The Vicious Supporting Female Character And The White Lotus Female Lead

Chapter 67: There was no class in the first session, and the two rarely slept in. (10)


    It's not crazy how dare she, a foreigner, ask for a lecture with the professor of Anseong University? Who doesn't know that Professor Liu Jinyi is the best at memorizing faces, and people who don't know him have almost no way to set them up.

    Fang Xiaoman was about to talk to Nie Zhener when he heard the president of the student union on the podium speak with a microphone: "There are still three minutes before the start of the speech, Ms. Luan will be here soon, please stop chatting for the time being. "

    Nie Zhener turned around and sat down, Fang Xiaoman also sat up straight, looking forward to the little princess of the Luan Group.

    Three minutes is very short, when Luan Qingxiao walked in from outside wearing a formal suit and stood on the podium, Fang Xiaoman's first reaction was that Nie Zhener's girlfriend went to the wrong place, Dare to pretend to be the little princess of the Luan Group.

    But the next moment, Luan Qingxiao spoke.

    "Hello everyone, I'm Luan Qingxiao."

      Even richer than female stars!

    So just after Luan Qingxiao's words fell, the students in the audience immediately responded with warm applause.

    If it weren't for a formal occasion, they would all be screaming and whistling.

    Nie Zhener stared at the radiant Luan Qingxiao on the podium without blinking, her heart beating faster and faster.

    Luan Qingxiao at this time is completely different from her usual appearance. She is confident, strong, and has a charming charm.

    Nie Zhener thought proudly and proudly: The person you admire and like is my girlfriend.

    Fang Xiaoman, who was sitting in the row behind Nie Zhener, has been stunned since Luan Qingxiao said the first sentence.

    Nie Zhener's girlfriend turned out to be the little princess of the Luan Group?

    This world is too magical!

    She has Luan Qingxiao's WeChat!

    Two days!

    What should I do if I am about to faint? ? ? After all, even her parents don't have Luan Qingxiao's personal contact information.

    How lucky is she!

    No, it's not her luck, it's the luck that Nie Zhener brought her~

    awsl! !

    After Luan Qingxiao finished his speech, it was time to ask questions.

    Luan Qingxiao randomly selected five students from the raised hands to answer their questions.

    "Any student has a question for me to answer? Please raise your right hand."

    Nie Zhener didn't raise her hand, she could tell Luan Qingxiao at any time if she had something to say, so don't take the five chances with others.

    Fang Xiaoman raised his hands high with a "swoosh", which was very noticeable among the students who raised their hands in a proper manner.

    Luan Qingxiao's smiling eyes fell on her, nodded to her and said, "This classmate, if you want to ask, you can say it."

    Someone from the Student Union handed the microphone to Fang Xiaoman, Fang Xiaoman stood up excitedly, took a deep breath and said, "My question is, why do you want to donate research to Anseong University? So, donate money to set up a pure scholarship. As we all know, you only study at Anseong University for one year, and then study abroad in the second year of your sophomore year.”

    Longao Tianhou Palace 12

      Xiaoman, no one recognized Luan Qingxiao as her girlfriend who was with Nie Zhener last week.

    As soon as Fang Xiaoman's question came out, many people felt that the question she asked was not good. What's the point of asking? Luan Qingxiao also attended Ancheng University one year ago. Ancheng University is her alma mater. Isn't it normal to donate money back to her alma mater?

    Just now she didn't raise her hand well, she was grandstanding, and now she raises such an incompetent question, and she wasted a good opportunity to ask.

    Many people look at Fang Xiaoman in the wrong way.

    Fang Xiaoman doesn't care what others think at all, she just wants to help Luan Qingxiao slap those who spread rumors in the face.

    Luan Qingxiao pondered for a while, then replied with a smile: "This classmate's question is very good, and he asked the key directly. Ancheng University is indeed full of talents."

    The other students didn't know whether Luan Qingxiao was really praising Fang Xiaoman or satirizing her without a trace, and they all stared at Luan Qingxiao's expression.

