The demon in the shape of a humanoid fly is not particularly powerful, and its ability is mainly to spread the plague, not to fight head-on.

Originally, for Chen Mo, such an enemy was nothing more than a crumb that could be crushed to death by raising his hand. Even if it was indeed stronger, it could not hinder Chen Mo.

However, this demon has a very powerful means of life-saving. Even after consuming Chen Mo's three instant-death spells, he is still alive and kicking, which really surprised Chen Mo, and was also held back by him.

The fly is a symbol of the plague in Christianity, and it is also a symbol of Beelzebub, the original sin of gluttony in the Seven Deadly Sins.

Although the association of flies and gluttony with original sin is already after the mass spread of Christianity, flies and Beelzebub were once quite ancient.

He was originally the sun **** Baer in Phoenician mythology, but in Jewish texts his name has been used as the devil who causes disease and the Lord of the Flies.

In the Christian Old Testament, Beelzebub was further stigmatized as a demon king, regarded as one of the demon kings of hell, and even a candidate for Satan.

There was a time when Beelzebub was the great devil of hell, and after Lucifer fell from the sky, he just took refuge in him.

But by the time of the New Testament, Beelzebub had already lost his identity as a **** and the devil of hell, and was further suppressed as a member of the fallen angels, completely losing his identity as a god.

Of course, myths are just myths. Chen Mo has no way of knowing the identity of the real Beelzebub. Perhaps only an ancient existence like Naamah, the daughter of Lamech, can know some truth about the ancient times.

As for the Fly Man in front of him, of course it couldn't be Beelzebub himself, Chen Mo couldn't even feel the slightest bit of divinity in it, it was just a simple demon.

However, this demon was extremely difficult to kill. He tried Chen Mo's three instant-death spells and various other offensive spells, but failed to kill him.

It made Chen Mo even think that it was a clone of Beelzebub with the characteristics of immortality.

However, after Chen Mo changed his mind and cast a curse on him, relying on the flow of the curse, Chen Mo discovered why the demon in front of him was so difficult to kill.

The image of the fly man in front of him is not the body of the demon, it is just a seal that is the same as the cross that sealed Naama before, but the power of the demon stretched out its head and eroded the original seal into the appearance of a fly.

The body of the demon is the insect that spreads the plague throughout the city of Rome.

Those mosquitoes and flies that suddenly appeared and spread the plague to the entire city of Rome are the essence of this demon.

What Chen Mo's instant-death spell hit was only an insignificant part of its body, so naturally, no matter how hard it hit, it wouldn't kill it.

If you want to kill this demon completely, you must kill all the mosquitoes and flies in the entire city of Rome, and this must also ensure that no flies and mosquitoes have flown out of the city.

This is also the reason why the church couldn't kill this demon but chose to seal it.

You must know that in the dark Middle Ages, the hygiene habits of Europeans were terrifyingly dirty. Even after the death of a bishop of the church, a large number of lice and bed bugs would crawl out of their bodies. Body dirt is regarded as a symbol of holiness, and some women have even been canonized as saints for not taking a bath all their lives.

Gu Yan

In such a bad sanitation environment, wanting to completely kill a demon that can transform into a swarm of flies is indeed a fool's errand.

The church also spent a lot of energy and cost, and finally used the seal to imprison and seal this demon, but this still caused a pandemic.

Therefore, even if Chen Mo has the ability to directly destroy the entire city of Rome, he cannot guarantee that he will be able to destroy this demon.

And this demon seems to know this, and is shouting at Chen Mo: "You can't kill me! No one can kill me! I will become the new king of flies! Beelzebub, the devil of hell! Hahahaha!"

Hearing this demon's wild laughter, Chen Mo couldn't help frowning slightly, obviously this demon made him very dissatisfied.

However, instead of talking to him, he opened the spell book "Universal Necromancy Encyclopedia" in his hand, found a very powerful curse spell, and cast it.

The magic circle behind Chen Mo turned again, powerful spell waves emanated, a green magic circle appeared on the spread spell book, and then projected into the sky, and the same magic circle appeared on the clouds, but only in scale. Covered the entire city of Rome.

And with the reappearance of the magic circle, a green halo erupted from Chen Mo's spell book, sweeping across the entire city of Rome in an instant.

Visible to the naked eye, the flies and mosquitoes flying in the entire city of Rome almost died in an instant and turned into fly ash, and completely dissipated before they landed.

After the flies and mosquitoes died, the ashes turned into the magic circle in the sky. In the magic circle on the synchronized spell book, the green lights quickly converged into the image of a fly man.

This is the soul of the fly man attached to those flies and mosquitoes. Although the whole swarm is it, each fly and mosquito also has a little bit of its soul. Although there are not many, but in On the premise that Chen Mo directly killed most of the flies and mosquitoes in the city of Rome, he still collected enough souls for him.

After collecting enough souls to condense most of the image of the fly man, Chen Mo reversed the movement of the magic circle and injected the soul curse into the condensed image of the fly man.

Originally, the fly man was a little scared when he watched Chen Mo kill the flies and mosquitoes in the entire city of Rome, but when he saw that he didn't kill him completely, he became stunned again.

The flies and mosquitoes that make it up do not need to reproduce naturally, but are bred by the power of plague. The plague carried by those flies and mosquitoes is not only the embodiment of his strength, but also the root of his strength.

As long as the plague lasts, he can breed more flies and mosquitoes from the plague at any time, and he doesn't worry about this loss at all.

While secretly laughing in his heart that although Chen Mo is powerful, he still has no way to take it. This demon is also trying to infect Chen Mo.

In his opinion, as long as Chen Mo is infected with the plague, no matter how powerful the mage can only be at his mercy, he will eventually become part of its power.

However, just when it was proud, a curse from the soul caused it to feel great pain, and it was passed on to all the flies and mosquitoes controlled by it through the connection on the soul.

Chen Mo saw that the curse had been passed on, so he activated the spell and began to use the curse as the basis to curse and kill this seemingly indestructible fly man.

This is a curse specially designed for this kind of enemy who has too many clones. After all, no matter how many clones there are, there is only one soul. As long as the soul is destroyed, no matter how many clones it is, it is useless.

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