The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 100: Imperfect script

   "This is it?"

   Standing in front of a heavy iron door with a warning sign posted at a door on the second floor, and the door plate says [Suspense Room], Leon asked the lucky guy to lead the way.

   Stepping on the muddy blood, the 1.9-meter strong man cried like a child and nodded wildly.

   Leon also nodded, the guard force here is indeed not the size of the utility room.

   Leon looked at the corpses on the ground, and at the lucky guy who was already crying, and finally patted the iron door on it and listened to the sound inside.

   There is no sound.

Leon had watched this part of the plot before, but the original plot shouldn’t take place in this time period. It’s a long time ago and Leon can’t remember clearly, only vaguely remembering that there is something about Magneto. Of course, there may be a mistake in memory.

   "Do you know what's inside?"

   It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember, isn’t there a leading party?

   "It's an experiment subject in a wheelchair, but some of us privately said that Experiment 143 seems to be Stryker's son..."


   is paralyzed, that is to say, Stryker has already begun to attack his own son.


   Without the thing extracted from the brain of the master of brain control, it was impossible for Stryker to control the one who had the same experience with Uncle Wolf, but had much worse luck: the dead woman.

   It seems that things are developing in a perfect direction!

   The dead woman has the same abilities as Uncle Wolf, and she is more restrained. It is estimated that at this time, where is she and Uncle Wolf meet on a narrow road, and kill each other in love.

With my previous reminder, Uncle Wolf shouldn’t make the mistake of underestimating the enemy again. If the dead woman cheats to deceive Uncle Wolf this time, he will definitely not be able to scratch Uncle Wolf. Maybe he will have his head cut off directly by Uncle Wolf. .

   Leon’s own side, the same is the case.

That Stryker’s son has not been messed up by his father and turned into a “tool man” who can only passively beat people. The door is still closed. Leon is not sure if he is replaced by Uncle Wolf. Wan When the worst happens, Uncle Wolf is likely to be company with the dead woman.

  The result of the matter will become, Leon fights the dead woman here, and Uncle Wolf also joins the battlefield, and the result is to help the dead woman beat him? !

   If this happens, let’s not say if you can’t run away. I will meet the group of X-Men in the future, what should I say?

   said that he arranged a blind date for Uncle Wolf, and found the most suitable daughter of his destiny. Now two people every day you scratch me and I stoke you indescribably happy!

   can it work!

  Is Leon now playing the Storm Girl or the Phoenix Possession Qin Ge Lei!

   is definitely not good!


   patted the heavy iron door of the utility room again. Leon was very satisfied with the current situation. Others might be afraid of this kind of brain-control master, but Leon was not.

   When the two sides are in a hostile state, Leon is even more unafraid without having to keep his hands.

  Mind Seal is a good thing. Using Mind Seal in advance should be able to effectively resist this kind of enemy. Even if you don't use this skill, clone art is a natural restraint skill.

   In essence, the ability of brain control should be related to the soul and mental fluctuations. It can probe memory and tamper with the color of the soul.

   What a coincidence!

   This avatar has neither a body nor a soul. Its essence is actually an energy copy that intercepts previous memories.

   Do you control it?

   Control what, control magical energy?

   Then it's not a master of brain control, it's the Scarlet Witch!


   patted the shoulder of the lucky guy leading the way, and he shuddered. He even held back his tears. He closed his eyes, pressed his lips, clenched his fists, and began to wait for death.

   Leon is quite surprised, is this psychological construction done so well?

   Seeing death as home!

   co-authored, from the very beginning, you thought I would definitely kill you, begging for mercy, leading the way, just to live for half an hour, right?

   "You go."

   The lucky guy opened a gap in his eyes, making sure that there was no one other than a bunch of masked weirdos and himself. Then he opened his eyes completely and pointed his finger in disbelief.

   "Yes, let's go. Anyway, you also helped me a little bit. Although it's not an initiative, but I still decided to let you go."

   After all, Leon is not a bad person.

   "If you don't want me to change my mind, please leave as soon as possible."

   Lyon ignored the lucky guy who staggered down the passage and said to his clones: "Open the door. If there is a wheelchair inside, just kill him."

   After speaking, he took two steps back and waited for the clones to violently break the door and execute the beheading operation.

   As for himself, just wait outside.

If you can do a job with a clone, why should you take the risk? Death is not terrible. After all, it is reasonable to say that Leon is a person who has really died once. He is qualified to say such things, but if he is mentally disabled (incorrect) Controlled and reduced to a murder tool and puppet in Stryker's hands, the joke was really big.