    Luan Qingxiao had a smile on her face and looked very close to the people, but her aura remained undiminished.

    "This classmate asked a good question just now. I only studied at Anseong University for one year. Why should I donate money to build a research institute and set up a pure scholarship?"

    Luan Qingxiao stretched out two fingers, "There are two reasons, without one of these two reasons, I will not make such a decision."

    "After I was admitted to Anseong University, I was almost the youngest student in that class. At that time, I studied well and thought I was smart, so I could just graduate for four years. Anyway, my family was not short of money. The teacher who taught me at that time saw that I was in a wrong state of mind, and everyone had to pull me to explain a big reason after the class."

    "Later I started to study hard, but not because I was persuaded by the big principles of the professors, but because I was tired of listening to their big principles. As long as I study hard, they will not Talking this and that in my ear, for me, it's a good deal."

    The following students listened.

    Luan Qingxiao pretended to be serious and said, "Don't think I'm joking, people who haven't heard the professor's nagging will not understand the pain."

    The laughter below was even louder.

    "Because of the nagging of the professors, I began to study hard, and completed four years of undergraduate knowledge a year later, and then went abroad to continue my studies. The reason why I can bring a beautiful resume to the school Standing in front of you, I cannot do without the care and help of the professors and teachers of Anseong University.”

    "This is why I donated money to build the research institute for Anseong University."

    "As for why I set up a pure scholarship..." Luan Qingxiao deliberately sold off, "Any classmate who wants to guess, you can stand up and say it directly."

    A male classmate stood up in the first row, Fang Xiaoman passed the microphone in his hand to him.

    The male classmate took the microphone and said seriously: "I think the reason should be similar to the reason why you donated money to build the research institute, is it because there are many students who helped you study at that time, so you will set up the pure scholarship, come Remember the pure friendship at that time?"

    Luan Qingxiao shook his head and said, "I can tell you that at that time I was only interested in studying and didn't have a single friend."

    The male student in the first row did not guess correctly.

    After a few seconds, a short-haired girl in the third row stood up and said, "I think the reason you set up the Innocence Scholarship is because you are a kind person."

    Luan Qingxiao smiled, "Although your compliment makes me feel very happy, it's not the reason."

    The students in the audience looked at each other in dismay, and then a few students stood up to guess the reason, but none of them guessed correctly, and they couldn't even get close to the correct answer.

    Luan Qingxiao asked them to sit down after answering, and turned to Fang Xiaoman... Nie Zhener, who was in front of him, asked in a gentle tone, "What does this classmate think is the reason?"

    Fang Xiaoman immediately handed back the microphone to Nie Zhener in front.

    Nie Zhener stood up with the microphone, like, jealous, envy, disgust, all kinds of eyes fell on her.

    Nie Zhener could only see the encouragement in Luan Qingxiao's eyes, all the eyes around her, good or bad, had nothing to do with her.

    "I think the reason is that Anseong University has someone important to you, and you set up a scholarship for her."

    After Nie Zhener finished speaking, the people around her thought her reason was even more absurd than the few classmates who made a mistake just now.

    How is it possible, how can the reason be so simple.

    However, Luan Qingxiao's next response surprised them.

    "You're right."

    Many students noticed that Luan Qingxiao looked at Nie Zhener with extremely gentle eyes, with deep affection in his eyes.

    They were shocked, they thought they were wrong, but they rubbed their eyes and looked again, the affection in Luan Qingxiao's eyes increased instead of decreasing.

    What's going on now? ? ?

    "Can this classmate guess who my important person is?"

    Other students who didn't know what to do were stunned, thinking what the problem was, she could guess it right, it was absolutely impossible to say who it was.

    The students who saw the meaning were sore and had a sour toothache. Needless to say, Nie Zhener!

    Nie Zhener's cheeks flushed slightly, "It's me."

    As soon as these words came out, many students were dumbfounded.

    What is "I"?

    Didn't Nie Zhener have a girlfriend? I heard that there is no money and no education.

    Now if you see a rich and educated person, just pick it up?

