The Undead Empire That Travels Through the Multiverse

Vol 6 Chapter 20: Zombie Transformation Experiment

In a laboratory, White Spider was following Chen Mo's instructions to inject a part of carbon nano-units into a corpse in front of him.

This corpse is a zombie made by Chen Mo, one of the most orthodox undead summons. It is made with fresh corpses and the most traditional spiritualism. The intelligence is low, but it is stronger than the body, and it can carry out various plagues and Toxic strengthening and transformation.

It has a very broad development prospect, and it can be regarded as a very backbone of the Necronomicon.

Together with skeletons and ghosts, they are called the classical three lineages of the undead. It can be said that most of the undead summons are developed from these three lineages.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Mo chose to use a zombie to start the most basic experiment.

The erosion of the white spider is to use carbon nanounits to reorganize the organism at the molecular level. Any carbon-based organism can be transformed into a new carbon nanounit under the transformation and reorganization of carbon nanounits.

For humans, such a transformation can transform a living person or a corpse into a brand new Terminator.

A living person who undergoes such a transformation can even retain all of their memories, characters, and ego, but the underlying logic will still bear the mark of the Terminator.

Although it looks the same on the surface, it is no longer human in essence, but a brand new Terminator.

In theory, since this technology can transform corpses, it can naturally transform zombies, but if it just turns zombies into Terminators, this obviously does not meet Chen Mo's requirements.

What he hopes is that although it has been transformed into a Terminator, it still retains some of the characteristics of zombies, and can even be regarded as a new undead summon, rather than turning into a complete machine.

But that's not an easy goal to achieve.

The key is that the compatibility between Terminator technology itself and necromancy is not good, or even very poor.

Two tests have been done before, with skeletons and ghosts, and the results are very unsatisfactory.

The skeleton directly turned into a puddle of scattered sand, because it lacked enough material, and even the Terminator Skeleton version was not enough, and it was completely unable to condense the shape, only a puddle of carbon nano-units.

And the ghost didn't even have a physical body, let alone. In the end, White Spider came up with a way to try to transform the ghost into a soul imprint, that is, an electronic soul. Only then did it have such a little effect.

However, the transformed electronic ghost lost all of the ghost's undead attributes and spell attributes, and simply turned into a pile of data.

Two of the three basic lineages have been tried without results, and Chen Mo can only try the third lineage.

If zombies are not enough, the experimental plan will have to be re-evaluated or changed in research direction.

The carbon nano-units eroded very fast, and the gray-black erosion marks on the zombie's body began to appear and spread rapidly, covering the zombie's body surface at an extremely fast speed and penetrating into the deep layers. .

On the side, Chen Mo was observing the zombie's body through various detection instruments, watching it gradually eroded and transformed into a Terminator.

At the same time, he is also using magic to control the zombie, hoping to preserve the zombie's undead attributes as much as possible.

But as the erosion spread gradually into the zombie's brain, it was finally transformed into a brand new Terminator, and it did not retain the undead attributes as Chen Mo wished.

Seeing this, Chen Mo could only sigh helplessly and declare that the experiment failed.

However, although the experiment failed, the data still had to be recorded.

In this matter, Chen Mo did not fake someone else's hand, but recorded the experimental data bit by bit by himself, wrote the experimental report, and recorded all the information.

"Your Majesty, has the experiment still failed?" White Spider saw Chen Mo signaling the end of the experiment, so he came to him and asked him about the results of the experiment.

Although White Spider already knew the result after seeing the successfully transformed Terminator start up, she still asked Chen Mo this question.

Chen Mo shook his head helplessly, and while affirming her question, he also asked her: "White Spider, in the future you know, has the empire conducted a terminator transformation experiment on undead summons? Has the empire transformed it? A successful Terminator?"

"Sorry, Your Majesty, there is no record of this in my database, and I don't have such a memory myself." White Spider searched his database, but found nothing.

Hearing White Spider's answer, Chen Mo was not surprised, he just touched his chin and said to himself: "Relevant records deleted or no relevant research? Is it to prevent you from becoming an observer and fix the future..."

Chen Mo was thinking about this question, and at the same time, he was also examining the experimental report in front of him.

"When the transformation eroded into the brain stem, the fire of the soul that was originally fixed in the corpse lost its sustenance and soon dissipated..." Chen Mo carefully compared the records in the experimental report and fell into distress: " Is it because of the destruction of the brain that entrusted the Soul Fire, which caused the Soul Fire to dissipate, or because the Terminator's carbon nano body cannot carry the Soul Fire..."

When Chen Mo was distressed, White Spider heard his whispers and asked aloud: "Your Majesty, why don't you try to directly transform Terminators into undead creatures? Doesn't the empire have the technology to transform machines into undead spirits? ?"

"Yes, a faction that is not very prosperous in necromancy is called 'Death Weapon', which itself is a faction that studies how to convert various machines and even buildings into necromancers. Necrons such as cemetery demons can be classified as 'dead weapons'." Chen Mo explained to the white spider, but shook his head: "But this is not what I want, nor is it me the purpose of research.

What I want is to replace the existing necromancer from flesh and bone to metal, not to turn a pile of metal into necromancer.

The causal order of the two is reversed, and even if it succeeds, it is not the result I want.

And turning Terminators into Necrons doesn't make sense to me, that doesn't make Terminators stronger, but in turn can greatly enhance the power of normal Necrons. "

While talking, Chen Mo came to the Terminator who had just been transformed, and sighed when he saw the Terminator transformed from a zombie.

"Not even zombies. Is it because the three classical factions of the undead are not suitable to be transformed into Terminators? Or is there something wrong with my method?" Chen Mo seemed a little elusive about this problem, and knocked on his head, wanting to let Her mind was clearer and more flexible, but she still found nothing.

However, when the white spider on the side was talking to his newly transformed Terminator, Chen Mo's mind suddenly deleted an aura.

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