The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 325: Tasnian Devil! Fight in the forest! (Four K, 2 in...

Although everyone disagrees with Lu Yu's behavior.

But it is undeniable that under such circumstances, it is also a last resort to make a personal risk for the first line of life.

Because you are not advancing, what is waiting for you will be chronic death.

Laws of nature.

Survival of the fittest!

If you don't understand this, a huge desert island will never have a place for you.

If you really want to conquer it completely, you can't hesitate.

Lying in the grass, Lu Yu dared not distract.

After watching for a while, I continued:

"The footprint of the beast is the compass of the water source. If you follow it, you will definitely gain something. In fact, finding the water source through the animal traces is also a shortcut."

"So, no matter what, you have to put it together. Now is not the time for hypocrisy... Let's go and see!"

The words fell, accompanied by the boiling barrage, Lu Yu curled up, step by step, along the beast tracks on the grass, moved carefully.

The footprints are obvious.

As long as you look closely, it is not difficult to see the specific "travel route".

But if I only look at one place, I can't see why.

Even if the wilderness skills were upgraded to full level, and his brain was full of knowledge of animals and plants, Lu Yu still could not accurately judge the beasts left behind based on the existing clues.

Paw prints are trivial.

Small and deep.

Shaped like plum blossoms.

It looks like it should be sharp.

But already thought about breaking his head, Lu Yu still had no clue, really can not think of what kind of fierce beast this is.

At this moment, many viewers in the live broadcast room are also very interested in this issue, and they are constantly guessing.

"Are you savages?"

"Impossible, this is obviously left by the four-legged animal!"

"I guess a group of corpses played the Sumatran rat in the world!"

"Lying trough, I've seen this movie, thief tm is disgusting!"

"Can't it be a mysterious species?"

"It's so nervous, be careful of the anchor!"


Follow the beast trail and walk forward for a while.

After turning around in a huge tree, Lu Yu finally stopped.

At this time, the beast tracks among the grass became even more chaotic.

Look around.

In a cluster of weeds not far in front, there seemed to be a dark object hiding in it.

See you.

Lu Yu lifted the twelve distracted mind, placed the fish spear in front of him, bowed, and walked lightly. ::

Looking at the scene in front of him, the hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room could not help but approached the mouth by three points.

One by one, I haven't been nervous anymore.

Even the mood of the barrage is gone, for fear that the next second, something inexplicable appears in the picture!


Feet walked back and forth across the grass and came to the front of Black Things.

Looking up, Lu Yu's expression became complicated in an instant.


The dark thing is not another, but a trivial, bloody, unrecognizable corpse.

Oh no.

The corpse does not seem accurate.

More accurately, it should be a carrion.

That's right.

It is carrion.

From the texture of the meat, the degree of oxidation and the sour and smelly air floating in the air, it should have been dead for some time.

Because the rotting was too serious, Rao watched it for a long time, and Lu Yu still didn't understand it.

What kind of animal does the corpse belong to?

But looking at the fur and skeleton, it can be inferred that it is by no means a big guy.

Much like small animals like skunks, voles, and hares.

Thinking, Lu Yu immediately squatted down, looked closely, and weighed every detail.

In the grass, the footprints did not disappear in the carrion.

It extends all the way to the depths of the jungle.

It seems that the footprints should not be left by this body.

on the ground.

The carrion is chaotic, and there is no rule.

But in many places on animal carcasses, there are quite obvious teeth marks.

These tooth marks are very fresh and should not have been left before death.

"This is the body of a small mammal. It has been dead for some time, and the meat has begun to rot."

"Beast traces don't end here, so this should not be the corpse of the animal we want to track."

Speaking, the drone understood and zoomed in.

Aiming at the tooth marks, Tsai photographed carefully.

"Did you see these teeth marks?"

"The cut surface of the tooth marks is very new, and it is the same for every path, so it is certain that these tooth marks should be left after the animals die..."

"Everyone, do you know what this means?"

