The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 175: Question the sound waves, the ultimate expedition!

In the next few days, in addition to daily physical training, Lu Yu finally determined the summit plan.

After much consideration, he finally decided to use the traditional route of the north **** to the top.

Starting from the forward camp, cross the Khumbu Glacier and reach the summit.

Unsurprisingly, the entire summit process took nearly 22 hours, which lasted almost an entire night.

In the previous life, the record of Mount Everest's anaerobic fast climb was 15 hours.

After calculation, Lu Yu specially reserved 7 hours for himself.

If there is an accident, the big deal will be a night at 7709.

There is no time limit for the summit mission.

Time is ample.

The specific time flow is: starting on time on the 19th at 19 o'clock in the evening, and ending at 5 o'clock in the morning of the next day.

If you think about it, this is really a great challenge.

For humans.



On the morning of the 14th.

The helicopter sent the first batch of supplies to Lu Yu: water, medicines and some daily consumables, including five tranquilizers.

On the morning of the 15th, Douyu TV published an official microblog and announced the news of Lu Yu's anaerobic Everest.

As soon as this news came out, it triggered intense discussions in all sectors of society.

Many media at home and abroad have made relevant reports.

The anaerobic summit approach was once questioned collectively by the mountaineering community, and there was little support for it.

Many mountaineers have expressed their views on this.

Everyone is on the same path and agrees that it is impossible to complete the task.

Some radicals even sent Lu Yu "blessings" in advance.

Kiban Hornett (Silban), a mountaineer, tweeted: "This is the height that the earth can't conquer. Man, I can only wish you good luck!"

Italian mountaineer Ali Sandro said Lu Yu's behavior, "It's just a joke, not to mention 8000 meters, after 6000 meters, he will walk down obediently."

In addition, there are many leaders in the mountaineering industry who feel that anaerobic Mount Everest is just a gimmick.

The Chinese people just want to use this behavior to earn eyeballs and win attention.

In response to this incident, the fifth channel of China TV, specifically opened a column for Lu Yu to climb Mount Everest, and invited a number of experts.

There are mountaineers, sports scientists, medical experts, and many outdoor people.

They analyzed the possibility of a wave of anaerobic summits from various aspects.

The experts hold the same word and the conclusions are similar.

Few people think that Lu Yu will succeed.

Among them, Professor Su Meilin of Huaxia Medical University has the sharpest words, saying that Lu Yu's behavior is to find death.

In the show.

The host Huang Shufan asked: "Professor Su, what do you think of the behavior of the anaerobic Mount Everest?"

Sumerin is facing the Mediterranean Sea.

He helped his gold glasses, and smiled deeply: "It's nice to say, it's challenging the limits, it's hard to listen to, it's just impatient. It can be said that there is almost nothing like this kind of behavior. possibility."

Professor Su Yizheng's words were very emotional.

Because of excessive force, the hair on both sides kept shaking.

Some have even hung down.

After expressing his views, he continued: "There are 14 peaks in the world with an altitude of more than 8,000 meters."

"Once you cross this line, you enter the deathzone defined by the Swiss physician Iduwa Wes Dunong in 1953!"

"Because the oxygen content is too low, it is impossible for human beings to adapt to that height, let alone engage in mountaineering activities that consume a lot of physical energy."

"Insufficient blood oxygen content will cause the body to gradually lose its normal function and increase our chances of making wrong decisions. The longer a person stays in the death zone, the faster the body's function declines, and the closer the death is..."

Huang Shufan asked seriously: "Is there any chance of success?"

Professor Su shook his head and said seriously: "This is like you touching an egg to touch a stone. Even if you touch it a hundred times, the result is the same."

"Because it has violated the normal physiological functions of human beings, after all, we are just ordinary people! At 5000 meters, you may still be alive and kicking. But as long as you pass 8000 meters, the situation is very different."

At this time, on the big screen behind the two, a flash of data suddenly appeared, and a set of data appeared:

"The oxygen content of sea level air is about 20.9%, but at 8,000 meters, only 7.8% is left, and the peak of Mount Everest is only 6.9%."

Facing the camera, Professor Su laughed confidently:

"So tell everyone, before 8,000 meters, the human brain tissue may have been permanently damaged, and after this height, we are greeted by death, there is no second possibility."

One board at a time, justified.

It's both truth and reason.

Because of this, there are not many people who support Professor Su on the Internet.

Many people think that this young man is really crazy.

I was just kidding my life.

It is already good to be able to climb to 8000 meters, and it has already made history if it can succeed.

Anaerobic throughout?

This is too much!

Soon, because of public opinion in the society, many fans who supported Lu Yu seemed to be shaken.

After all, experts have spoken.

Faced with all kinds of doubts and sour words, Lu Yu was unmoved.

But in order to comfort a supporter, he still sent a Weibo:

"I have made up my mind."

"If I had to rely on the help of breathing aids, I would rather not make such an attempt."

"Because only in this way can I know--"

"What would it feel like to be at the top?"

"What new dimension will I open?"

"What new insights will I get from the relationship between Mount Everest and the universe?"

"This is what I believe in. I live for it."

Word by word.

Also determined.

For a time, countless supporters were infected.

From the man's countless achievements, words and deeds, they once again deeply felt his vigorous enthusiasm and fighting spirit like lava!

Perhaps this is Lu Yu.

An extreme sports master that combines super-human body and steel will!

Not moved by anyone!


Soon, the day of challenge finally came.

September 19, 2019.

At six o'clock in the Lu Yu ordered equipment at the camp.

Following the principle of avoiding weight and being light, he finally controlled the load to within 20 kg and removed a lot of unnecessary equipment.

Organizing the backpack, Lu Yu began to wear a flight suit and equipped with a multi-functional umbrella bag.

Subsequently, he wore a snow cap and held a mountaineering battle.

A climbing pick is hung around the waist.

Pedal one-piece hiking boots.

Finally, carrying the large-capacity outdoor backpack with the Red Bull logo on it, everything is ready!

At this moment, time has come to 18:45.

After ready to go, Lu Yu embraced the drone and walked towards the alluvial fan of the Rongbuk Glacier, ready to start his ultimate expedition!

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