Chapter 267 Sun Shangxiang’s Shock! Liu Bei’s thoughts were the same as hers?!!

In the hazy moonlight, a short-haired girl rode a horse and slowly came to the crowd.

The corners of the girl’s mouth are full of a confident smile, and her posture is heroic.

“You know, I’m here to help you?”

The girl is extremely proud.

“Huh? Are you here to help us? ”

Zhang Fei scratched his head, somewhat unclear.

“Looking at this young lady’s manners, I think she must be the daughter of the famous Jiangdong University President Sun Jian, Miss Sun Shangxiang.”

Hugh said.

Sun Shangxiang jumped and landed smoothly in front of everyone.

She put her hands behind her back: “If you have vision, yes, I am Sun Shangxiang, my father is Sun Jian, the principal of Jiangdong University, my eldest brother is Sun Ce, the little bully king of Jiangdong, it was my father who called me to help save Cao Cao, originally……… I’m not willing to come. ”

“Then don’t come.”

Zhang Fei said.

“You think I want to come?” If it weren’t for Cao Cao and his father asking my father, who would have come rarely? ”

Sun Shangxiang said.

“Well, third brother, don’t fight, the one who came to help is a good friend, but…”

Xiu looked at Sun Shangxiang, “We have already thought of a way to save the president and the second brother, so we don’t have to bother Miss Sun.” ”

“Yeah, since you don’t want to come, it’s time to go back.”

Zhao Yun said.

“If there’s nothing to do, we’ll go back and rest.”

Huang Zhong said 02 Dao.

“Hey! How can you do that! I’m a big old man who ran from Jiangdong! ”

Sun Shangxiang stomped his feet in a hurry.

How these people don’t play cards according to the routine! Especially that person!

“You said you had figured out a way, so come and tell me!”

Sun Shangxiang pointed at Xiu and said.

“Why tell you?” What if you go to tell Dong Zhuo a whistleblower? Isn’t the president and my second brother doomed? ”

Zhang Fei said.

“How could I possibly tell Dong Zhuo about it?”

Sun Shangxiang glanced at Zhang Fei.

“Miss Sun has come from afar, and we are naturally welcome, so let’s come in and sit down.”

Hugh said.

He knows.

Sun Shangxiang came to the Eastern Han Academy for a reason.

She was trying to escape the marriage.

When he first saw this plot, he was also shocked. As for whose marriage Sun Shangxiang escaped, Wang Dadong did not write it.

It is estimated that it is the suspense left by Mr. Su, who is a storyteller.

It caused him to rise with curiosity.


This Sun Shangxiang actually used the power of iron time and space, and it was also related to the Xia Liu Gong of iron time and space………

This aroused his great interest.

It seems that the puzzle… It won’t be unlocked so soon.

“Or you know best!”

Seeing that Xiu had given the steps, Sun Shangxiang stopped talking and went down the steps and entered the Cao family compound with them.

The next day.

Sun Shangxiang went to the prison to meet Cao Cao and Guan Yu.

She said that she only thought of a plan to save one person for the time being, and the remaining person could only see the opportunity to act, and as for who to save first, they made their own decisions.

“On the day of the Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony, the person who went up first quickly saw whether he was alive or dead, and if it was death, he would eat the signature, Dong Zhuo asked, and said that this is your own fate, so you can do it.”

Sun Shangxiang said.


Both Cao Cao and Guan Yu showed very surprised expressions.

This made her a little proud.

“That… Miss Sun, is this the method Brother Liu told you? ”

Cao Cao asked.


Sun Shangxiang was very confused, “No, what’s wrong?” ”

Guan Yu smiled: “My eldest brother already told us the same method yesterday, eat the dead sign that will be turned over, the remaining one will definitely be a dead sign, Dong Zhuo will either admit that he cheated, or he can only eat the one as a raw sign.” ”


Sun Shangxiang was shocked!

This Liu Bei……… How could it be exactly the same as her idea?!

“That… What about the other way? ”

she asked.

“Big brother asked me to act.”

Guan Yu said.

He repeated the method that Xiu had told him.


Sun Shangxiang was shocked again!

