time, the blade fell towards Mana's back.

Aiming at the gap revealed when Mana focused on attacking the propeller, he released a hit that was sure to hit.

Just as Origami aimed, the blade of 'Nopain' left a shallow scar on Mana's 'CR-unit'.



Origami couldn't help but exclaimed.

The moment the lightsaber blade came into contact with Mana's equipment, the whole body felt as if it was completely wrapped by something for an instant, causing... Origami's movements stopped.

"Huh, it's really dangerous..."

Mana looked back at Origami who had a surprised expression on her face.

Origami felt breathless. Unmistakable. Mana stopped his movements with the help of the random field.

...Indeed, this result was not unexpected at all.

However, such an instantaneous reaction, manipulating the random field to cleverly trap herself who was moving rapidly, was indeed unexpected, and what she did was too easy.

"What a pity, General."

Mana slowly turned around, and the blade of light touched Origami's shoulder.

At the same time, the signal above the head sounded. Then, a voice came from the battle suit.

"The exercise is over, Lieutenant Takamiya Mana is victorious."

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