"It goes without saying that things that leave these strange footprints seem to be very interested in carrion..."

In nature, there are many mammals that feed on carrion.

Flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water.

In total, there must be one hundred to eighty.

With this feature alone, it is impossible to accurately determine what animal the beast belongs to.

However, Lu Yu gradually got some clues and clues.

Because from this point of view alone, animals that leave beast marks should not pose a great threat to humans.

Next second.

Lu Yugang was about to open his mouth and share his thoughts with the audience in the live broadcast room.

But at this moment, the grass not far ahead was suddenly turbulent.

Immediately afterwards, a fierce shadow came out from the middle and came near to him.

Because all this happened so quickly, no one had time to react.

It wasn't until we looked at it again that everyone realized the seriousness of the problem!

"Lying trough! What is this thing?!"

"Nima, what the hell!"

"Feather God be careful!"


"I go!"

Listening to the various words of surprise in the ear, Lu Yu also opened his eyes for the first time and looked at the visitors!

This is a strange animal with a very ugly appearance.

It looks like a dog.

Not big.

Jaguar monkey gills.

Dark fur.

It has a long tail, strong limbs and sharp claws.

A pair of black bean-like eyes, full of murderous hunting, staring straight at the landing feather.

It looks a bit like a mouse and a bit like a raccoon cat?

Maybe it was violated the territory, maybe it was out of food protection.

In short, this guy is always ready to go, looks like he will attack Lu Yu anytime, anywhere.

"Oh! I met this guy..."


Seeing this unknown visitor, Lu Yu immediately became alert.

Then, at the first time, he took a fighting posture and gave a sigh!

At the same time, through the lens of the drone, the audience also clearly saw the comer.

However, their response was not that great.

I just feel very novel.

After all, this little guy looks really inferior to other behemoths.

It doesn't look like a fierce beast at all.

So, I didn't care about it for a while, and even talked about the origin of this guy with interest.

"What animal is this?"

"Inexplicably cute!"

"A bit like a skunk..."

"Feels like a cat"

"Feather god, can you eat by scratching your head?"

Facing the random speculation of the audience, Lu Yu first tried to calm himself down.

Then, while confronting the guy, he explained aloud:

"Just looking at the appearance, this guy really has no impact, but I can tell you responsibly, don't underestimate it. This is not an ordinary mammal, but a very fierce, which is the strongest bite on the surface. Species Bag Badger!"

This term is too strange to most viewers.

Almost no one has heard of it.


Is it a kangaroo?

Seeing that everyone didn't know much about this, while the bag badger was still exploring, Lu Yu continued to explain word by word:

"Bag Badger, also known as Big Mouth Monster, is a very dangerous marsupial carnivore. According to relevant scientific literature, it is currently only distributed in Tasmania, Australia."

"Unexpectedly, there are actually distributions on the island..."

Speaking of which, a very terrible thought came to mind.

If the bag badger really belongs to a link in the island food chain.

That's no doubt.

It is definitely the topmost existence...

"Bag Badger doesn't look amazing, it looks like a docile puppy at a glance, but in fact these superficial articles are illusions, its muscles are very developed, and its body is also very strong. When defending the enemy, it can be like a skunk In that way, it emits extremely unpleasant odor and makes an extremely harsh cry!"

"After the bag lions and wolf wolves have gone extinct, the bag badgers are the only members of the marsupial carnivores that have not gone extinct, and are also the largest marsupial carnivores in existence."

"Bag Badger has an alias called the Tasnian Devil. This name was given to it by the arrogant Europeans. By listening to this name, you know that this guy is not a kind..."

While popularizing science for the audience, the bag badger still stared at the landing feather.

There was no intention to give up this hunting.

Its front paw opened slightly.

The raised tip of the nose, breathing extremely fast, constantly blowing the weeds around.

Although this guy has always pursued opportunism when choosing food.

But this does not mean that they are not interested in fresh meat.

So at this moment, it seems to have labeled Lu Yu as its prey.

