The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 287: New ways to play motorcycles, speeding in the desert!

The next second, while everyone was looking forward to it, the container slowly unfolded bit by bit!

It didn't take long.

A red, uniquely shaped off-road motorcycle broke into everyone's sight.

Looking closely, the streamlined retro body is very handsome.

Full-color instrument panel, full of sense of technology.

The uneven tire is showing its strongest power!

In addition, the tough shock absorption and disc brakes are also unique in shape, shining under the sunlight, and look particularly dazzling.

Compared with the little pedal sheep on the street, this motorcycle is not a road at all.

If you have to use one word to describe it, it is amazing!

That's right!


It's amazing!

In the live broadcast room, seeing such a red beast, all the viewers were shining, and all were shocked by its unique style!

"Lying trough! Great, my feather god!"

"A handsome match!"

"Nima, this style is too new!"

"When you see Yushen's car, the little sheep under the crotch will not smell instantly!"

"Customized again? Generous!"

On the other side, when the audience was talking, the staff on the side were also on the spot!

Standing next to Lu Yu, Anna raised her eyebrows and looked at him incredulously, asking, "Where did you get this motorcycle?"

Lu Yu smiled triumphantly, and took out a golden car key from his pocket, pretending to be mysteriously: "Secret."

As a full-time driver, Chris has always been very interested in this kind of thing. After seeing this car, the whole person was sand sculptured, and his face was full of surprise:

"Lu, this is the off-road motorcycle you are talking about? It's so cool, really cool... It's hard to imagine what it would feel like to ride it. I think its sound will definitely not be inferior to Lamborghini..."

Lu Yu looked at him and smiled, then turned to the drone camera and said:

"Friends, did you see that?"

"This is what I said about off-road motorcycles. I made a large special order for this special customization. Well, no nonsense, I think you can’t wait anymore?"

With that said, Lu Yu took out his riding suit, helmet, and other equipment from his backpack.

While wearing it, introducing it to the audience, I heard everyone stunned.

Every time they took out one piece, they were stunned and stunned.

After more than ten minutes, I briefly introduced the live broadcast process and the motorcycle. Lu Yu was fully armed and sat in the car, launching this beast immediately!



The roar of the engine struck.

Shouting recklessly!

Shaking everyone's eardrums!

"I'm going, this voice!"

"Feather, you won't install the sports car engine on the motorcycle?"

"Extremely wild cry!"

"Really powerful! Hurry up!"

"Lying trough! Awesome!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was almost a mess.

On the other side, Lu Yu is also not ink. After wearing the helmet, he made an ok gesture to the staff behind him, followed by a gear sprint, and flew off the spot!

In an instant.

Smoke around the billows.

The ferocious roar continued from ear to ear.

But the blink of an eye, this red, disappeared into the eyes of many staff.

Among the flying smoke, only countless dull eyes were left...


The Kordola Plateau in Utah is the only desert plateau in the United States.

From the east of Korotola and western New Mexico, including the vast majority of Utah and Arizona.

The winding Colorado River runs through.

Flying along the river.

Looking through the helmet, the desolate plateau has no potential for industrial or agricultural development.

But the unique alluvial landforms here allow those who are willing to challenge the limits to find the perfect destination!

That's right.

For Lu Yu, this is an excellent off-road shrine.

A paradise that can gallop wildly!

Soon, under the support of the powerful power of off-road motorcycles, the gravel under the tires burst forth, flying from both sides of the body, and flying likewise.

At this time, a large amount of earth-colored smoke almost covered the drone's camera.

In the picture, the audience can only see a red and white shadow at the forefront of the thick smoke, galloping.



no limit.

There are no roadblocks!

Only the vast deserts and hills are like endless rocks, which are continuously passing through the picture, which is straightforward!

"So exciting!"

"Lying trough, this is too cool!"

"Feather: Don't worry, I will die immediately!"


"Crazy man!"

"Sexy school sister dancing online gives away to the anchor 666x100!-The anchor is so handsome!"

"If you don't do the question, I will feel uncomfortable and give the anchor an energy drink x10!-666, motorcycles can be played by you!"

"The whole beautiful piece is presented to the anchor Super Rocket x10!-Interesting! Cool!"

People in this world have ever seen this!

Seeing Lu Yu's flying bridge in the desert, everyone was instantly amazed by this novel motorcycle gameplay!

You don't have to care about any traffic signs or whether you are retrograde!

this moment.

The vast desert has completely become Lu Yu's private casino!

It's so cool to fly!


Because of the washout of the Colorado River and its tributaries for millions of years.

The sand was washed away, and rocks and rock formations were exposed again.

Therefore, there are countless huge canyons and steep ridges beside the canyons.

These differently shaped canyons form the Colorado Plateau Canyon Group!

The reddish-brown alluvial rocks all over the country formed the unique characteristics of the ridge of the gorge after the river impact and crustal movement.

Every ridge has a touching curve.

Due to the high-temperature desert environment, the vegetation here is also very scarce.

But precisely because of this, the attractiveness of these ridges is increasingly revealed!

Lu Yu's answer is very short.

It is on these undulating ridges to complete a directional off-road like no other!

Soon, according to the established plan, Lu Yu galloped along the Colorado River and finally found the starting point of departure.

This should be the most spectacular red-brown ridge on the Colorado Plateau.

Looking far away, the entire ridge is like a towering and winding on the ground.

Beside it, there are countless ridges with the same shape and nephew, clustered together.

As a result, countless desert canyons with Utah characteristics have been formed between one hook and one painting.

The deepest parts of these canyons are at least 100 meters.

If you accidentally fall, you will definitely be crushed!

After a while, the ridge approached.

Driving a motorcycle, after arriving at the starting point, Lu Yu took off his helmet, remotely controlled the drone to the highest point, photographed the whole picture of the ridge, and then said:

"Friends, did you see that?"

"Here is the Colorado Plateau, the most spectacular mountain range. Its starting point is not far away in front of me."

"Next, I will drive this motorcycle, ride from here, and then along the ridge, all the way to the end!"

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