    "That's right." Luan Qingxiao glanced at the chaotic audience and said, "The second reason is that the person who is very important to me is in the school, and because she is excellent, Being jealous of some students and spreading rumors, I want to protect her innocence, so I set up an innocence scholarship at Anseong University."

    There was an uproar in the audience. Some of the students who had spread rumors about Nie Zhener blushed, but some still didn't think they were wrong.

    They had never met Nie Zhener's girlfriend at all, and they believed that she was a woman who couldn't stand on the stage, and Luan Qingxiao was another big guy who Nie Zhener hooked up with.

    They were more and more angry with Nie Zhener's messing around.

    Fang Xiaoman's question was answered perfectly, Luan Qingxiao asked her, "I wonder if this classmate is satisfied with this answer?"

    Even if the client is not himself, Fang Xiaoman still feels excited: "I'm very satisfied! Thank you!"

    Luan Qingxiao exposed the affair between herself and Nie Zhener. The next four questions were asked around the relationship between the two. The first three questions were okay, mainly gossip about how the two people know each other and how to get along with each other. What, Luan Qingxiao didn't want to reveal what happened when he and Nie Zhener got along.

    For the last question, before Luan Qingxiao asked someone to ask a question, a boy in a red plaid shirt stood up and asked loudly, "Nie Zhener has another girlfriend, who is not as educated and rich as you. What do you think about this? Do you know about it?"

    Luan Qingxiao's eyes fell on his malicious face, and the dark color suddenly became cold, "It seems that you are the source of the rumor."

    "My classmate Nie Zhener and I have been dating for a long time, but I have to go to work and she has to go to school, so the two of us rarely have time to date. The company has completed a large order, and I let it go to myself One week off, I came to Ancheng University to accompany Zhener, and relived campus life by the way... I don't know how your smart mind thinks that Zhener has another girlfriend, who is rumored to have no education and no money. But I know that the Innocence Scholarship must have nothing to do with students like you."

    "Papapapa!" Fang Xiaoman excitedly took the lead and stood up and applauded.

    The people around were infected by her and applauded excitedly.

    Only the boy in the red plaid shirt who asked the question stood stiffly, his face flushed.

    Luan Qingxiao's speech became a dog abuse conference. Not only that, Luan Qingxiao called the Luan Group's lawyer team over a phone call, and wanted a few rumors to slander the source.

    Several students were afraid of going to jail, so they went to Nie Zhener to apologize, hoping that she could let Luan Qingxiao let them go.

    Nie Zhener's kindness is not without bottom line, she shook her head and said: "You have no regrets when you hurt others, but you immediately admit your mistakes when you touch your own interests, you don't really know each other at all. If you are wrong, you are just afraid to pay for your own mistakes, and I will not help you."

    Fang Xiaoman came over and waved his fist at them: "You still dare to harass Zhener."

    Several people left with ugly faces, no need to think about how they will face other people in Anseong University in the future.

    "By the way, where is my idol? Why wasn't I with you?" Fang Xiaoman asked.

    Nie Zhener: "Qingxiao went to find Professor Liu Jinyi."

    Fang Xiaoman adored: "As expected of my idol, I can even get Liu Jinyi's lecture notes."

    Nie Zhen'er said, "Professor Liu Jinyi used to teach Qing Xiao."

    Fang Xiaoman suddenly looked at Nie Zhener excitedly, Nie Zhener felt that her eyes were a little scary, and asked, "Xiaoman, what's wrong with you, why are you looking at me like this?"

    "It's all right, I suddenly thought of something, I'm so excited." Fang Xiaoman turned around and clenched her fists tightly, she just realized one thing, her idol Luan Qingxiao and her My best friends are a couple, so wouldn't she be able to hear a lot about idols from Nie Zhen'er?

    Fang Xiaoman was so excited, if she didn't worry about Nie Zhen'er waiting here, she would like to go to the playground to run ten laps and twenty laps immediately.

    After waiting for about ten minutes, Luan Qingxiao came out of the office building, saw Nie Zhener, and raised the USB flash drive in his hand.