   It is estimated that those in the Time Traveler Association and the System Distribution Administration can treat him as a negative model, print it on textbooks and brochures, and tell this story to every traveler.

   Leon can't afford to lose this person!

   "Demolition! What's the use! The skills are used hard...that turned mysterious tortoise! ​​Come here and I promise not to hit you!!"

   The sound of a booming Lingpill hitting the heavy iron gate carries the sizzle of molten iron falling to the ground and the harsh metal scraping sound. Leon listened to it as if someone was scratching a blackboard.

   covered her ears and took two steps back.

Although there are many people, the clones can’t wear the main body equipment. When they enjoy the equipment and buff effects, their attack power is inherently much weaker than the main body. In addition, the clones have less four-dimensional attributes than the main body and directly cut in half. A lot more value, the same spirit pill, the two shots of the clone do not have as much damage as the one shot of the main body.

   Especially, sometimes, if you can’t break the defense, no amount of attacks are useful. Ten zeros add up to a hundred zeros. There is no difference.

   Seeing that after the clones released the spirit pills, their physical strength was greatly reduced, and their attack power became even lower. Leon wondered when would he be able to open the big iron door? !

I will do it myself!

   "Let one give, let one give!"

   glanced contemptuously at all of his clones, making everyone a little bit unbelievable.

   Do you want to pretend to be with your own clone? !

   deserves to be the main body!


   Two fingers stretched forward, Leon's fingertips flashed blue and white light, boom! ! With a sound, the iron door was broken open with a big hole.

   "I have to do it myself, what use do you want?!"

   The avatars also took the scene: "Oh, you have to ask you to go in in person, we are not very useful after all."

   "Yes, yes, I have transformed myself, and will not hinder your dog's eyes."

   "I... how will you scold someone later!"

   "You will see your promise when you hit the ego, you are really ruthless! You even scold yourself!"

   Several avatars talked and digressed again. Leon is used to it. When these sand sculpture avatars can complete a conversation normally when chatting, Leon finds it strange.

There was a wave of ridicule on the body, and everyone was satisfied with the body and mind. The mysterious bee became the mysterious bee, the mysterious cat became the mysterious cat, the mysterious snake didn’t know what to play with, and the mysterious turtle turned into a big spoon after Lyon. Cheng Xuanfeng, honestly got into the big hole in the door.

   After all the clones got in, Leon took a few steps back, trying to stay away from the hole in the door.

Since Stryker dared to put his brain-disabled son into this room, he dared to arrange so many guards outside through a metal door. Either the wheelchair brother had a problem and couldn't use his strength, or it was the door. There may be some kind of black technology.

   Anyway, it doesn’t hurt to stay a little farther away.

   retreated two more steps outside, and Leon lifted the lower edge of the mask, took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, ready to wait for work, take a break and wait for the good news from the clones, and then divide the army into 16 ways!

   Take Stryker on the fourth floor!


   Just put the cigarette into his mouth and wanted to take a match out. With a move of his ear, Leon heard something sound from behind him on his left side.

His left foot moved back, and his body turned half a circle with his right foot as the center. Something slashed from top to bottom in front of Leon, cutting the cigarette he had just held in his mouth into several irregular segments and falling on it. On the ground.

   Backed extremely fast, Leon spit out the filter in his mouth, and pointed his guns in the direction where he was standing just now.

   A nail is too long, with uncleaned blood stained on it, and a woman in an all-black battle suit is squatting there, looking at Leon blankly.

   "Oh Yo Yo~ I seem to have won the prize!"

   Seeing this nail-like nail, Leon wouldn’t recognize it, isn’t this woman the dead woman who should be singled out with Uncle Wolf!


   can’t be Uncle Wolf’s, so, was the lucky one just now?

   Why is she here!

  What is that Uncle Wolf doing? ! ! !


   Uncle Wolf is certainly not idle either.

After    separated from Leon and left from the other side of the aisle, he heard fierce gunfire from the other side of the aisle, not long after he walked out in the direction that Leon had chosen.

   Needless to say, Leon must have encountered an enemy over there.

   The witty Uncle Wolf immediately broke into a room, killed all the guards inside, and made a hole in the ceiling above the house with his extremely sharp alloy claws and went directly to the second floor.

   The upstairs is not a mess, but an infirmary, which stores a lot of medical supplies and various large and small instruments that Uncle Wolf doesn’t recognize.

