The Undead Empire That Travels Through the Multiverse

Vol 8 Chapter 63: justice from heaven

After being summoned, the pitch-black steel giant just moved his body and joined the battle with the scythe in his hand.

The addition of this iron giant obviously tilted the balance of the war situation. Originally, the Space Marines were about to defeat this angel. Now, with the addition of the iron giant, the war situation was almost immediately decided.

In particular, this iron giant's combat power is not inferior to that of an angel, and it can even suppress her alone, making the battle even more one-sided.

After the steel giant, whose correct name should be called the Dead God Guard, suppressed the angel, the terminators of several holy blood angels finally broke through the angel's defense with the power claws in their hands and stabbed the blue power claws into the her body.

In just an instant, the angel's body was torn to shreds.

After all, this is just the body of an ordinary nun. Even after the angel comes and possesses the body, the protection of the angel's power can resist the attacks of the space warriors, but after so many rounds of attacks, the protection of the angel's power has been destroyed. break in.

Facing the attack of a power weapon, even the body of the Tyranids that can travel across the universe cannot resist, let alone an ordinary female body?

The armor with more decoration than defense was pierced first, followed by the nun's fragile body. While the flesh and blood was shattered by the disintegrating force field, she was also pierced in the opposite direction.

Immediately, the space warrior of the Holy Blood Angel only smashed the fragile body of the nun possessed by the angel with just one hand.

The shattered body was broken into two pieces. When she fell to the ground, the nun had not completely died, but at this time, the power of the angel was leaving her, allowing her to regain herself at the last moment.

The severe pain of her body being torn apart caused her to let out a shrill wailing, and she stretched out her hand as if she wanted to ask the surrounding space warriors to save her.

However, these Space Marines did not show any sympathy or shaken emotions. A Dark Angel Terminator stepped forward and slammed the power flail in his hand, leaving the nun still alive. The dead upper body was directly smashed to pieces.

Flesh splattered on the armor of these Space Marines, dyed a blood red.

But they didn't care about it, and immediately put on a defensive posture, watching the huge wheel reappearing in the sky.

Apparently, the death of the possessed body caused the angel's form to reappear.

This is a huge monster like four wheels stacked on top of each other. The wheels are covered with eyes, and the four wheels are all rotating, so that Chi Angel's sight can sweep in any direction and angle.

And the huge wheel also hangs above the heads of the Space Marines like a mountain, and it looks even bigger than the big Thunderhawk assault boat they have ridden.

This inevitably makes these Space Marines a formidable enemy. They are not gray knights who specialize in demons, and they don't bring much flying equipment. It seems that they are not capable of fighting this evil creature.

"The summoned angel must rely on the physical body to exist. After the physical body is destroyed, the angel can exist for a maximum of three minutes. It is enough to delay the time or let the dead weapon guards kill it!" The demon's voice explained the situation to them.

The space fighters calmed down after hearing this, and gained confidence in fighting this blasphemous monster in front of them.

Several of the Blood Angels' assault soldiers directly activated their jumping backpacks, flew into the air, and attacked the Wheel Angels.

For the Space Marines, they didn't plan to delay time, or hope that the Death Armor Guard would kill this angel.

With such a vicious enemy in front of him, this is the time to show the emperor's supreme glory, how can these fearless warriors shrink back?

It's just different from the time when it was possessed. The body of the wheel, which showed the original shape of the angel, was not injured by the space warrior's attack, and the attacks of several stormtroopers who jumped into the air did not cause any damage to the big wheel with eyes. What effective damage.

Several power weapons smashed on the wheels, and they did not cause any substantial damage except for the golden light splashing around.

On the contrary, the light from those eyes when the wheels were turning made several flying stormtroopers hit hard and were shot down.

Seeing this, the think tank on the side immediately raised his hand and began to use his psionic energy, summoning a powerful psionic lightning bolt and slashing towards the big wheel in the sky.

This time, it finally had a little effect. A few eyes burst open where the psionic lightning hit, causing damage to the big wheel.

When the space warriors launched their attack, the dead weapon guard was not idle either. A pair of black light wings spread out from its back, and after it was fanned, it drove its tall body to fly.

The flying dead weapon **** guard flew towards the big wheel without hesitation, and then the war sickle in his hand immediately smashed up.

Compared with the psionic lightning fired by the think tank, this attack of the Dead Armor was undoubtedly much more effective. Although it didn't break a few eyes, it split on the outermost wheel of the Angel of Angels like four wheels stacked on top of each other. A big hole was made, and the Chi-Angel finally made a sound.

There was a cry that was completely inaudible to men and women, like pain and anger.

The mortals who heard this voice fell to their knees almost instantly. They couldn't resist the voice full of divine power. It was as if they had done many heinous things, and immediately began to repent of the various crimes they had committed. .

However, this is only a tickling for a determined person like the Space Marines, who only need to reduce the sound that their auditory organs perceive to avoid the impact of this sound on themselves. ωωw.Bǐqυgétν.℃ǒM

Moreover, there is a blasphemous monster, in the eyes of the space warriors, they can't wait to tear it apart immediately to thank the emperor, how can it be possible to repent of his crimes because of the sound it makes?

What's more, the will of a space warrior has been rock solid since its birth, and UU reading will not feel that he has committed any crime at all.

If they really committed crimes, they would have been corrupted by chaos as early as in the Warhammer world, and there is no need to wait for an angel to make them repent.

My heart and my actions, as clear as a mirror, is the best portrayal of space warriors.

It's just that fighting against such enemies flying in the sky, they not only don't have much relevant experience, but also lack effective equipment.

After all, Terminator armors are not designed for aerial combat, they can only be used in ground combat.

However, it was not difficult for these loyal and powerful space warriors. After a few dark angel space warriors glanced at each other, they immediately activated the teleportation function of the Terminator armor and teleported themselves to the sky!

Then, the power weapon in his hand was aimed at the wise angel beneath him, and justice was brought down from heaven! The new update provides you with the fastest Necronomicon update across the multiverse, Chapter 63 of Heaven's Falling Justice is free to read. https://

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