    Nie Zhener said in surprise: "It's really coming, Qingxiao, you are amazing."

    "Idol, you are amazing!" Fang Xiaoman said aside.

    Luan Qingxiao nodded at her with a smile, and said, "Thank you for waiting for me with Zhener just now, let's have a meal together later."

    "Okay, okay, okay." Fang Xiaoman was afraid that Luan Qingxiao would go back on his promise if he was slower.

    Luan Qingxiao put away the USB flash drive and said to Nie Zhener, "I'll go to the company in the afternoon to print it out for you, and you can see it when you get home from school."

    "En." Nie Zhen'er smiled sweetly at Luan Qingxiao.

    At this moment, Luan Qingxiao's cell phone rang, and she went to the side to answer the phone.

    Fang Xiaoman: "!!"

    Fang Xiaoman on the side was shocked, "You, you live together???"

    Nie Zhener said: "Yes."

    "Then..." Fang Xiaoman glanced at Luan Qingxiao who was on the phone, "When are you going to get married?"

    She doesn't think two people living under one roof can resist doing nothing.

    Although Luan Qingxiao is her idol, Nie Zhener is still her good friend! She must put the interests of her good friends first, and she can't make Nie Zhen'er suffer!

    Nie Zhener shook her head and said, "I haven't made up my mind yet."

    "Did you think about it, or did she think about it?" Falling in love is not the same as getting married. How many couples who fell in love when they were in love broke up in the end when they talked about marriage.

    Nie Zhener saw what she was thinking, and quickly explained: "It's me, I have met Qingxiao's parents, and I have changed my name to my parents. They are very kind to me, and I mentioned that Qing Xiao and I should get engaged first and get married after graduation. But I don't want to get married so early, I'm sure I love Qing Xiao but I don't want to be bound by marriage so early, or I can't afford our marriage yet. You Don't worry, I will tell you when I get married and let you be my bridesmaid."

    Fang Xiaoman looked at Nie Zhener lovingly, touched her head and said, "Don't wait until I'm married, married women can't be bridesmaids."

    "That's okay, if you get married first, I'll be your bridesmaid, and when I get married, let your children be flower girls."

    Fang Xiaoman smiled, "You arranged it well, not only for me, but also for my unborn children."

    Luan Qingxiao came back from the phone, and the three of them went to dinner together.

    Luan Qingxiao's car was parked in the parking space outside the playground. They walked over and met many students, most of whom had heard Luan Qingxiao's speech in the gym just now.

    Those who are shy will smile at the two of them, and those who are bolder will directly say "I wish you a long time".

    All the blessings I receive along the way.

    As for whether people are sour in private, they are not in their control.

    After the three of them finished their meal, Luan Qingxiao sent Nie Zhener and Fang Xiaoman back to school and drove to the company by himself.

    Before he arrived at the company, Luan Qingxiao received a reminder from System 520.

    [The host is big, the male host is dressed as a courier to deliver the package to you. 】

    Luan Qingxiao: "What's in the package?" Dead cat? Or drugs?

    [There is nothing in the package, it is empty. 】

    Luan Qingxiao couldn't understand what Ao Tusong wanted to do.

    "Where is Ao Tusong now?" she asked.

    [In your company's underground parking lot. 】

    "Let's take a rest in the afternoon and stop going to the company." Luan Qingxiao turned a corner at the traffic light and went home.

    Work can be done at home, meetings can also be videotaped, she can't give Ao Tusong the opportunity to frame herself.

    Ao Tusong, who inquired about Luan Qingxiao's whereabouts in advance, did not know that Luan Qingxiao had temporarily changed his mind and would not come to the company in the afternoon.

    He hid in an inconspicuous corner next to Luan Qingxiao's usual parking space in the underground garage, which happened to be a blind spot for the camera. Inject her with drugs.

    He originally wanted to frame Luan Qingxiao to sell drugs, but it was not easy to operate. The police could find out that Luan Qingxiao had no possibility of selling drugs at all, so Ao Tusong changed his mind.

