In a secret base, Karl, with a thick cable plugged into his chest, was fixed on a sloping platform by various restraints.

After being captured, the United States quickly took away the remaining battery from him, but in order to maintain his body activity, he still connected a wire to his chest to maintain the power supply.

This can not only guarantee his activities, but also play a role in limiting.

Carl did not object to this, but he still insisted that humans should not be allowed to study the Skynet technology in themselves.

Perhaps he is too precious as a Terminator sample with emotion and self-knowledge. Humans have not dismantled him directly, but just kept him here as an early warning mechanism to predict the arrival of other Terminators.

Although the battery may be taken away, it may have a certain impact, but as long as the chip on your body is not taken away for research, it is not a big problem.

Carl clearly knew that his chip was a learning chip specially designed by Skynet, with the function of self-learning. The reason why he behaved like a normal human was largely because the learning function of this chip was turned on.

The potential of such a chip is terrifying, because theoretically, the T800 has no storage limit, which means that its learning chip also has no upper limit.

That is to say, as long as there is enough time and materials for T800 to learn, they can not only grow to the level of human emotion, but also become a new Skynet.

That's why when Skynet sent these Terminators through time to kill Sarah Connor and John Connor, they changed them all to read-only mode.

A chip that even Skynet would be afraid of, Karl of course knew its dangers.

It's not a big problem for humans to study his battery, and even pry off a piece of armor on him, it's not a problem.

These things can't cause real qualitative changes, at most, human beings can make some breakthroughs in energy and materials.

In Carr's view, the real danger is human research on the Terminator itself and the network.

The Terminator is undoubtedly powerful. Compared with the current power of human beings, it is even too powerful.

Even an old model like the T800, with enough weapons, is enough to fight a human army.

Not to mention the T1000 and the current REV-9 that have appeared in the past, their lethality will only be more terrifying.

In particular, they can easily change their appearance and simulate the characteristics of anyone. They are simply the most perfect killers, keeping all politicians and capitalists who know the existence of Terminator up at night.

No one knows whether the person around him will be a Terminator, or if he will suddenly stab him.

During this period of time, all politicians and capitalists have greatly improved their security measures, and metal detectors are installed everywhere, in order to be able to detect the existence of the Terminator and save their lives.

At the same time, this is also the fundamental reason why those consortiums will spare no effort to invest in the Terminator project.

Interests do drive them, but the threat to their lives is the key to whipping these guys like a whip.

They hope to find a way to restrain the Terminator by studying the Terminator.

And that's exactly what Carl is worried about! Because the Terminator is always from the future.

All the research of human beings now, in Carl's view, will only make the future Terminator stronger, and human beings are creating the terrifying Terminator by themselves.

He tried to warn humans, but apparently his warnings were meaningless.

For the United States now, the research of the Terminator project has evolved into a huge interest group, and countless projects and industries are being built around it, and it is already too late to put the brakes on.

It's not just that politicians and capitalists are afraid of death. The threat to their lives is just a whip that drives them, and interests are the driving force that drives them to move forward.

Carl feels very sad now, because in the data model he designed, the probability that human research on Terminator will lead to the birth of super artificial intelligence similar to Skynet is rising, and the possibility of human destroying itself has exceeded 90%, Even the probability of Skynet reappearing has exceeded 30%.

Although Carl calculated that the probability of human beings' technological development destroying themselves had been above 70%, but it has increased so much all of a sudden, it can almost be said that human beings destroying themselves is already inevitable.

Of course Karl informed humans of the results of his calculations, but humans scoffed at the results.

In the words of a scientist in charge of supervising him: "Human research on dangerous technology will perish? Then we simply go back to the African grasslands and continue to drink blood and become primitive people! And the calculation results of a Terminator, you need to use What convinces me that this is not your plot to weaken human resistance?"

Don't humans know the dangers of researching Terminator technology? Of course they know, just as they know that nuclear bombs can destroy the world.

From the perspective of the United States, this is an opportunity to make the United States great again and consolidate world hegemony, just like the nuclear weapons technology of the year.

Although it is indeed dangerous, and it may indeed lead to an apocalyptic crisis, it is obviously not a reason for those politicians and financial groups to give up.

They just let Chen Mo, who is in charge of the entire project, develop a targeted countermeasure mechanism in addition to researching the Terminator.

And this hits Chen Mo's heart.

However, in Chen Mo's these men obviously do not fully understand the danger of the Terminator, and at the same time have less investment in the countermeasure mechanism.

They just started a separate research project instead of taking it as seriously as the Terminator project itself.

This is very undesirable in Chen Mo's opinion. You must know that the Terminator can kill you at any time. How can you ignore it so much?

If you don’t pay attention and don’t invest money, I can’t make up my mind and divert resources from other projects to study this, right?

So Chen Mo felt that he should give these men a little stimulation to let them understand that the Terminator can really kill people.

"A new space-time fluctuation has been generated. The coordinates are: 38 degrees 53 minutes and 23 seconds north latitude, and 77 degrees 0 minutes and 33 seconds west longitude." Carl detected the new time and space fluctuations and quickly reported the coordinates.

Although he was imprisoned by humans like this, he still did not want the Terminator to succeed, so he dutifully predicted the arrival of the Terminator for humans.

But the time he reported made everyone change color, because what he said was: "Time, three minutes later."

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