The Garden of Eden, in Christian mythology, is a paradise built by God for the first pair of human beings, Adam and Eve.

The ground is covered with gold, pearls, and onyx, and all kinds of trees grow out of the ground, full of all kinds of exotic flowers, which are very beautiful; the fruits of the trees can also be used as food.

In the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

There is also a river flowing in the garden, moisturizing the earth.

The rivers divided into four rivers and circled around Eden: the first, called Pishon, encircled all Haphalah; the second, Gihon, encircled all of Cush; the third, called Hiddekel, ran from the side of Assyria. Flows through; the fourth river is the Euphrates.

As a gift from God, the sky does not rain but the grain is abundant.

However, in fact, there is no such a paradise on earth. It is not that no one among the devout believers in the ancient church has searched for this paradise, but they still have not found this paradise that God built for mankind in the legend.

With the changes of history, the spread and transformation of myths, legends and religious beliefs, the Garden of Eden has gradually become a legendary holy place due to the influence of games, animation and film and television works, the kingdom of God and the residence of angels.

But in any case, after the increasing development of human technology and footprints gradually spread over every inch of the world, the legendary Garden of Eden is gradually considered to be just a legend, and it does not really exist such a place.

However, with the opening of the fallen angel, it seems that this place is not just a legend.

Chen Mo looked at the fallen angel in front of him with interest, and asked him, "The Garden of Eden? Speaking of which, what place is that? Is it really the kingdom of heaven on earth? Or, what is it?"

This is also the most curious place for Chen Mo. If the Garden of Eden is just a place that was specially circled by God to keep Adam and Eve in captivity, then this place is really unattractive. For any god, to establish such a place on the ground can make The so-called "paradise" in which people live carefree life is a very easy thing.

But obviously, from what the fallen angel said, Chen Mo could judge that the so-called Garden of Eden should be more similar to an object, and it might even be the so-called kingdom of God.

After all, judging from the fact that the church was able to summon angels to come, at least there is still a place for angels to live in this world.

And this place is quite possibly the Garden of Eden.

Sure enough, the words of the fallen angel confirmed Chen Mo's speculation.

"The Garden of Eden was indeed created by God to give Adam and Eve a paradise to live in." Although the fallen angel's tone was still full of laziness and laziness, he explained to Chen Mo in detail: "But when they were tempted by that snake, they ate After the fruit from the tree of wisdom was cast out of the Garden of Eden, the garden was taken back by God.

It was not a simple garden. More precisely, it was the original design of the kingdom of God that God created for himself. The later heaven was created based on the Garden of Eden. "

"A design drawing of the kingdom of God sounds really good, so where is it now?" Hearing that the Fallen Angel said that the Garden of Eden is the design drawing of God's kingdom of God, Chen Mo immediately became interested. This is comparable to the legendary holy land. Class gadgets are more valuable and more able to attract his attention.

Although it is said that there are also methods of how to build the kingdom of God in the "Universal Necromancy Encyclopedia", and there are also various design drawings of the kingdom of necromancy, but to have an additional physical reference, it is still for Chen Mo to build himself in the future. The Kingdom of God has great reference value.

Not to mention that if the Garden of Eden is the original design of the kingdom of God, it is at least a half-plane itself.

Even if God has invested enough in it, the Garden of Eden may have evolved into a small independent world during these long years.

And such a demi-plane or small world that exists as a design map of the kingdom of God is extremely valuable just by its existence, not to mention it can also be used as a reference to God's ideas when designing heaven.

This is undoubtedly one of the most valuable things for a demigod mage like Chen Mo who has stepped into the realm of God with one foot.

Whether he chooses the path of conferring gods to become a god, or continues to study on the path of a mage in order to reach a higher level, the design drawings of a kingdom of gods are of great reference value and can provide him with a lot of knowledge.

The fallen angel in front of him obviously saw this, and would throw out such a condition as a condition for his redemption.

He knows that his identity is very sensitive, especially in this era when the Age of Gods has ended, it is difficult for divine creatures to survive in this world, and the environment of the whole world is not suitable for the existence of divine creatures.

In fact, after coming out of the seal, the fallen angel clearly felt the change in the environment of the whole world.

The mystery of the whole world is no longer the richness of the mythological era. Although it is said that he can still maintain his own immortality as a being with divinity, he will still gradually decline in such an environment for a long time, until he falls into eternity. long sleep.

But the demigod-level mage in front of him was obviously not affected by the apocalyptic era, and even the fallen angels could feel a powerful and rich mysterious escape from him.

This is a phenomenon that only occurs when the mystery of a certain thing or existence itself is much higher than the world. Usually, this only happens to the gods who walk in the mortal world in their true bodies.

There is no doubt that the demigod mage in front of him already possesses the essence of a **** to a considerable extent, and in a sense he can already be regarded as a god.

Moreover, the power of faith that he can obtain is also quite strong. These gathered power of faith support his existence, UU reading www. maintains his own mystery.

If Chen Mo is really a god, he may not be able to maintain his existence in this world, but he is only a demigod, and with the support of his beliefs, it is enough for him to maintain his own strength and not decline in this mysterious and declining age of the end of the law. .

But this is not good for the fallen angel. He does not have enough faith to maintain his mystery, unless there is a demi-plane or a small world like the Garden of Eden, hiding to reduce the mysterious escape.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Garden of Eden that those angels can still maintain their existence even when God has left this world, and can even be summoned to the world by the church. ωωw.Bǐqυgétν.℃ǒM

And this is also the main purpose of this fallen angel. Of course, he can't take the Garden of Eden by himself, but if there is a magician who is close to God, then things will be hopeful.

As for what happened after Chen Mo took the Garden of Eden, that was another plan. New provides you with the fastest Necronomicon update across the multiverse, Chapter 76 of Eden is free to read. https://

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