    He wants Luan Qingxiao to become addicted to drugs, and then he will not be framed by him, Luan Qingxiao will not be able to help himself to buy, and then find a way to find someone to "buy" a little from her, Luan Qingxiao is a drug dealer The charge is settled.

    After waiting for more than an hour, Luan Qingxiao's car was not even a shadow, Ao Tusong angrily called the person who provided him with Luan Qingxiao's whereabouts.

    "Why hasn't Luan Qingxiao come yet?" Ao Tusong's tone was very bad.

    The person on the other side of the phone was stunned and said, "Wait, I'll call and ask, I'll give you a message later."

    Two or three minutes after hanging up, Ao Tusong's cell phone vibrated, and he quickly connected: "How is it?"

     "Mr. Luan temporarily decided to take a break in the afternoon, work from home, and no longer come to the company."

    Ao Tusong said with a black face: "Could it be that you gave her some news? You are not authentic. I just chase someone, why is it so difficult."

    When Ao Tusong had a marriage contract with Luan Qingxiao, he had a relationship with a manager in the Luan Group. This time when he asked him for Luan Qingxiao's whereabouts, Ao Tusong's excuse was that he wanted to pursue Luan Qingxiao again.

    The manager didn't want to help, but Ao Tusong said that there was a misunderstanding between him and Luan Qingxiao. As long as he could see Luan Qingxiao and resolve the misunderstanding, the two would definitely get engaged again, and when he became Luan The son-in-law of the family cannot be without the benefits of the manager. The manager was moved by the big cake painted by Ao Tusong, and told Ao Tusong of Luan Qingxiao's whereabouts.

    How did he know that something would go wrong? Ao Tusong's attitude was too bad.

    The manager is not happy, he is helping for the benefit, but he is not Ao Tusong's subordinate, why should he be scolded by Ao Tusong.

    "If you don't believe me or not, let's not contact us any more." The manager hung up the phone.

    Ao Tusong fought again, but he was blocked.

    "Fuck!" Ao Tu kicked the wall in relief.

    Ao Tusong doesn't know, he is being watched by the police at the moment.

    After Ao Tusong left the underground garage, he went to the company and put the prepared drugs in the closet of his office cubicle. When he was about to go home, Zhuang Kang suddenly came to the door .

    Zhuang Kang entered Ao Tusong's office, trembling all over, and his eyes were not right, "Old Ao, hurry up, give me some white noodles."

    Ao Tusong frowned and said, "How did you make yourself like this, didn't you always ask Xiaofang to buy it?"

    Zhuang Kang's body movements were not very coordinated, and he took two steps to Ao Tusong's side and almost tripped over his own feet: "Xiao Fang was arrested, I know him. Don't ask, Lao Ao, hurry up and give it to me, I know you have a lot of goods there, sell it to me, three taels, three taels will do, I'll give you 200,000."

    Ao Tusong frowned and looked at him, "Come in with me."

    Zhuang Kang is his friend, he would like to give it to Zhuang Kang to smoke, but this thing is not cheap, the purchase is very risky, the price has no market, use a little less, "Thirty two or three hundred thousand , now put the money into my card."

    The stars signed by Ao Tusong's company are tepid, the company's income is not good, and the movies he invested in also lost money in the end. He is very tight recently.

    Zhuang Kang's mind is full of sucking and sucking now, even if Ao Tusong asks him for one million, as long as he has it, he will definitely turn him over immediately.

    Zhuang Kang finished transferring the money, snot, saliva and tears flowed out, Ao Tusong dragged him into the compartment and injected Zhuang Kang with the drugs that were supposed to be used on Luan Qingxiao.

    Zhuang Kang finally got over it, collapsed on the ground, and lay down for a long time before recovering.

    After he recovered, he remembered the temporary price increase of Ao Tusong, Zhuang Kang felt unhappy in his heart, but he would have to go through Ao Tusong if he wanted to get drugs in the future, so he didn't show it at all. When I came out, I just thanked Ao Tusong and asked him for the three or two white noodles.

