After he got home, he looked cautiously at the young man sitting in the room, and said in crappy Mandarin, "It has been sent to Le."

When he came home today, he was startled to find a handsome man who looked like a painting standing at the door, and was even more overwhelmed by the money he took out.

After a bit of understanding, he realized that the blind man who lived next door was a relative of this man, but he had a conflict with the family, so he had to come out and live alone. He came to see him and take care of him by the way.

The man muttered in his heart that the blind man didn't know what to do, he didn't enjoy the good fortune, he had to live in this shabby place, but he didn't take the money for nothing, and this young man was so scary, his eyes swept over and his heart sank, more than he did before. The officials who I saw were even bigger.

"I'll sit with you for a while and leave at night."

Lin Sui looked at the earth wall a little dazed, and said lightly.

The man took the money without any opinion. He took out the best tea leaves that he had entertained the guests, brewed a pot of water and put it in front of the youth, and squatted in the corner to do his own business.

The night fell unconsciously, smelling the faint fragrance of medicine from next door, Lin Sui left the man's house and climbed over the wall deftly and neatly.

The room here is very simple, and Yan Qin's bedroom has nothing but a desk and a room.

He was lying on his side, fast asleep.

This incense is indeed used to aid sleep, and Lin Sui added a soothing ingredient to it. The bowl of soup he handed to Yan Qin today also added a little sleepy powder, so Yan Qin won't wake up tonight.

His eyes were still covered with black strips of cloth, Lin Sui did not undo it, and brushed his fingers against his temples, staring at him silently.

It's really a miserable bereaved dog, Lin Sui sighed in her heart.

Although Yan Qin had lost his vision, Yan Qin looked sloppy on the outside, but in fact he took care of himself neatly, exuding a simple scent of soap horns on his body.

Lin Sui put her hands on his waist, rested her forehead on his back, and closed her eyes.

Before dawn, he quietly left, as if he had never been in the future.

After losing his vision, Yan Qin always woke up early.

The incense sent by the neighbors seemed to be quite effective last night. He seemed to have a deep sleep and dreamed of a soft embrace.

He wanted to tell himself that it was not an illusion, but he knew that Lin Sui would not appear in this place, and he would not embrace him to sleep.

I don't know what Lin Sui will be doing now, maybe he is still living his old life in front of his big star.

Lin Sui took a private car to the airport and flew back to Jingzhou for two hours.

He lay sleepy on the sofa, Fu Nai opened the door and looked at him suspiciously.

"Why are you always mysterious, disappearing for a day or two, and you can't find your person."

"What's wrong?"

Fu Nai: "I'm here to ask you about your donation. There was a drought in one place, and the situation was more serious. Now everyone is donating. We donate almost 2 million."

"Although Yan Qin doesn't know where he went, his studio is still running and he has already issued a statement to donate 3 million yuan."

Lin Sui's expression remained unchanged: "Add to 5 million."

Fu Nai's eyes widened: "Is this also going to be a battle?"

"It's not because of this, it's not that I can't afford it."

"But we will be too early. Compared with other peers, they may appear a little stingy and easily criticized."

"Whatever they think."

Lin Sui doesn't care about matters related to Yan Qin, how he uses his money is his business.

"Okay, do you still have no plans to take the book?"

Fu Nai was indeed a little anxious. For two months, Lin Sui didn't even have the will to pick a book.


"Then let me pick up a variety show for you, so I can maintain exposure."

Fu Nai looked at the recently declining data and gave suggestions.

Lin Sui nodded without any objection: "Yes."

Fu Nai looked at the phone and said, "If you don't have any plans to take on the show for a while, then I'll help you pick up a resident guest of the variety show. I have a better one, which is about interacting with children. , don't worry about messy things happening. I have seen all the selected children, and they are all well-behaved and cute, and if the effect is good, they will be very popular."

Lin Sui nodded without thinking: "Yes."

That's how it was decided.

The news that Lin Sui donated 5 million yuan was released, and everyone praised him.

Some people are sour and say that 5 million is nothing to celebrities, but aside from moral kidnapping, how much money is spent is also a sentiment, and contemporary netizens are still relatively sober.

Lin Sui looked at the words complimenting him, and there was no fluctuation. "You are like the moon in the sky, shining brightly in the world", if he is the moon, he is just reflecting the light of the sun.

When wealth accumulates to a certain level, it is just a number for Lin Sui. He has been doing charitable things in the last life, but he has not made a statement. He is not generous or guilty. It is just a habit. personal habits.

That person, always has the style of a gentleman.

Lin Sui appeared on this variety show called "Tianjiang Mengbao". The five star guests correspond to five children. The first round is mutual selection. team.

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