The Undead Empire That Travels Through the Multiverse

Vol 8 Chapter 44: Poland's demise

Poland perished.


After resisting for 29 days, Warsaw fell, but it took one more day than in history.


However, unlike history, the reason why the Germans took an extra day to capture Warsaw was because they dispatched the undead army.


And because of the fact that the undead army was dispatched, the Germans did not invite the Soviets to send troops as in history, but only spent a week to annihilate the Polish army's active forces, and then completely occupied Warsaw in less than 15 hours.


In the process of capturing Warsaw, the German undead army played a huge role.


This indomitable force was well-equipped, completely ignoring all the Poles' firepower except field artillery, and defeated the Warsaw defenders with a destructive efficiency.


And this also frightened the Soviets who watched the war.


At this time, the Soviet army was in charge of commanding Kovalev and Timoshenko. Both of them were veteran commanders and fighters of the Soviet army with rich war experience.


But even the battle-hardened two men had never seen such a war and such an army.


If it is just the fighting spirit and fighting spirit that are not afraid of sacrifice and fearless death, the two generals will not feel anything about this, because the Soviet soldiers they command also have the same spirit and will, and they are not lost to The Germans, in particular, even outperformed.


It's just that the Germans are not just spiritually not afraid of death, but physically not afraid of death in the real physical sense.


Every soldier in this undead army has been transformed by necromancy. As long as the body does not lose more than two-thirds of its limbs, and the heart and brain remain intact, they can continue to fight.


As for injuries such as being hit by bullets or being wounded by grenades, these undead soldiers can completely ignore them.


And in order not to let these injuries affect the combat efficiency of the soldiers, these undead soldiers had their pain nerves cut off and completely lost the ability to perceive pain.


If I don't feel pain, I naturally don't care about bullets piercing through my body, my hands and feet are blown off by bombs, and my body is hit like a sieve by shrapnel.


As long as the heart and head are intact, they can continue to fight.


And even more creepy is the way these undead soldiers mend their bodily damage after the battle.


If they are like normal soldiers, relying on medical means to treat their injuries, that is still within the scope of Kovalev and Timoshenko's cognition.


After all, they have also seen an army that is particularly indefensible on the battlefield. It is not uncommon for an entire army to fight until the end without even a complete person.


Although the undead army in front of them does look a little terrifying, and its combat effectiveness is indeed strong enough, it will not frighten two battle-hardened generals.


But the way the Germans used to heal and mend their undead soldiers was to take Polish prisoners and fill their wounds with the flesh and blood of the living.


The transformation method of these undead soldiers is mixed with the transformation method of ghouls, so they also inherit the terrifying effect of eating and eating corpses of ghouls.


Under normal circumstances, the Germans would not say that they would directly feed these undead soldiers with corpses or the flesh and blood of living people. At most, they would just prepare some fresh animal flesh and offal for them.


Anyway, the same effect can be achieved, and the Germans don’t want to be too impersonal.


But after a war, the Poles' resolute will to resist still caused the undead army to suffer a lot of damage, and even some undead soldiers were lost, and about a third of the undead soldiers were seriously injured.


Many severely wounded undead soldiers triggered the instinct of ghouls on the battlefield, unable to restrain their desire to devour corpses, and devoured the corpses of the Polish army on the battlefield, even the living and the captives who laid down their weapons and surrendered.


After the war, the German commanders, Rundstedt and Guderian, wanted to restrain the behavior of the undead.


After all, once this kind of behavior of eating corpses and prisoners spreads, it will greatly damage Germany's international image, and it will also affect the morale and reputation of the German army.


Both Rundstedt and Guderian are more traditional and pure soldiers, not the kind of crazy **, so they don't go too far in some things.


The Undead Legion is a unit directly under the Fuhrer, and belongs to the Gestapo's establishment. Only the Fuhrer himself has the right to mobilize and order this force.


As a result, the two generals' blocking did not work. The officers of the undead army allowed the undead soldiers to eat corpses, and in the face of the two angry generals, they also deliberately emphasized that this was to repair the undead army and restore them. necessary measures for combat effectiveness.


In the end, the two generals still had no choice but to get a Gestapo, so they could only get their troops out of the cordon, confining the undead army to the destroyed part of Warsaw, preventing them from spreading to other parts of Warsaw, causing worse effects.


Although the officers of the Gestapo have great power, he is not very willing to have too much conflict with the two generals. After all, Ronderstedt is highly regarded, and Guderian is also very popular with the Führer. Offending them is not an offense. Awful, but not much necessary.


However, even so, the matter of the Germans eating corpses was reported by several war reporters who were not afraid of death.


This immediately caused a big wave of exaggeration in the world. Although Britain, France and other countries did not make any effective offensive against Germany at this time, they did not appease Germany in public opinion, but issued strong condemnation.


Although there is no war at this time that follows humanitarianism, and even the Geneva Convention has not stipulated such behavior, it is still too much to challenge the limit that human beings can accept.


In fact, even in Germany, their own people don't quite accept this.


Even though the Communist Party of China has begun to promote the theory of racial superiority at this time, and even formulated a genocide policy such as the Eugenics and Prenatal Care Act, to artificially create so-called high-quality Aryans, the German people are still sincere about eating people and eating corpses. feel disgusted.


This also made large-scale protests and demonstrations break out in Germany for the first time since the Führer came to power.


Although the demonstration was quickly suppressed, and the German official came out to refute the rumors that this was a slander against Germany by the British and French countries, under the influence of this incident, the German people's hearts were obviously affected to a certain extent.


At least a small part of the people did not continue to fanatically follow and support the head of state and the Communist Party.


It's just that for Germany, which is still making great progress at present, UU reading www.uukanshu. com did not constitute any hindrance, but because it captured more than half of Poland, the morale of the German people has been greatly improved, and the army is even more eager and eager to destroy more countries, capture the entire Europe, and even the world. .


------off topic-----


The Polish campaign in history started on September 1st, Warsaw fell on September 28th, and the war basically ended on October 6th, but the Poles in history have never surrendered, but have always been resisting behind the enemy, more than a certain flag. White countries are much stronger.


In addition, Germany's eugenics and eugenics Act refers to the forced sterilization of people with "defects" such as alcoholism, mental illness, physical congenital disabilities, etc. in Germany, so as to prevent them from passing bad genes to the next generation, artificial gene optimization.


The so-called eugenics theory was put forward by the United States.



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