    Ao Tusong asked him to go out and wait, and the place where he hid drugs should not be seen.

    Zhuang Kang went out witty, took a tissue from Ao Tusong's desk and wiped the snot, tears and saliva on his face, regardless of what.

    Zhuang Kang thought about quitting drugs, and he tried twice and failed. He knew that this thing could not quit.

    Originally, Zhuang Kangdo cared about the image, and the word "wolverine" would not appear on him. But just now, his tears, snot, and saliva flowed together, and he felt disgusting just thinking about it.

    He's a mess now!

    The more others wash with water, the cleaner they become, and the more they wash, the more dirty they become.

    Zhuang Kang sat on the sofa and was stunned for a while.

    Ao Tusong weighed three taels of white flour, put Zhuang Kang in a small plastic bag, tidied up the wardrobe, and walked out of the compartment slowly after no traces were seen.

    "Keep it away, don't let anyone see it." Ao Tusong put the white noodles into Zhuang Kang's hands.

    Zhuang Kang looked at the white powder in his hand, suddenly clenched it tightly, stood up and said to Ao Tusong: "Old Ao, thank you this time, I owe you one."

    But you also owe me, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be what I am now!

    Long Ao Tian Hou Palace 13

    Ao Tusong didn't know that Zhuang Kang had secretly hated him, and the most important thing for him every day was to try his best to find out about Luan Qingxiao and plan how to frame her.

    Because of this, Ao Tusong didn't even look for a woman at night.

      Importantly, he just waited for Ou Yunzhi to get off work at the gate of the police station, but he didn't mention the matter of going to her house for a cup of coffee after sending her home.

    Ao Tusong finally got another chance.

    Luan Qingxiao is leaving the company at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and is alone.

    Ao Tusong got the news an hour in advance and was ambushed at the previous location.

    Because ethyl/ether is easy to volatilize, Ao Tusong brought a small bottle just in case, and poured a little on the handkerchief every once in a while.

    This smell is not good, Ao Tusong even made his face two feet away, and still felt unbearable, pungent, and if he fell like this, he would be dizzy. .

    Fortunately, before Ao Tusong fainted, Luan Qingxiao finally came to the underground garage.

    Luan Qingxiao: 520, are the police here?

    [The host is great, the police are all in ambush! 】

    Luan Qingxiao walked towards his car with confidence.

    At noon today, she packaged up several videos about Ao Tusong playing with women, whoring/prostitutes, gambling, drug use, etc., and sent them to Ou Yunzhi's mobile phone.

    Ou Yunzhi has been sending people to follow Ao Tusong secretly, watching his every move. After receiving the video, the evidence is all there, and it is time for Ao Tusong to go in.

    She told plainclothes to follow Ao Tusong and drove over by herself.

    Ou Yunzhi came to the place where Ao Tusong was and soon found the clue.

    Isn't this the company of Ao Tusong's ex-fiancee? He didn't go to meet people upright, but secretly hid in the corner of the underground parking lot, there must be something tricky.

    Ou Yunzhi temporarily suspended the arrest of Ao Tusong, and hid not far away with a few plainclothes, wanting to see what Ao Tusong was going to do.

    Luan Qingxiao's footsteps sounded in the quiet parking lot, and they saw Ao Tusong's shadow swaying.

    When she saw Luan Qingxiao's face, Ou Yunzhi recognized that she was Ao Tusong's ex-fiancee.

    So Ao Tusong is revenge on Luan Qingxiao?

    Ou Yunzhi's hand couldn't help but put it on the waist.

    Luan Qingxiao continued to walk forward unknowingly, and walked to the driver's door. When the door was being opened, Ao Tusong, who was hiding in the shadow in the corner behind her, suddenly stood up and held the A handkerchief was placed over her nose and mouth.

    Luan Qingxiao immediately held her breath, Ou Yunzhi with a few plain clothes also ran out at this moment and pointed a gun at Ao Tusong.

    Ou Yunzhi: "Ao Tusong, you are surrounded, let go of innocent people."