   I searched roughly, but didn't find any useful information.

   Uncle Wolf just hesitated whether he would go out and grab a few tongues and come back to force him to ask, or he should just dig a hole and take another step up.

   At this time, someone came in outside the door, footsteps were very anxious, and words were very urgent.

Through the crack in the door, Uncle Wolf heard what the guard outside the door said to the effect that someone had invaded. Now the monitoring system is destroyed, and the equipment in the monitoring room is also destroyed. I don’t know the specific situation of the enemy, so Stryker asked them to pick them up. The doctors and laboratory staff left, and left first in the passage on the fifth floor.

   There is still a passage on the fifth floor?

   Uncle Wolf carefully recalled the drawings he had read, but he did not expect any useful information.

However, this base is disguised as a dam, and there is a small lake behind it. In this way, it seems reasonable that the fifth floor, that is, the top floor, has access to the outside world. NS.

In line with the simple cognition that high-ranking people usually live on higher floors, Uncle Wolf believes that if there is a way to leave on the fifth floor, then as the highest commander of this base, Stryker absolutely Not too far away from the location of the channel!

   Thinking of this, Uncle Wolf immediately decided: Keep digging upwards!

   Just like that, when Leon was still on the first floor, Uncle Wolf had already reached the second floor, and when Leon reached the second floor, Uncle Wolf had already reached the fourth floor.

   As soon as he reached the fourth floor, Uncle Wolf immediately found an opportunity to catch a hapless laboratory worker in a white coat.

   After some hard questions, in fact, when Uncle Wolf showed his paws, the staff's eyes lit up: "It's you! You are the defector of Project X!"

   defector? !

   You caught me and forced me to brainwash and reform. I managed to escape from birth, but you still looked upset, and what did you keep saying, defector? !

   Needless to say, this guy with glasses must have been involved in the original thing.

   The sharp claws waved, and one arm flew up.

   The furious Wolverine Logan used his paws against the crying laboratory staff to help him regain his consciousness, and asked every word: "There is only one question, where is Stryker!"

  I have experienced this in a white lab coat, and I said cleanly after holding my shoulders.

   With a flick of his paw, it pierced the hapless ghost's chin and head. Uncle Wolf didn't even look at him, and ran directly to the address.

  I didn't encounter any decent enemies along the way, most of them were one or two, in a hurry.

   When these people met Uncle Wolf, they were killed by Uncle Wolf without even having a chance to shout.

   was walking, and as he got closer and closer to the target, Uncle Wolf heard a voice that was somewhat familiar and not familiar, but absolutely unforgettable and never forgotten.

   "Tell me! Why is our fortress inexplicably broken into, why our monitoring system and equipment will all fail, who can give me an explanation! Ah? Could it be that some of you have betrayed me?!"

   Uncle Wolf hiding on the other side of the corner remembered who this voice was.

   can't be wrong!

   Stryker! !

boom! !

   A gunshot sounded.

   Stryker shot and killed his subordinate, one of the four adjutants in charge of base security.

   Putting away the gun, Stryker said to another adjutant who was following him: "You take the chiefs and leave from above first, and go to the second base and wait for my order."

After the major saluted him, he took a few white coats and left. After that, Stryker seemed to remember something suddenly, and quickly said to the puppet-like woman behind him: "You go to the second floor. In the utility room kill everyone!"

   Looking straight into her eyes, Stryker repeated: "Everyone!"

   The base was invaded strangely, and Stryker didn't know who was the enemy in life, the enemy in business, or the political enemy in the officialdom.

  If it is the latter, once he is found in the utility room on the second floor, everything he has will disappear. He doesn't dare to bet on this kind of thing.

   Fortunately, there seems to be only one enemy.

   The dead woman heard the words and immediately grabbed the railing from the corridor handrail on the fourth floor and slid down.

   Uncle Wolf, who had been hiding in the corner, thought for a moment, and did not stop the dead woman.

   Once Leon is still below, don't worry, secondly, if he goes to stop the dead girl now, then he and Leon will come back this time without success.

   Stryker, will definitely escape without a trace, and then hide.

   Uncle Wolf absolutely does not allow this to happen.

   Stryker, must die here today! !

   Ps: (It’s 10,000 words today, although no one reads it...but don’t worry, it will be finished!)

   Another: Thank you: **Dead Emperor, Magician of Dreaming, Buxinkaduo, Book Friends for their rewards



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