This Liu Bei……… It’s so clever! But………

How could he connect to Li Ru’s radio channel? Liu Bei……… Who the hell is that?

The festival is coming as scheduled! The scene was packed with people!

According to Xiu’s method, Cao Cao was released in court! Next………

It’s Guan Yu! Sun Shangxiang looked at Xiu.

I saw him cover his nose and mouth, as if he were talking, and Guan Yu on the stage had been nodding at him.

How did she smell a hint of power? But the breath disappeared again at once.


Is it an illusion?

This Liu Bei looks, it is really unfathomable!

Li Ru’s mental journey had been pinched to death by Xiuna.

Guan yu……… Won the lottery draw!

The audience cheered! But! The accident still happened!

Two signs……… It’s all raw signatures!

Li Ru deliberately spilled dirty water on Guan Yu’s body, intending to directly take down Guan Yu, “Who dares to move!” ”

A red flag flips down! Sun Shangxiang holds the flag, Ji Yu Xuan Ang!

“Jinxiang Tuan!”


Several women with high martial arts skills appeared next to Sun Shangxiang!

“Under the orders of Sun Jian, the Central Committee of the All-School League and the General President of the Jiangdong District School League, arrest the cheaters of the Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony!”

“Li Ru!! ”


Under the order of Sun Shangxiang! The Jinxiang Tuan is full of crossbows!


Under the order of Xiu! Zhao Yun! Zhang Fei! Huang Zhong! Ma Chao! Weapons are on display!

The two sides face off with Dong Zhuo’s defense team!

In such a situation, Dong Zhuo could only stand up.

However, he did not let Guan Yu go like this, but announced that another day of sacrifice would be held in a week.

To serve the people.

Li Ru and Mei Niang were also dragged down to hit a thousand boards each.

Cao Family Compound.

The crowd frowned.

Originally, I thought that Guan Yu could also escape smoothly, but I did not expect that Dong Zhuo would continue to detain Guan Yu.

The next festival of heaven……… I don’t know what tricks Dong Zhuo will use.

I’m afraid it will be difficult to deal with at that time.

“Don’t you hang your head down, at least Guan Yu won’t die now, will you?”

Sun Shangxiang said, “Moreover, we still have seven days to figure out a way.” ”

“Miss Sun, what is your opinion?”

Cao Cao asked.

“Before, it was Dong Zhuo who made moves, everyone was waiting to be beaten, everything was passive, but I grew up so big, I had never heard of it, passive can dominate the world.”

Sun Shangxiang said, “Therefore, if you want to really defeat Dong Zhuo, you must take the initiative to attack, without Dong Zhuo, you are your own masters, of course, you can release Guan Yu immediately.” ”

Her words made everyone think.

Cao Cao stood up: “Miss Sun is indeed an extraordinary insight. ”

“Just call me Ah Xiang.”

Sun Shangxiang laughed.

“Ah Xiang is right.”

Hugh said, “It’s time for us to take the initiative.” ”

“Big brother, do you want us to kidnap Dong Zhuo together?”

Zhang Fei said.

“No, we’re going to outsmart.”

Xiu smiled, “We should… Unite secondary enemies and fight against major enemies! ”

“What do you mean?”

Ma Chao asked.

“The enemy of the enemy is the friend, and we… Cooperate with Yellow Turban University! ”

Hugh said.

Sun Shangxiang looked at Xiu in shock!

Liu Bei actually directly understood her thoughts! Cao Cao and the others were also shocked!

“Big brother, how can we possibly cooperate with the Yellow Turban Thief?”

Zhang Fei said anxiously.


“I can’t do it.”

Ma Chao said.

“Big brother, think of something else.”

Zhao Yun said.

“We are going to cooperate with the Yellow Turban University, not the alliance, everyone takes what they need, this trick is also called borrowing a knife to kill people!”

Xiu Xiu looked at Cao Cao, “President, those who do great things should not stick to small sections!” ”

Cao Cao looked at Xiu, and his eyes seemed to be lit up by something.

This Liu Bei’s mind and pattern……… It’s unimaginably terrifying! Later………

He will be a stepping stone to himself……… Or is it a stumbling block?

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