    Ao Tusong looked at Ou Yunzhi in surprise, his face pale, "Why are you here?"

    "Don't you know what you just did? Ao Tusong, you have already violated the law, and you will be arrested if you are not ready. We have five people and five guns, you can't escape. Why don't you just be good? Go back to the police station with us and cooperate with the investigation, so that you can deal with it lightly." Ou Yunzhi only said that they stayed here because Ao Tusong wanted to hurt Luan Qingxiao. He went out of his way to hurt innocent people.

    Ao Tusong thought about it a lot, but it was only a momentary thing.

    He slowly let go of his hand, let Luan Qingxiao, who pretended to be unconscious, slip to the ground, raised his two hands, and said to Ou Yunzhi: "Yunyun, you know, the person I love is you, My current fiancee is also you. I came to Luan Qingxiao just because I wanted to talk to her, but she never gave me a chance, so I can only do this, I don't want to hurt her. "

    Ou Yunzhi stared at him vigilantly, "I believe in you, you are walking slowly now."

    One of the four plainclothes to see Luan Qingxiao's situation, the other three and Ou Yunzhi held the *** at Ao Tusong.

    Ao Tusong is not a fool. If it was only because he wanted to hurt Luan Qingxiao, the police would not be able to send so many people to arrest him.

    What's more, in addition to ether/ether, he also has drugs!

    Ao Tusong pretended to walk in the direction of Ou Yunzhi harmlessly, recalling the love between the two while walking, trying to soften Ou Yunzhi's attitude and distract Ou Yunzhi.

    When he was one meter away from Ou Yunzhi, Ou Yunzhi went to release the handcuffs behind him with one hand, and Ao Tusong suddenly strode into Ou Yunzhi and snatched Ouyun Zhi's ***, pointed the gun at Ou Yunzhi and said, "You back away! Otherwise I will shoot!"

    The plainclothes looked bad and stared at Ao Tusong vigilantly, looking for an opportunity to save Ou Yunzhi.

    However, Ao Tusong had some affection for Ou Yunzhi, and he didn't want to do anything to her. If you hurt Yunyun, give me Luan Qingxiao."

    Ou Yunzhi said: "No way!" As a policeman, how can he exchange the life of a citizen for his own.

    "Ao Tusong, shoot if you can, I won't let you get what you want!" Ou Yunzhi said in an extremely cold tone.

    Ao Tusong smiled nervously: "I don't shoot, I love you so much, how could I shoot to hurt you?"


    Ou Yunzhi knew that this time should not irritate Ao Tusong any more, she whispered to Ao Tusong: "Since you love me, you should be good for me. I don't want my fiancé to become a murderer , Tu Song, it's too late for you to turn yourself in now."

    Ao Tusong stared at the plain clothes vigilantly, and said: "You haven't worn the diamond ring I gave you for a long time, and you don't like me at all. But it doesn't matter, as long as I like you already."

    "You guys, throw the *** to the ground. Although I don't want to hurt Yunyun, I don't want to be caught by you. Throw the gun away!" Ao Tusong was excited and shot at the gun. On Ou Yunzhi's temple, the skin there was blue in a few strokes.

    Several plainclothes were afraid that Ao Tusong would get out of fire under agitation, so they hurriedly threw the **** under their feet, and raised their hands to indicate that they were harmless.

    Ao Tusong said: "Kick *** aside."

    Several people kicked *** away from their feet as he said.

    Ao Tusong began to strangle Ou Yunzhi's neck and walked in the direction of Luan Qingxiao.

    He knew that he couldn't escape, but he just wanted to find Luan Qingxiao to vent his anger before entering.

    It's all because of this woman, she is the beginning of her bad luck!

    Ao Tusong looked at Luan Qingxiao who was moved to sit against the wall in plain clothes. She closed her eyes and looked calm, but what appeared in front of Ao Tusong was the arrogance she looked at herself with contempt. deep feeling.

    Ao Tusong walked to Luan Qingxiao's side and said to a few plainclothes: "You come ten meters away from me, put your hands on the back of your head, and squat down."

