The Urban Dao Child

Chapter 346: Bloodshed.

After taking a good look at the scenery the boy sat down on top of the terrace and began to perceive the element. He did not know how long it was when his ears flicked and he stood up from his place. He caught a light fighting sound coming from the side.

He saw two people fighting with each other on the terrace of the second building in front of him. The buildings were all like single-room towers, separated by an alley wide enough for a man to pass through. Since the distance was not very far, Yang Dao could see the movements of the people very clearly.

He heard two sets of movements coming from behind him. He turned to find two people climbing up the tower. They had just climbed up the wall and set foot on the terrace when they spotted Yang Dao and were surprised. The two people were females, wearing tight clothes but not looking sensual or anything. But even a little filthy.

One of the ladies spoke, "Oh, such a handsome young boy. Why have I not discovered you before, Sugar?"

Her hair was covered with dirt and blood but the blonde glint was still visible. Going from her features, Yang Dao could tell that she was from the freedom country, however, he could still discern her words despite the different vocal. Another mental note was taken down by him at this moment.

This place can translate the global tongue.

Yang Dao asked back, "What do you need here?" his tone indifferent.

The girl laughed and said, "Hahahaha, we are going to fight here, what else. Wait, did you just come over and did not know that this is a battlefield? You live in the rooms and fight on the terrace. Then dump the dead enemy in that big pit."

Yang Dao nodded and said, "You can fight, I will not interfere, whoever, dies, I can have her room."

He did not have a slight fear in his heart when he saw these two ladies, they were the same strength as him, an elemental seeker. They could only sense the heat from outside their bodies, try to manipulate it but nothing more.

The blonde girl nodded but the other party was a bald girl with a scar on the side of her face. She did not say a word from start to end and her eyes were filled with vigil. However, Yang Dao could not sense any fluctuations from her stature. She was calm, like a viper waiting to attack.

The boy nodded to her and came to stand up at the boundary of the terrace. He had no idea of interfering with the people. The fight of the building at the side had come to an end with the death of a person. Yang Dao did not have the intention to go and kill the wounded winner. That was not his style.

The two girls stood face-to-face and they began to clash with knives and blades in their hands. They both used two-handed knife and dagger fighting styles. The blonde girl said, "Amyra, you should have died outside. You know that you are not my enemy?"

The bald girl did not reply. She moved forward as soon as the blonde stopped speaking. Yang Dao watched the movements of the two people and found that despite her calm the bald one was on the weaker side. The blonde girl was attacking hard and fast. Her hands were moving at a fast speed. All her attacks were aimed at the vital spots of the bald girl.

Yang Dao crouched down and began to focus on the moves. His brain did not work like normal people, equipped with his Dao eyes, he could easily discern her move pattern. After the pattern entered the repetition cycle Yang Dao changed the focus of his attention and found that the bald girl seemed to be holding back on purpose. She was defending the attacks focused on her vitals impeccably but she ignored everything falling on the rest of her body.

She defended her joints, internal organs, neck, and head. Yang Dao will never accept that there was such a big loophole in the defense technique. This person must have been some big shot to have been called a sinner and thrown here. Just as he predicted, the bald girl, Amyra ducked as a blow came to her head and staggered back a step but that was only to lure in the blonde.

The fish took the bait and followed in, Just as the Blinde rushed in to take advantage of the bald girls lost balance. The latter smirked and took a step to the side in a cross step. She placed her left feet past the right and used them as a pivot to twist her body and deliver a critical slash at the stomach of the blonde. Bloodflowers bloomed in the void as the dagger ripped apart the stomach of the blonde.

Yang Dao almost stood up to applaud the move. The bald girl was not the opponent of the Blonde in terms of anything, whether it be martial skills or appearance, but her brain. Her brain was much sharper than her daggers. The blonde girl could not believe what just happened and clutched her stomach, the blood gushed from between her fingers, she barely could keep her guts from spilling outside.

She asked in a broken voice, "Why?" her eyes were brimming with disbelief and pain. Amyra did not speak but Yang Dao said, "You looked down on your enemy, let down your guard. Your arrogance became your demise. You might have been a big shot out there to be placed in this hell hole but do you really think, that those who came here are any weaker than you? They would have been dealt outside if so."

He did not leak out the strategy used by Amyra. He did not want to tell her that she has been seen through. After all, she was his potential enemy. He walked over to the blonde girl, who was gazing at him with anger in her eyes. He took a hold of her knives and said, Thank you for the room and the knives. I will use them to their fullest."

Then he nodded to the bald girl and walked away. The bald girl did not relax and said in a low voice, "Goodbye, sister." and slashed her blade on the blonde's neck, ending her misery.

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