The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 231: Mingdong Million, CleanupSet comes...

I have to say that this feeling is really wonderful!

Although some shots are too thrilling, they can't bear to look directly.

But the ensuing visual impact can make you fall into it, unable to extricate yourself, after all, can't help but want to take another look!


"Are you ok?"

Sitting in front of the computer, Smith's eyes were deep, all his attention was focused on the live broadcast, and even his wife's affectionate call was not heard...


With the intensification of live broadcasting, coupled with the influence of the Discovery Channel, the North Coast surfing event has been put on the front page by many media!

The Hawaiian local Chinese newspaper (hawaiiesedaily) updated an instant news on its Twitter as soon as possible:

"This newspaper reported that a recent Pacific storm hit the north coast of Oahu. Compared with ordinary people who do not leave their homes, what a Chinese man does is very out of place."

"During the powerful storm, regardless of danger, he used his own unique way to perform a world-famous surfing show! It is reported that this man is a professional extreme athlete, and he has previously completed the feat of climbing the highest peak in the world... "

In addition to the local media in Hawaii, many local media in the United States also made corresponding reports.

New York Times Twitter:

"Luy, an extreme Chinese athlete, after climbing Mount Everest for the first time, finally launched his own shock to the turbulent Pacific storm, bringing a new sea sport-surfing!

"Today, the beautiful and dreamy sunset beach became cruel because of his existence. I have to say, this is really crazy!"

Los Angeles Times Internet Newsletter: "Hey! Remember that crazy man? Yes, his name is Lu Yu, he's here!"

American Broadcasting Corporation abc: "This naturalist has finally extended his devil's claws to Militia! This is really a celebration! You absolutely can't believe that the rare North Coast storm has turned into him. A carnival alone? Oh my god!"

In addition, in order to keep abreast of the hot spots, the famous Fox TV station also canceled the upcoming "I Love Black Lollipop", and temporarily planned a live column of instant news, specifically introducing Lu Yu this time Trip to the United States!

In the Fox TV studio, all the staff are arranging the shooting venue in full swing.

The relevant person in charge of the TV station, Tom, is hosting their hostess Tracy, communicating various details of the live broadcast:

"We have to hurry up. As of now, three television stations have decided to broadcast this big news. Let us know as soon as possible."

Tracey made an ok gesture while applying makeup, "No problem."

"This is a manuscript, my dear, and my ratings will be given to you."

Tracy smiled and glanced at him with a very deep tone: "You know, I am the best at this."

"That's good."

Tom nodded, turned his head and looked at the big screen of the studio, Lu Yu, who was fighting the waves, sighed: "Oh, Karma, this person is really crazy..."


After several media reports and live broadcasts, Lu Yu's name spread across the ocean for a time, attracting more and more people in the country.

At the same time, the number of online people in overseas live broadcast rooms also ushered in a high point again, and soon exceeded 6 million...

Since the opening of the site, Discovery Channel has been obsessed with high-quality documentary production.

The cooperation with Lu Yu was their first contact with the live broadcast business and the first to face such explosive popularity.

Thanks to early preparation, otherwise, live broadcast accidents are very likely.

Looking at the data in the background of the relay room, Jackson nodded frequently and smiled almost shut his mouth. He sighed at the editor-in-chief next to him and exclaimed: "No surprise, the popularity of the premiere is likely to break through one. Ten million. Boss, I think you can book a restaurant tonight..."

Humphrey glanced at him: "Why?"

"Shouldn't you thank me? Rose’sluxury has changed to a new chef. His steak is good, I listen to my friends."

"Jackson, don't forget, we also paid a lot of money before we invited him over..."

John was serious.

Shy his own belly, Jackson shrugged in disappointment: "ok..."

Upon seeing this, old John smiled, turned his words, and approached and said, "I owe you."

Looking at the editor's back, Jackson shouted excitedly: "You know, I always hate being credited!"


On the turbulent Pacific Ocean, the storm intensified.

There is no intention to stop at all.

The last section of the tubular wave makes the space for gliding narrower and narrower, and the power is gradually dissipating, and it will be wiped out at any time.

Realizing the change, Lu Yu did not dare to neglect, and has been using his hind feet to control the rudder of the surfboard, looking for the best time to enter the water.

The end of the crazy dog ​​wave often means that the surfer is about to enter the diving state from the taxi state, or even be completely washed away.

Because there is not enough power support, even if you have surfing skills, you can't avoid being overwhelmed.

Secondly, because of the special motion structure of the tubular wave, it is often followed by a series of upsets.

Upset refers to a larger continuous wave after a huge wave.

When it is knocked over, it will swell farther than ordinary waves, often making the surfer out of position and losing his sense of direction.

Adding the two together, the probability of a perfect escape is almost zero.

Therefore, you can only step back and choose the best angle to enter the water, complete the dive, avoid the subsequent waves, and make plans.

Timing often only exists in an instant.

If you don't pay attention, it will be fleeting.

Controlling the surfboard intently, the muscles on and off Lu Yuzhou's body tightened in an instant.

In my heart, I dare not relax.

Next second.

Just as he worked hard, the water curtain above his head suddenly collapsed, sending a dangerous signal.

Upon seeing this, Lu Yu hurriedly closed his chest, twisted the surfboard, and came to a neat 360-degree turn. The dragonfly swept across the sea like water.

But in the end, he was completely submerged by the waves.

"Lying trough, handsome!"

"666, classic skateboarding action!"

"This action is super difficult. I didn't practice it for a week."

"Upstairs, you must learn to jump!"

"Sexy Feather demo!"

"Water escape!"

"Milan's little blacksmith gave the anchor energy drink x1!-Nima, what happened? Iron palm floats on water?"

"Riding the pig watching the sunset and giving it to the anchor Super Rocket x1!-Show flying!"

"Cute die, give it to the anchor super rocket x1!-a lot of waves!"

next moment.

The moment Lu Yu fell into the water, a series of waves, as expected, you rushed to chase after me, disturbing the huge sea area, making a mess!

Immediately afterwards, the drone was also involved in the waves.

Immediately, the live broadcast picture suddenly turned, and numerous bubbles rose.

It wasn't until the shaking stopped that the audience found the familiar figure in the faint darkness—

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