    Underclothes do the same.

    Ao Tusong squatted down with Ou Yunzhi's neck, Ou Yunzhi's face was a little red because of poor breathing.

    Ao Tusong didn't pay attention to what happened to Ou Yunzhi. At this moment, only Luan Qingxiao was in his eyes.

    Every day in his spare time, he would think about how he should torture this woman and teach her a lesson.

    "Yunyun, go and take off her clothes!" Ao Tusong instead pointed at Luan Qingxiao with the muzzle, and released his arm from the shackles of Ou Yunzhi.

    Ou Yunzhi ignored the pain in her neck and said to Ao Tusong, "Tusong, don't be impulsive."


    Like a lunatic.

    Ou Yunzhi did not know why she agreed to Ao Tusong's pursuit before, this man was so hypocritical and disgusting.

    She just wants to put him in jail now!

    "Don't get excited, I will do as you say." Ou Yunzhi stretched out his hand and put it lightly on Luan Qingxiao's collar, while watching Ao Tusong with his peripheral vision .

    Ao Tusong showed a satisfied smile on his face: "Luan Qingxiao, the eldest young lady, didn't expect such a day. I will take a picture of you and post it on the Internet for you to You will be pointed and pointed wherever you go. I will tear your pride to pieces with my own hands."

    When Ao Tusong passed the last sentence, because of the imagination in his mind, he was very happy at the moment, and his index finger holding the gun couldn't help loosening.


    Ao Tusong threw Ou Yunzhi away and ran to the nearest place to pick up a gun before the plainclothes came over.

    At this time, Ou Yunzhi also quickly stood up and ran to the other direction to get another gun.

    Ou Yunzhi was one step slower than Ao Tusong, seeing Ao Tusong pointing a gun at Luan Qingxiao and walking towards her, he said loudly: "Ao Tusong, take one more step, I'll shoot!"

    Ao Tusong didn't listen to her at all, so he shot? Before Ou Yunzhi can shoot, he will shoot Luan Qingxiao.

    Ao Tusong continued to walk, Ou Yunzhi thought of the video she watched at noon, aimed at the key point of Ao Tusong, and pressed the trigger.

    After a loud gunshot, Ao Tusong fell to the ground clutching his crotch.

    He was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak.

    Several plainclothes rushed over and surrounded Ao Tusong to prevent him from having a chance to escape.

    "Little Li, call an ambulance." Ou Yunzhi calmly said.

    "Yes! Team Europe!"


    "Don't be afraid, I'm a policeman, this is my ID." Ou Yunzhi proved her identity to Luan Qingxiao.

    Luan Qingxiao rubbed her forehead and stood up, looked at Ao Tusong, who couldn't bear the pain, fell to the ground and passed out, and asked, "What's going on? Why is Ao Tusong here?"

    Ou Yunzhi told Luan Qingxiao what happened just now.

    Luan Qingxiao said: "It turned out that you came to catch Ao Tusong, and happened to save me. Thank you."

    Ou Yunzhi said with some guilt: "Protecting citizens is our profession. If we arrest Ao Tusong in advance, there will be no accident of you being dizzy by Ao Tusong. I want to apologize to you solemnly, if you can't forgive me, you can go to the police station to file a complaint, no matter what the punishment is, I can bear it."

    "My siren is xxxxxx"

    Luan Qingxiao said with a smile: "You are an honest and good policeman."

    After Ao Tusong was taken away by ambulance, Luan Qingxiao followed Ou Yunzhi to the police station to record a statement.

    Ou Yunzhi repeatedly suggested her to go to the hospital for examination, but Luan Qingxiao refused with "I don't think there is any problem with my body".

    "If there is a follow-up problem with your body, please be sure to contact me, and I will pay the corresponding medical expenses." Ou Yunzhi said seriously.

    In order to make her stop looking at herself with the eyes of weak people, Luan Qingxiao added Ou Yunzhi's WeChat and promised: "I will contact you if you have any questions."

    Ou Yunzhi

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