Five good people pay attention to one thing together, of course, it will not be just a little bit of response such as forming a joint force.

In addition to military cooperation and upgrades in various fields such as networks and communications, countries have also cooperated in many fields.

Under the pressure of the other four benevolent people, the United States had to separate the Terminator's body to other countries, let them also participate in the research of the Terminator, and even opened the Terminator research project and anti-terminator to various countries. author project.

Research groups jointly established by various countries have joined the project, and countries have also come up with their own expertise, which has greatly promoted the research progress of the project.

In the human body modification project, although so far humans have not been able to replicate the implants on Grace that are strong enough to fight the Terminator and the energy source that powers her whole body implants.

However, with the joint efforts of scientists from all over the world, the experimental mechanical prosthesis has been tested and verified, and the cost has been reduced, and it can soon be used to repair the limbs of the disabled.

Although this mechanical prosthesis is still made of metal, its weight is not much different from that of ordinary limbs.

The material is a new material based on data obtained from Grace and research on the bodies of Carl and other Terminators, light and strong, and very resistant to wear and tear.

In addition to being used to make mechanical prosthetics and transform disabled soldiers in various countries, this material will also be used for the manufacture of new equipment.

The joint force is now equipped with a set of active exoskeletons developed jointly by various countries.

This set of equipment is made of new materials, and is equipped with cannons and grenade launchers as the main output firepower, which has a good lethality to the Terminator in the test.

In fact, exoskeleton technology has never been a problem for countries, they just can't solve the problem of high-performance chips and energy.

The chip technology is enough for now, and in terms of energy, after Chen Mo got the battery from Carl that can run the Terminator for a hundred years, the related technology has also made a major breakthrough. Now it is used in the exoskeleton. An initial product.

This battery can last a week for the exoskeleton equipped by the joint force, which can fully meet the needs of combat.

As for other aspects, according to some information provided by Grace, humans are trying to create firearms that can destroy the Terminator.

It's just that Grace doesn't understand technology after all, and all she can say is what happened to some of the weapons she used. Scientists will try to implement it with the current technology based on the information she said, but the progress really can't be accelerated.

Other research projects on the Terminator have also made a lot of progress, but most of these projects are not directly related to the battle against the Terminator, so the attention of various countries is naturally much lower.

At present, for the five good people, it is to establish a set of effective countermeasures for the Terminator.

Although the rapid reaction force established by the United States is a good idea, the cunning of the Terminator is beyond human expectations, and one thing is proved by the rapid response force that is almost a pot of one thing, that is, the Terminator is not a rigid machine, but It is a terrifying existence with extremely high intelligence.

Even Grace couldn't give them very good advice on this matter.

In her era, mankind had been defeated, and all countries had long since ceased to exist. The remaining human beings, under the leadership of Dany, formed a resistance army to fight against the Governor, mainly fighting guerrillas with the Terminator. Effective defense and response systems too.

When it comes to how to eliminate a Terminator, Grace is really experienced, and even Sarah can't match her at this point.

But Grace is just a warrior. She has no intention of going back alive when she returns to this era. The battery on her body is the last resort that can be used to kill the Terminator.

It's just that neither Dany, who sent Grace back, nor Grace herself, never thought that things would turn out like this.

Although the Terminator who chased Dany was killed, the war between humans and the Terminator seemed to intensify, as if the arrow had to be shot on the string.

This really puzzled Sarah, who had already experienced a Skynet crisis, why when she faced the pursuit, as long as she defeated the Terminator, it seemed that nothing would happen, while Dany had to face a war.

However, neither Dany nor Sarah is obviously a character that surrenders or compromises to the Terminator. Although they are women, but because of their familiarity with the Terminator and what Grace said, Dany will become a future leader in the future. The commanders of the human resistance army also let them stay in the joint forces formed by various countries.

Sarah, like Grace, was teaching these soldiers the skills and experience of dealing with Terminators as an instructor, while Dany, like ordinary soldiers, received various military training.

She now believes that she will become the commander of the resistance army in the future, so since this is the case, she must prepare for it now.

Whether it is military skills or command, she has to learn from scratch.

The United States apparently also intends to train Dany, not only allowing her to participate in training, but also specially dispatching experienced military instructors to teach her various military skills and how to command troops, and strive to develop her into a qualified military commander.

This is obviously not an easy task. Even with the vigorous training of the United States, it is not easy to learn these military skills in a short period of time.

But Dany is obviously not going to give She has to work far more than anyone else.

In the daytime, she needs to be trained with the members of the joint force, and at night she has to learn all kinds of knowledge with military instructors. She is busier and harder than anyone else.

Fortunately, she does seem to have talent, and the United States has also equipped her with a professional support team to ensure that she can still maintain a good state under such high consumption.

Under such all-round training, Danni has indeed grown up very quickly. Even in the joint force, which is composed of elites from various countries, she can be regarded as a qualified soldier and squad commander. .

However, when countries were making various preparations to deal with the Terminator, the Terminator seemed to have disappeared completely, and no further offensives were launched for several months.

The intelligence departments of various countries cooperated and searched vigorously with the help of their surveillance networks, but still did not find any clues about the Terminator.

This makes all countries feel that there is a stone hanging in their hearts, like a time bomb that does not know when it will explode.

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