Along the coast, several warships flying the British flag and the flag of the East India Company were lined up.

A large number of small boats are carrying sailors and are making a landing.

After the soldiers who landed in small boats, they quickly jumped off the boats, ignoring the sea water below their calves, so they stood up and re-arranged on the beach.

During the process of their regrouping, the defenders in the stronghold did not give up their resistance, and were constantly shooting at them.

From time to time, one or two unfortunate people will be hit by flying lead bullets, and then half of their heads will be opened, and the brains will be splashed on the people around them.

However, all the soldiers did not waver, still lined up with determination or indifference, and after the formation was lined up, they began to march forward with the beat of the snare drum.

Even in the process, someone was knocked down because they were lined up and moving slowly and constantly.

But this is the way of warfare in this era. It is limited by the range of the flintlock gun, which is so bad that it depends on faith to hit more than ten meters. In this era, if you want to use muskets on a large scale, you must take this kind of battle, which is dubbed by later generations. Way.

Lined up in a neat queue, braved the enemy's artillery fire, stepped on the drum beat in the hail of bullets, and then shot platoons of guns after approaching the enemy.

In this era, what the army strives for is discipline and courage. Whichever army can get closer to the enemy and fire the first row of guns can gain greater advantage and lethality on the battlefield.

It is also for this reason that the line infantry emphasizes endurance and formation during training, because they usually have to constantly bear the mental pressure of the teammates who were chatting and laughing with you just now.

After advancing to the front of the enemy and firing a shot, he had to stand upright and reload, and then fired another shot. After that, he inserted a bayonet into his rifle and used it as a spear to charge with a white blade.

Although it sounds really stupid, the line infantry tactics of this era are the most advanced army tactics, and the line infantry is so strong that it can be called any arms in the age of cruel weapons.

As far as melee combat is concerned, spearmen are not defeated. In this era, the length of the rifle is enough to be a man's height, and the bayonet is inserted into a spear.

As far as long-range firepower is concerned, the flintlock gun, although shameful, is much stronger than the crossbow. It takes three to five years for a qualified longbowman to train one, and a rifleman? Three months can be pulled into the battlefield to die.

Moreover, shooting this kind of thing does not require much physical strength and technology, which has led to the possibility of a large number of civilians who could only be cannon fodder becoming soldiers.

It seems that the soldiers put down on these warships are not elite troops, but mercenaries recruited by the East India Company from India, Africa and the Caribbean.

Only a small number of officers are from Europe and have received professional military training. Most of the grassroots soldiers did not even know what a gun was before.

After these mercenaries were recruited, they only received less than three months of military training. After they learned to line up and shoot, they were sent by warships to land on the island.

But fortunately, they are not facing the army elites of European countries, but the Spanish colonial garrison similar to them.

Even the Spanish Empire in its most prosperous era would not do such a thing as recruiting a large number of troops from the mainland and sending them to the New World as a garrison.

Due to cost considerations, some officers or a small number of elites are usually recruited from the mainland, and after they are stationed in the colony, the local natives are trained to serve as the main military force of the colony.

Therefore, although they suffered casualties, the soldiers under the East India Company were not seriously injured, and it can even be said that the casualties they suffered were only minor in this era.

Although the efficiency of landing by boat is very low, it is still acceptable in this era. They quickly deployed three line infantry regiments on the beach and began to advance towards the stronghold.

At the rear of the three line infantry regiments, the small mortars were also in place and began to be loaded and fired.

Although this most primitive mortar has limited power, it is still very useful to provide a source of vitality and to remove small strongholds.

Bigger artillery is not without it, but obviously that kind of thing is not something that can be easily transported and put into battle by small boats.

Moreover, they are a fleet equipped with dozens of cannons. The bombardment of the fleet is enough to solve most of the problems. Although the extension of the naval guns is not enough, it is only enough to clear the beachhead, but this is enough.

The three line infantry regiments advanced quickly. After approaching the stronghold, they stopped, raised their flintlock guns under the command of the officer, and began to load bullets.

In this era, paper-based ammunition has become popular, and all the armies of various countries use custom-loaded gunpowder and bullets wrapped in paper tubes.

Therefore, loading bullets is much faster than in the past. UU reading bit off one end of the paper shell bullet, poured the gunpowder into the gun chamber, and then used a clear rod to stab the lead bullet and the cardboard shell into the gun chamber together, Then you can pull the trigger.

The thick smoke produced by the burning of the black gunpowder quickly obscured the sight of the line infantrymen. The smoke filled the battlefield. Many people slowed down because of the choking smell.

And this is the difference between an elite veteran and an ordinary no-name army. If the lobster soldiers here are genuine lobster soldiers, they can ignore the smoke produced by these shots, complete the secondary loading, and continue to shoot.

But these recruits who have only been training for less than three months are obviously not so well-trained.

But it didn't have much impact. After two rounds of platoon guns, there were not many people who dared to emerge in the stronghold.

Moreover, the three infantry regiments were alternately covering and advancing, and one of the infantry regiments had already entered the charging distance and began to use the bayonet.

The rifle with the bayonet inserted was raised, just like the most famous spear array in the cold weapon era. At first glance, it was all snow-white bayonet, like a steel hedgehog.

And when they charge, the bayonet array like snow waves will really slap like waves, or smash the enemy like a sand castle, or smash like waves hitting a reef .

The war is so cruel. Fortunately, the enemies that these recruits need to face this time are not very strong. They smashed the enemy, not the enemy.

"It looks like the boys are doing well." On the warship on the sea, an officer of the East India Company was holding a telescope and watching the infantry rush into the Spanish stronghold, with a satisfied smile on his face.

And battles like this are happening everywhere in the Caribbean right now.

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