His eyes were very firm.

Looking for the right time to attack.

Here, Lu Yu did not dare to neglect, squeeze the fish spear and pull the lunge.

Faced with it in this way.

"If I ask you, what is the most amazing biting animal on the planet, you will definitely give me many examples, lions, tigers, saltwater crocodiles, and even hippos."

"But now, I can tell you responsibly that these animals are not worth mentioning in front of the bag badgers. An animal research institution in Australia has done such a statistics and analyzed 39 kinds of extinct and The canine teeth of surviving carnivorous mammals, after considering the relative relationship between animal bite force and body size, they concluded

"The often-underestimated bagger is by far the most powerful mammal to live. A six-kilogram bagger can easily kill a three-kilogram wombat!"

"I can guarantee that if it was bitten by it, it would never be as simple as dropping a piece of meat. Your bones may all be crushed together..."

Next second!

While talking, the bag badger suddenly moved!

Have not waited for everyone to react.

This guy, who didn't seem to notice much, opened his blood basin and showed sharp canines and fangs.

At the same time, a sharp and sharp cry suddenly rang through the jungle and scared many audiences!

After some in-depth understanding, everyone gradually realized that Lu Yu said nothing.

This skunk that looks like a puppy is really not a kind!


"If this is bitten, it's hard to imagine!"

"I see! It's cruel!"

"Cool down!"

"Anchor, why are you still here, running!"

"Yeah, Yushen, run quickly!"

After glancing at the barrage, Lu Yu shook his head.

"I said that when you encounter a beast, turning around and running is the stupidest act."

"This rule applies to all beasts."

"However, the habit of the Badger Badger is different from the ordinary beasts. The pretense I taught to everyone is basically useless. Because once it is identified as a prey, it will spare no effort to fight with you."

"This guy is not easy to deal with. In addition to the sharp fangs, when attacking, it will also emit an extremely unpleasant odor like a skunk. The main component of the odor is butanethiol. Excessive inhalation will damage the central nervous system. Cause respiratory paralysis and die"

Next second!

The words fall!

The ferocious bag badger seems to have figured out the "intruder" routine.

The moment is finally no longer entangled.

The front paw suddenly pulled up, and Yu Fei rushed towards the landing!

The sturdy limbs provide unparalleled power for its sprint.

If you change to an ordinary person, you may not be able to react before you have been crushed to the ground and let it be slaughtered.

But at this moment, beyond the reaction of ordinary people and the blessing of the badge of courage, it helped Lu Yu a lot!

It's too late to speak, then it's fast!

As the bag badger came towards him, Lu Yu reacted first!

While sideways, he first escaped the shock.

Then suddenly swept the bamboo spear, unbiased, centered on the hind legs of the bag badger.


Eat a pain!

The bag badger staggered and made a raspy growl.

But it didn't stop there, and immediately turned its head, opened the blood, and turned to Lu Yu's calf.

Seeing this, Lu Yu's eyes lit up.

Turn around to stab the attack with a fish spear, and at the same time fly up the right foot, aim at the head of the bag badger, and you will kick.

But I never imagined that this thing was so ferocious that it was not afraid of fish and spears.


Tough bamboo can't help even with a knife.

But he was bitten by this guy very easily!

If this bite wasn't bitten on the fish spear, but on Lu Yu's leg, the ending would really say something.

In the live room.

This crunch made many audiences exclaim!

The barrage was completely chaotic!

"Nima! It's so scary!"

"Fortunately, I didn't bite my leg!"

"The situation is not Hurry up and retreat!"

"Lying trough, so fierce!"


Although the bamboo spear has been bitten off, its blocking has earned Lu Yu a valuable offensive space!

Go down hard.

Instantly hit the head of the bag badger!

After all, I have learned fighting skills.

Therefore, Lu Yu's "this trick Spartak kick" strength is not small.

After the hit, the bag badger rolled out a few meters.

Finally, he fell heavily on the ground.

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