The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 114: Arrived in Yanjing!

  Turn off the system panel, Lu Yu is going to send a Weibo to report the safety to the audience,

   As soon as he opened Weibo, a hot topic about "#高空走索人#" came into view, and he appeared on the hot search list!

  With curiosity, Lu Yu clicked in and looked at it.

   Many media have reported this incident, and have spoken for it.

  It's hot for a while!

   "Tengxun News: Thrilling! Jiangcheng Twin Towers, Extreme Cowman Appears Again!"

   "Sina Sports: @主播陆羽, the ultimate sport combined with art, amazing!"

   "Asuka TV: He may not be understood, but I have to say that this is really a great and moving and adventurous! #高空走索人."

"Huaxia TV Science and Education Channel: #高空走索人@主播陆羽, he is unique, outrageous, trouble-making, and out of place. He looks at things with a different perspective. For the status quo. You can praise him, quote him, oppose him, question him, praise or defame him, but you can't just ignore him!"

what's the situation?

  Alarmed China TV?

   lying trough!


  In addition to the news media, the discussion on "walking in the sky" on various short video apps, social networking sites and video platforms is also enduring.

   Unprecedented popularity!

   In response to this, the famous sports host and sports commentator Mr. Huang Shufan also expressed his opinion on his vibrato.

   The title is simple.


   In the video, Huang Shufan vomited fragrantly and said with excitement:

   "! Friends! One of the most amazing feats in absolute human history!"

   "It's really hard to imagine what kind of experience it would be to walk between the two towers 8 times in just 45 minutes!"

"To be honest, when watching the live broadcast, for a long period of time, I couldn't even breathe! Although as an audience with a perspective from God, I know very well that he will not fall, but even if In this way, I still can't restrain my innate high-altitude fear... It's amazing!"

There are many related topics on the Internet.

   There are videos, there are mixed cuts, there are comments.

  Everyone is using different ways to express the shock inside!


   Jingjiang Hotel.

  After the staff left, Lu Yu took a nap.

   didn't open his eyes until he heard the phone ringing.

   Wake up the screen and look, it turned out to be Zheng Xun.

   "Hey, President Zheng?"

   On the other end of the phone, Zheng Xun had a loud voice, and his tone was violent. He spared no effort to praise Lu Yu hardly before he entered the topic.

  He told Lu Yu that the endorsement had fallen.

all the best!

  The leaders of the company attach great importance to this cooperation!

  Once the project was approved, all votes were passed.

   This time he called, he wanted to invite Lu Yu to Yanjing to discuss related matters.

  Lu Yu thought, there is no reason to be neglectful when you have a good time to go to the door.

   Calculated the time, anyway, nothing has happened recently, so he responded: "So, Mr. Zheng, hurry up sooner or later, I will pass tomorrow."

  Zheng Xun heard it and nodded like garlic, "No problem! You are always welcome!"

   "Well, see you tomorrow."

"see you tomorrow!"


  No words for a night.

  Early the next morning, Lu Yu simply cleaned up his personal hygiene and booked a flight ticket online.

   contacted Shi Lei by the way, ready to take his car to the airport.

   However, as soon as he exited the hotel door, the scene in front of him scared him!

   The cultural square in front of the hotel is full of people!

   has fans and journalists!

   Good fellow!

   Lu Yu roughly visually inspected, densely packed, I am afraid there are hundreds of people!

  The next second, the crowd saw Lu Yu and suddenly became agitated, rushing over to surround him.

  Thanks to the security of the building, order is maintained at all times, and the situation can be controlled.

   Otherwise, it will suffer.

   "Feather God! Feather God! Help me sign a name!"

   "Wow, I finally saw a real person!"

   "Little brother, please take a photo!"

   "Mr. Lu, we are reporters of Jiangcheng Urban Life News, can you accept the interview?"

   "Mr. Lu?"

   "Mr. Lu!"


   It's only 7am now.

   God knows when this group of people came to squat.

  Say hello to fans and journalist friends, Lu Yu smiled a bit weirdly: "How come so early, how long have you been waiting here?"

  Sister A in short skirt: "We will be here at six o'clock!"

   Miss Heise B: "Five o'clock~!"

   Miss Lori Sister C: "5:30!"

  Fashionable old lady D: "Oh, boy, I came here before dawn, you know the news, you don't know? Yesterday I was on the spot, can I help my aunt sign a name..."

   came before dawn.

   Auntie, you can really laugh!

   "Thank you... Thank you, but today I am really in a hurry. There is time at nine o'clock. I have time for another day. I will make it up for you!"

  Lu Yu said apologetically, and got on the bus under the **** of the staff.

   When the car started, he pressed the window and waved at the crowd:

   "I'm really sorry, friends! I will meet your request next time. I really have something to do today. Bye, bye!"

   The fans were extremely disappointed to learn that the wish could not be fulfilled.

   But still very sensible, under the evacuation of the staff chose to leave.


   Ten o'clock in the morning.

   The plane landed.

  When Lu Yu walked out of the arrival hall, Huang Haitao had been waiting outside for a long time.

   "Mr. Lu, welcome, welcome!"

   Seeing Lu Yu, Huang Haitao hurried up and shook hands with him.

   "Hello, Manager Huang!"

  After a few words of greeting, the two drove away from the airport.

   Because there is a distance.

   So in the car, the two were very happy to chat with each other.

   Topics are mostly about "extreme sports" and "Red Bull Drink".

  Through chatting, Lu Yu had some understanding of Red Bull in this world.

   is similar to the previous life.

The founder of    is still Xu Shubiao, a Thai drink master.

   In the 1990s, Red Bull was introduced to China.

   has been famous since then.

   A can of Red Bull has contributed to a billion-dollar business.

  What is the largest beverage item in China?

   is not Coca-Cola or Cadobo, but Red Bull!

   Last year, Red Bull's sales were 23 billion RMB!

  Easy for young and old, men and women can eat delicious food is only 21.1 billion yuan.

   No matter where it seems, Red Bull is still a fire as always!

   Of course, the slogan is the same: your energy is beyond your imagination!

   Thinking of this, Lu Yu even looked forward to working with Red Bull.

  In this life, I do not know what kind of changes will be brought to Red Bull by my endorsement.

   But one thing is for sure, the cap of "Red Bull Captain" can't be removed by himself...

   PS: A new week, sincerely ask for votes!


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